Carbon Pricing Discussions in Olympia

As you know, AIA Seattle endorsed Initiative 732 on the November 2016 ballot, which would have established a carbon tax in the state. While that initiative failed with 41% of voters approving, it has spurred a state-wide conversation about carbon pricing.

A few weeks ago, Governor Inslee released a budget with a proposed carbon tax to help fund education, clean energy investment, environmental protection and jobs training. Read about the proposal in this Seattle Times article.

On January 13, Senators Braun, Ranker and Hunt introduced Senate Bill 5127, “establishing a carbon pollution tax and investment program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, facilitate the transition to a clean energy economy, and invest in K-12 education and other vital public services.” The bill closely models both the Governor’s proposal and I-732 in the price it sets for carbon and the structure it establishes for assigning cost.

AIA Seattle and AIA Washington Council endorse a carbon tax as an important strategy to provide appropriate incentives for clients to invest in high performance building. We continue to support the idea of a carbon tax, particularly one that sets the right price for carbon, as part of our commitment to achieving the 2030 commitment. Read these talking points on why a carbon tax matters to architects.

AIA Washington Council members will be talking about a carbon tax with legislators in Olympia on January 26 as part of Capital Connections, our architect lobby day in the state.

What you can do:

Comment on Senate Bill 5127 here.
Contact your state senators here.
Attend Capital Connections, AIA Washington Council’s lobby day, January 26 in Olympia. Register here.
Learn more about what makes good carbon policy by reading Sightline’s analysis of the recent initiative.

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public, Home Page

AIA Seattle Members Have Been Heard

Dear AIA Seattle Members,

I wrote you on Friday to share our chapter’s renewed commitment to our core principles of equity, diversity and sustainability, in light of the significant political changes underway in our country.  Since sending that message, I have heard from many of you, expressing the value you place on our community and our core principles, as well as your anxiety about what the future might hold for gender equity, racial equity, LGBT people, vulnerable populations, and the future of our planet.

Many of you also wrote me to share your concern about statements from AIA National issued immediately following the election on behalf of the membership, which constituted a “business-as-usual” approach and overstated and misrepresented member sentiment. Those statements were issued without input from our chapter or members. I contacted AIA CEO Robert Ivy on Saturday to express our concern and request an apology for the post.  This recognition has now occurred and an apology has been issued.

Let me be clear: AIA Seattle will vigorously champion inclusion and stand against bigotry, racism, sexism, and discrimination. Today, our staff discussed concrete steps to ensure that our Center for Architecture & Design is a safe space for all who are interested in design.  We renew our commitment to ongoing efforts of our many member-led initiatives that seek a profession that reflects the demographic diversity of our state.

AIA Seattle will continue to champion climate action.  We will advocate for local and state policies, such as carbon taxation and stricter energy codes, that help make buildings part of the solution. If new federal policies step back from action on the environment, we will lead by example in our city and our state.

AIA Seattle will redouble our commitment to advocacy on issues our members care about, from housing and homelessness to livability and place-making. Finally, AIA Seattle will continue to find new ways for our members to engage directly in our community.

Now is the time for action.  Each year our volunteer leaders set priorities for advocacy, continuing education, and programming. In light of our shifting political landscape, the staff, board, committees and members of our strong, regional chapter will work to be as agile and nimble as we can to respond to threats and opportunities within our spheres of influence. Some of our current efforts are already extremely relevant, and some things we committed to may fall away in the face of more urgent priorities. Over the coming weeks, we invite all AIA Seattle members, committees and volunteers to refocus and align our efforts to respond to our new political landscape.

On the heels of a campaign shaped by divisiveness, we cannot fall into the trap of arguing among ourselves.  Our organization must bring people and communities together, and shape (and defend) the physical and cultural realms we hold dear. Such significant national change opens the door for our generation to lead, and AIA Seattle must step up into that leadership.  If we spend our energy on disagreement within our community, we won’t have the energy left to address the very real challenges we face.

We are in uncharted political territory. Each of us will be called on to stand by our core values, to contribute to solutions, and to lead by example. Your involvement now, as members, is more critical than ever.

We welcome your ideas for how we can accomplish that – together.

Lisa Richmond
Executive Director
AIA Seattle

Posted in For the Profession

2016 Honor Awards Winners

SEATTLE, November 8, 2016 – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Seattle chapter hosted the annual Honor Awards for Washington Architecture on November 7th to celebrate excellence in design. Award-winning projects, announced at a packed event at Benaroya Hall, served as powerful demonstrations of the outstanding caliber of design that is consistently produced by Washington-based architects and designers.

The distinguished jury included Mimi Hoang AIA (nARCHITECTS, New York) and Anna Dyson (CASE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York). The event was moderated by Gundula Proksch, Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington. Co-Chairs for the 2016 AIA Seattle Honor Awards were Kailin Gregga Assoc. AIA & JoAnn Wilcox AIA.

From over 140 submittals, the jury chose sixteen award winners from two categories – built and conceptual. This year also saw the inauguration of the Energy in Design Award to commend projects that have made quantifiably significant strides in energy reduction while also maintaining the highest qualitative design caliber. Across the spectrum of project types, the jury acknowledged the strong design culture represented by both the breadth and quality of submitted projects, and applauded the winners for their conceptual rigor, clarity of design, functionality and discourse with the client base. The Awards of Honor in particular were projects that went above and beyond in terms of conceptual rigor – surprising the jury with their dogged tenacity of how they went about thinking about their program building type. All three rise to the level of innovation on multiple levels.


Northwood Elementary School  by Mahlum Architects is an innovative and thoughtfully design school on Mercer Island. This project was the “highlight of the trip” for the jury, who felt it was “incredibly rigorous without being dogmatic, inventively weaving program spaces and scales of spaces in and out of one another.” The jury acknowledged “how difficult it can be, given a relatively tight budget, to be so incredibly consistent in the materials, while also being so agile” and felt “the space was perfectly scaled to kids, and masterful in terms of thinking about how children learn and play.”


Martin’s Lane Winery by Olson Kundig is a courageous and bold winery project in Kelowna, British Columbia. The jury felt this project “stood out because of its concise and precise way it intervened on the land – embedded and  light-footed simultaneously, while mimicking the slope of the land. With just a few very simple moves, this project retained a tremendous organization and clarity of the program in relationship to the forms and the site.”



Innovative Workplace Environment Inspired by Context at NorthEdge by Perkins+Will is an ambitious speculative office building in N. Lake Union,  Seattle, WA.  The jury was impressed by the “thoughtfulness in this building’s siting and interior/exterior experience.” The jury was equally impressed with “how the policy of needing to maintain sightlines through to the water dictated elements of the design, necessitating a courtyard type – a perfect marriage of what the design team had to do and refreshing, edgy and pure form. It was an environmentally and urbanistically sensitive project.”



The Bullitt Center by The Miller Hull Partnership on Capitol Hill in Seattle, WA was chosen as the inaugural Energy in Design Award to commend projects that have made quantifiably significant strides in energy reduction while also maintaining the highest qualitative design caliber. The jury was incredibly impressed with the performance of this building and the breadth of environmental impacts and consumption this project considers. The Bullitt Center is “a beacon for its immediate, dense urban community, as well as for the design community at large, as to how you not just look at metrics of a building’s performance, but also how people fundamentally interact with a building in a more sustainable way.”


Washington Fruit & Produce Co. Office Headquarters by Graham Baba Architects
Train Station by LMN Architects
Niamey 2000 Urban Housing by united4design
Lightbox by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson


Doppler Building at Amazon in the Regrade by NBBJ
Allen Institute for Brain Science Inspires Transformative Design for Research by Perkins+Will
CLTHouse by atelierjones
Chophouse Row by Sundberg Kennedy Ly Au Young Architects in collaboration with Graham Baba Architects
Lake Sammamish State Park Bathhouse by Patano Studio Architecture
Carved from Color + Musical Movement by GGLO


Civil War Memorial by Metrica LLC (Award of Merit)
MAP THE SQUARE by Young Architects Forum (Honorable Mention)

To view all of the 2016 submissions, visit the Online Gallery.

Special thanks to our 2016 Honor Awards Sponsors:2016 Honor Awards sponsors_AIA web

Posted in For the Public, Home Page


YAF Logo


Join us for our monthly meetings set the fourth Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community.

We will do an overview of what happened on the Advocacy Summit held on November 10th and will further discuss some of the important topics that were brought up.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Member Firms, Recent Graduates


YAF Logo


Join us for our monthly meetings set the fourth Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community.

We will be discussing the changes to come with the new 5.0 Transition, strategies, different approaches to take the exams and studying resource (outside Ballast and Kaplan). We are also going to have a special guest from the WA License Advisor to help you answer all your questions.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students

Thanks Project Inkblot

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Materials Matter

Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers guidance on navigating the complex landscape of disclosures and transparency in order to assess and reduce the environmental and health impacts of products. Sessions will include presentations, panels, case studies, and activities. Participants will walk away from each session with action items for integrating the curriculum into their work.

Series Dates
All sessions: Friday’s, 8:00 am – 12:45 pm at Seattle City Hall

October 14, 2016 – Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment
November 4, 2016 – Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health
December 2, 2016 – Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation
January 13, 2017 – Just Do It: Strategies for Projects
February 3, 2017 – Beyond Transparency: Materials Disclosure + Practice

Materials Matter is co-presented by Puget Sound Chapter CSI.

Note: Registration for Materials Matter is for the complete 5-session series.
Early Bird Deadline: October 7, 2016, after this time the price will rise by 15%
Registration Closed: October 11, 2016 at 5:00 PM

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$560 – AIA Members + Government Employees + Partners (ASID, AGC, CSI, IIDA)
$330 – Assoc. Members
$1040 – Non-Members
$100 – Students + Scholarships

Pricing includes 20 CEHs/HSWs, light breakfast, beverages for all sessions.

Scholarships available, ask Katie Kemezis, program manager, for details.


Catherine Bobenhausen Vidaris, Inc | Heather Burpee University of Washington | Edward Clark ZGF Architects | Nicole DeNamur Pacifica Law Group & University of Washington | Bradley Guy The Catholic University of America | Dr. Lauren Heine Northwest Green Chemistry | Chris Hellstern Miller Hull Partnership | Dr. David Kalman University of Washington | Nadav Malin BuildingGreen | Christopher Meek University of Washington |Dr. Jan Newton University of Washington | Tien Peng NRMCA | Alexandra Ramsden Rushing | Max Richter Perkins+Will | Kathrina Simonen University of Washington & Carbon Leadership Forum | Beth Stroshane Applied Building Information | Joel Ann Todd Health Product Declaration Collaborative | Alicia Daniels Uhlig International Living Future Institute | David Walsh Sellen

Check back as more speakers are confirmed!

speaker bios button_red_web

All speakers subject to change.


Special thanks to the sponsors of the Materials Matter Series:

Special thanks to the Materials Matter Advisory Group

Melissa Balestri ZGF Architects | Edward Clark ZGF Architects | Joe David Point32 | Nicole DeNamur Pacifica Law Group | Michael Fiegenschuh Mithun | Bradley Guy The Catholic University of America | Chris Hellstern The Miller Hull Partnership | Margaret Montgomery NBBJ | Melissa Wackerle The American Institute of Architects | David Walsh Sellen Construction

Program Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Program Manager Katie Kemezis.

Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Membership Manager Sybil Turner.

Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students

Thank You to Departing Board and Committee Chairs!

It is through these folks that we have successfully engaged our community of architects and other design related professionals in meaningful conversations and elevated the value and quality of design in Seattle. A tremendous thank you for all the time and effort given by these individuals who have rotated out of their recent roles.

The Board of Directors executes the mission and vision of AIA Seattle and smoothly runs the organization. They work to ensure that the organization benefits all members, advances the design profession and improves the community.

Board of Directors (pictured above): Sam Miller AIA, Ric Peterson FAIA, Rodger Benson, Eric Anderson AIA, Patreese Martin AIA, and Juliet Vong

steering committees

Steering Committees members rotating out of their roles: Strategic Advisory Council: Amanda Sturgeon FAIA, Thaisa Way, Ming Zhang FAIA and John Nesholm FAIA (not pictured). Design in Public: Nancy Rottle, David Kunselman AIA, Nicole Lew. Public Policy Board: David Walsh AIA, Eric Anderson AIA (pictured in BoD above), Dennis Haskell FAIA Finance: Ric Peterson FAIA (BoD above), Troy Thrun (not pictured) Development: Rodger Benson (BoD above) Professional Practice Steering Committee: Juliet Vong (BoD above). 

The Steering Committees roles are to encourage and support membership of the organization at all levels, guide the chapter’s educational short-programming and serve as a liaison between the AIA Seattle Board and the organization’s member-led Committees. The Strategic Advisory Council is comprised of established leaders in architecture, affiliated disciplines and former AIA Seattle board presidents, and brings valuable industry relationships, insights and multi-disciplinary expertise to enhance AIA Seattle’s service to its members and mission. Design in Public is a strategic initiative of AIA Seattle, founded in 2011 to help Seattle appreciate the role and impact of design on urban life, and organizer of the Seattle Design Festival. The Public Policy Board (PPB) leads the organizations advocacy efforts. Each fall, the PPB seeks member input on advocacy priorities, then selects a handful of issues as the focus of our work for the coming year. The Professional Practice Steering Committee guides the chapter’s educational short-programming and serves as a liaison between the AIA Seattle Board and the organization’s member-led Committees.

 member committees

Membership Committee Chairs rotating out of their roles: Mario Campos FAIA, Kevin Reeves AIA, Mary Wyllie AIA, Rob Deane Assoc. AIA, Shannon Payton Assoc. AIA. Professional Practice: Mike Weller AIA, Marisa Hagney Assoc. AIA, Cameron Hall AIA. 

AIA Seattle has 20 Member Committees who actively present educational programs, events, and address topics that bring together the design community and engage professionals in critical conversation and educational opportunities. Committees are a great place to meet fellow designers with shared passion and values.

Posted in For the Profession, Home Page

Advocacy Update: AIA Endorsement of I-732, Action on Transit, Living Buildings, and More

Why AIA Seattle Endorses Initiative 732

The AIA Seattle Board of Directors has voted to endorse Washington Initiative 732, a plan to tax carbon emissions at their source over the next 40 years. We encourage AIA Seattle members to vote “yes” in November on this important initiative.

Initiative 732 encourages clean energy solutions by shifting the tax burden onto carbon pollution using, charging $25 per ton tax on carbon pollution from fossil fuels, and offsetting that increased tax through a sales tax reduction, a tax rebate for low income working families, and virtual elimination of the B&O tax on manufacturing.

Carbon pricing is the single most effective strategy available to reduce carbon emissions. I-732 is a credible and generally sound policy, grounded in lessons learned from other carbon-pricing efforts, to put Washington on a path to carbon reduction. While not perfect, action has to start somewhere, and I-732 is well-written and realistic, and is likely to be our only opportunity to implement carbon pricing for many years.

I-732 helps the environment, but it also helps architects. Increasing the price of carbon emissions will send price signals to help our clients decide to invest in high performing buildings. It will create demand for the unique design skills and solutions architects bring to the table. It will spur development of local green businesses to meet new demand for low-carbon building products and strategies. And it will reduce sales tax on construction costs by 1%, saving the industry around $190million annually in taxes.

To learn more, read AIA Seattle’s endorsement and talking points. For more in-depth information, visit Carbon Washington, and read the excellent analysis recently published by Sightline. If you would like to donate or volunteer, Carbon Washington would welcome your support.

Sound Transit 3 Endorsement

AIA Seattle has endorsed ST3, which will be on your November ballot as Proposition 1, and encourages members to vote yes. Investments funded by ST3 would greatly expand transit coverage for our region, with payoffs for livability, mobility and the environment. AIA Seattle recognizes that planning and design that integrates transportation, housing, and land-use policies at the regional scale is a prerequisite to the creation of safe, attractive, walkable, and sustainable communities. Our growing region cannot afford to wait to make these vital transit investments.

Living Building Pilot Program Update

UPDATE: Council Bill 118783 was passed on October 7, 2016.

Representatives from AIA Seattle have joined others from the design community in recent testimony before Seattle City Council to support an update of the Living Building Pilot Program. Council Bill 118783 passed the Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee on September 20, and will be considered by full Council on October 3.

Encampment Ordinance

UPDATE:  Council Bill 117791 is still currently under consideration.

Seattle City Council is considering an ordinance, Council Bill 117791, to permit transitional encampments for homeless individuals as an interim use on City-owned or private property. In addition, Mayor Murray has appointed an Unsanctioned Encampments Cleanup Protocols Task Force with a goal of presenting alternative legislation on new encampment protocols to Council by the end of September.

Posted in For the Profession, Home Page

State Repositioning Results in Lower Dues and Enhanced Advocacy

AIA Seattle has long advocated for a more efficient and focused state organization, one that effectively advocates on behalf of architects while building stronger relationships among our chapters.  In fact, these changes were part of AIA Seattle’s five-year strategic plan.

  • AIA Washington Council will be focused exclusively on effective state advocacy.  The Council has revised its mission to focus exclusively on advocacy at the state level.
  • The Council board and operations will be smaller and more efficient.  Reducing the board from 16 positions to 8, aligning the staff and operations with the new mission, and moving offices to the Center for Architecture & Design produce real savings in effort and resources.
  • AIA Northwest Washington will merge to become a section of AIA Seattle.  This consolidation reduces bureaucracy and overhead, but still allows members in the Northwest section (Whatcom, Skagit, Island and San Juan) to host their own programs, awards, and member events.

Find full report here: AIA in Washington State Info Sheet

There are significant benefits to AIA Seattle members.

  • Dues will go down for all members.  A more efficient state organization allows for a 25% decrease in state dues.  Architect members will see a $45 decrease in their 2017 dues, and Associate dues will go down by $7.
  • State advocacy will be more effective.  AIA Washington Council will be organized around a singular focus on state advocacy, with a Government Affairs Council and Political Action Committee poised to make major progress on the state issues that matter most to members.
  • Member service will be more consistent across the state, regardless of chapter size.  By combining chapters within the state, members of smaller chapters will benefit from the vast array of member services and support that larger chapters can offer.

We will soon be calling on you to ratify the final change – adding a Northwest Washington Section representative to the AIA Seattle Board of Directors.  Look for a special by-laws election coming to you via email this fall.

Special thanks to the many AIA Seattle members, and in particular our representatives to the AIA Washington task force, Mark Cork AIA and Walter Schacht FAIA, who volunteered many hours to this enormous task.

Please feel free to contact Lisa directly if you have any questions or comments about these advances for members in our state.


Lisa Richmond              Mary Johnston FAIA              Mark Cork AIA                   Walter Schacht FAIA
Executive Director        President                                AIA Washington Council   AIA Washington Council














Posted in Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Missions, Visions, Values

Honor Awards 2016

The AIA Seattle Honor Awards are the ideal platform to recognize the diverse perspectives, scales and typologies that encompass the practice of architecture in our region. This work embodies a balance between discerning beauty, ingenious solution and social transformation. We invite you to add your voice and your values to the conversation, as you join us in celebrating the best of our collective work by offering recognition for the inspirational, the intelligent and the evocative.

AIA Seattle is pleased to announce that this year will see the inauguration of a new Energy in Design Award to commend projects that have made quantifiably significant strides in energy reduction while also maintaining the highest qualitative design caliber. Our hope is that the Energy in Design Award will become an annual galvanic moment; at once a litmus test and a lightning rod for us all as we continue to recognize the immense role and responsibility architects have in reducing the negative impacts of the built environment on the natural environment.

Congratulations to this year’s participants on submitting over 140 projects in four categories for the 2016 program. Check out all of the submissions in the Online Gallery!

Our 2016 Honor Awards Jury

Anna Dyson, Center for Architecture, Science & Ecology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Moderator: Gundula Proksch, University of Washington

Kailin Gregga Assoc. AIA & JoAnn Wilcox AIA
Chairs, 2016 AIA Seattle Honor Awards for Washington Architecture

Key Dates

August 16: Energy in Design Calculator Demonstration at DLR Group [51 University Street, #600]
September 16: Energy in Design Calculator Demonstration at the 2030 Roundtable at GGLO
September 21: Registration Deadline (15% late fee applies after this date)
September 28: Final Submission Deadline, by 5 p.m.
November 7: The 2016 Honor Awards for Washington Architecture Live Event

tickets button_red

Questions? Contact AIA Seattle program manager, Katie Kemezis.

Special thanks to our 2016 Honor Awards Sponsors:

2016 Honor Awards sponsors_AIA web

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students

Register Now For Our Upcoming Code Transition Seminars

AIA Seattle’s Code Committee wants to help you learn and understand the upcoming updates to the Washington State Energy Code, International Building Code, and the Seattle Building Code. Join us for these upcoming seminars to learn from Code experts like Duane Jonlin FAIA with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, Michael Eshelman and Ben Roush with FSi consulting engineers, and Samir Mokashi with Code Unlimited.

All classes will be held at the Seattle City Hall Bertha Knight Landes Room
600 Fourth Ave Seattle, WA 98104

2015 Washington & Seattle Energy Codes Seminar
Friday May 6, 8AM – 12:15PM // Class Credit: 4 LU|HSW

Significant Changes to the 2015 IBC
Friday June 17, 8AM – 12Noon // Class Credit: 4 LU|HSW

Changes to the 2015 Seattle Building Code
Friday October 7, 8AM – 12Noon

House Rules: 2015 Residential Energy Code Update
Friday October 28, 12:30 – 3:30PM // Class Credit: 2 LU|HSW

Specialize in Residential Projects? Stay tuned for a Code Transition seminar October 28 focused on the 2015 Seattle Residential Code update. Details to come soon!

COST per date

$112.00 AIA Members
$112.00 Government / Partners (NEEA, NEEC, ASHRAE)
$66.00 AIA Associates
$20.00 Students
$208.00 Non-Members

For those who plan to attend two or more dates AIA Seattle would like to offer you a 10% discount on your registration costs. For details please see your registration confirmation email.


Code Committee

Special thanks to the Code Committee for planning this series of sessions!


Program Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Program Manager Katie Kemezis.
Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Membership Manager May Ruiz.
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq.



Posted in Uncategorized

Seattle Design Festival

The 2024 Festival will be August 17-22. Call for Proposals launched April 3 and were due May 29. More info at Sign up for SDF emails to receive updates.

The 2023 Seattle Design Festival was August 19-24 – exploring the them of CURIOSITY. The Call for Proposals were due May 25 – and we had over 90 partners engaging this year in 60+ installations, Pop-Up Experiences, Virtual Mainstage events and our Mixers. More information can be found on the Festival website here.

13th Anniversary
10,660 Attendees*
6 days of Festival programming + 6 mixers throughout the year!
30 Festival Sponsors
95 Festival Partners
348 designers engaged as partners
13+ design disciplines
79 Festival Programs: 7 Mixers/Social Events; 37 Built Installations; 28 Pop Up Experiences; 7 Virtual Mainstage Programs

Covered by major Seattle publications in 32 press mentions including: The Seattle Times, The Urbanist, Crosscut, International Examiner and on air at KNKX.

*Attendance captured so far – reminder you can still attend SDF Virtual Mainstage programs on the SDF YouTube Channel

To see images from this year and past Festivals, visit our Flickr page. Share your photos with us on social media by tagging us @seadesignfest or hashtag #SeattleDesignFestival. Questions? Contact



Posted in Associates, Design In Public, Design in Public - Sidebar, For the Public, Home Page, Recent Graduates

Volunteer & Committee Awards

Mary Wyllie, Peggy Heim, David Mead & Michael Fiegenschuh

From left to right: Mary Wyllie, Peggy Heim, David Mead & Michael Fiegenschuh

New this year, AIA Seattle recognizes our hardworking and dedicated volunteers through a set of awards, the Volunteer Award and Committee Award, to acknowledge individuals and committees who demonstrate a high level of leadership, involvement and outstanding contribution to the organization. Awards are announced during our new annual social event, The Parti, which celebrates the past year and looks forward to the year ahead. The award recipients are nominated by the AIA Seattle staff as we work most closely with the individual and committee volunteers. Please join us in congratulating this year’s Volunteer Award recipients, Michael Fiegenschuh AIA and David Mead AIA of the Committee on the Environment (COTE), as well as Women in Design (WiD), recipient of the Committee Award.

Volunteer Award:

The recipient(s) demonstrate attributes of an emerging leader, poised for significant contribution and accomplishment through their work, community service, and/or active participation in AIA Seattle programs and committees. They represent a high level of leadership and involvement (Board members are not eligible for this award).

This year’s recipients, Michael Fiegenschuh AIA and David Mead AIA, enthusiastically jumped into the Committee on the Environment committee chair vacancy and have since brought new energy and interest to COTE. They have successfully run their committee events, brought new participants to the committee and engaged the design community on important discussions throughout the last year on topics of sustainability. They have also actively participated in planning two of our major educational programs, dedicating countless hours and resources to AIA Seattle and the profession.

Committee Award:

The Committee Award is established to recognize and honor an AIA Seattle committee who has made an outstanding contribution to the organization. This award will be given annually to the Committee Chair(s) of the committee and the active members who participate in planning and executing committee events. The committee should have substantially exceeded in the quality and/or quantity of the performance expectations and execution of their events or programs within the year.

The Women in Design committee moves the profession forward in many ways. In the last year they not only spurred the creation and completion of the national Women’s Leadership Summit but also continued to move the profession forward with dynamic events throughout the year. The Women’s Leadership Summit brought together an international audience for a robust two days of discussions, celebrating women leaders and creating cultural change. WiD celebrates diversity within the architectural profession with cooperation and leadership in their social events such as the Happy Hour series with Young Architects Forum and Salon. They host important panel discussions that ask the difficult questions and the committee leads the conversation about how to make real change in our community.

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public, Home Page

Why Initiative-123 Doesn’t Add Up

Initiative 123, on the Seattle ballot due August 2, 2016, would create a new mile-long elevated public park on Alaskan Way.

AIA Seattle vigorously opposes I-123.  It would take funds currently dedicated to the city’s designed street-level improvements and move those funds to the exclusive control of a non-elected PDA.  The new elevated park, if feasible to build, would take the place of the waterfront park currently in design.  An elevated park would be costly to build and maintain.

The City of Seattle’s waterfront program is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reconnect the city to Elliot Bay.  The project is the direct result of community involvement, strong advocacy by AIA Seattle, civic leadership, and a bold vision to create a vibrant public realm.

Initiative 123 would contradict several of AIA Seattle’s core priorities for the waterfront.  It would circumvent the city’s design process.  It would hamper urban connections by moving activity away from street level.  It would de-accentuate the water’s edge in favor of long-distance views.  Most significantly, it would move a major public project into the private control of a non-elected group. More info about the “Vote No 123” campaign can be found online here.

More information and talking points can be found on our Advocacy Waterfront page.

Photo by Trevor Dykstra 

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, For the Public, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students

AIA Seattle 2015 Annual Report

Our biggest news in 2015 was the development of the new Center for Architecture & Design. Many dedicated donors, volunteers and staff created the Center to give architects and designers a new platform from which to share the value and relevance of design. The incredible growth of the Seattle Design Festival, which attracted more than 13,000 participants in 2015, confirms that our new public programming will have a receptive and eager audience. 2015 was an active year for member-led advocacy on such critical issues as design review, housing, our central waterfront and carbon pricing—once again demonstrating the profound impact Seattle architects have on the shape of our city.

As a leader in professional education, AIA Seattle hosted successful programs on residential design, medical design and building science. The AIA+2030 Professional Series continued to share Seattle’s leadership on high performance building with members across the country and the world.

2015 was an exciting year for membership. The Women in Design Committee hosted a powerful national conference, the AIA Women’s Leadership Summit, which attracted women leaders from across the country. We also continued our transformation into a more efficient and impactful organization, with an increased focus on advocacy at the state level.

Thank you to our members, volunteers and sponsors for contributing to this inspiring year of advancement for Seattle architecture. AIA Seattle illustrates the power we have to make positive change in our profession, and in our city, when we come together with shared purpose.

Read more in our AIA Seattle 2015 Annual Report.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Missions, Visions, Values, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students, Uncategorized

Action on Local Advocacy Issues

Supporting Design Review Reform

Architects know that Seattle’s existing design review process needs to be improved in order to achieve better design outcomes for our city. In 2014, AIA Seattle advocated for an independent task force to review the current process and recommend improvements, which resulted in a comprehensive set of recommendations for Design Review reform. While the PPB doesn’t support every recommendation, we do support the process and goals, and believe it is urgent for reforms to be considered and acted on by the City Council, whose Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee recently decided to delay action indefinitely. We have submitted letters to all Seattle City Councilmembers, and have meetings scheduled with members of the Committee. AIA Seattle President Mary Johnston and PPB Member Mat Albores have also published an Op-Ed in the Seattle Times this week urging the city to act.


What you can do:

Opposing Initiative I-123

Initiative 123, on the Seattle ballot in August 2016, would create a new mile-long elevated public park on Alaskan Way, reallocating public funds and defunding the waterfront park currently in design by the city. AIA Seattle opposes I-123. I-123 would circumvent the city’s design process and hamper urban connections by moving activity away from the street level, de-accentuating the water’s edge in favor of long-distance views.  Most significantly, it would move a major public project into the private control of a non-elected PDA, moving funds currently dedicated to the city’s street-level improvements. AIA Seattle has joined with our colleagues at Friends of the Waterfront in opposing this ill-conceived initiative. More info about the No on I-123 campaign can be found online.


What you can do:
  • Endorse the No on I-123 campaign.
  • Donate to No on I-123.
  • Educate yourself by reading AIA Seattle’s Issue Brief and watch our enews for a panel discussion this summer.
  • Talk to your neighbors and friends; your opinion as an architect has particular credibility on this issue.

Additional Issues

AIA Seattle plans to comment on the waterfront supplemental draft EIS.  Comments are due May 18.


AIA Seattle supports the Housing Levy, on the ballot this August.


Working with our partners at AIA Washington Council, AIA Seattle has developed talking points about the value of carbon pricing to those working on design and construction of the built environment.


Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates

Living Small: Ideas for Living in the City

April 21 – June 25 // TUES-FRI 10am-6pm + SAT 1-5pm

See photos here from Trevor Dykstra from our Opening Reception!
Free Admission

As Seattle grows, how can housing  design keep pace with the evolving ways we are living in cities? Is small housing  a viable option? Can smaller spaces make for better  living? This exhibit of micro-living spaces in dense urban environments in Copenhagen, New York, Stockholm, and Tokyo explores what other growing cities can teach us about  housing  for our future.

Living Small, hosted  by AIA Seattle, will be on display at the Center for Architecture  & Design, Seattle’s premier public space  for exhibitions, discussions, and professional exchange on architecture and design.

Thank you to Hart Boyd for installation images and to our Living Small sponsors:




Posted in Architects, Associates, For the Public, Home Page, Uncategorized

AIA Seattle announces 2016 Honorees

Honorees are nominated by their peers and selected by the Fellows & Honors committee each spring. AIA Seattle is delighted to recognize these recipients for their exceptional contributions to the profession and our community.

Please join us in congratulating the 2016 Honorees! We will celebrate their achievements at the 2016 Honors Dinner on Saturday June 4th, 2016 at Palace Ballroom in Seattle.

2016 Honorees

AIA Seattle Medal of Honor

Marilyn Brockman AIA, Principal Emeritus of Bassetti Architects, has focused her professional career on helping public and non-profit clients realize their aspirations for welcoming and enduring buildings. Active in the Seattle community, Marilyn has served on numerous King County area cultural boards, commissions and task forces. She currently serves as a board member for Seattle Piano Institute and Seattle Chamber Music Society. Marilyn served AIA Seattle as Secretary in 2002-2003, Executive Director Search Committee Chair in 2006, President in 2008 – 2009, Board member in 2007 – 2010, and Task Force Chair for the recently opened Center for Architecture & Design. Her work has been published nationally in Architectural Record, Journal of Interfaith Forum, Art and Architecture, Design Times, and in many Seattle-based journals. Marilyn was recognized with a 2007 Puget Sound Business Journal “Women of Influence” Award, and by King County Council Proclamation of “Marilyn Brockman Day” in 2001 to celebrate her commitment to art and architecture as a core of civic life.

Young Architect Award

Kjell AndersonKjell Anderson AIA, is an Architect, Author, and Sustainability Coordinator at LMN Architects. He has a deep passion for envisioning and working towards a more sustainable world. Kjell co-chaired the AIA Seattle Young Architects Forum, leading the all-volunteer team in a LEED Silver redesign of the AIA Seattle office space in 2004. He represented Seattle as the AIA Washington Council Political Director from 2011-2014, and co-chaired the AIA National Energy Education Working Group in 2014-2015. He is currently serving as an inaugural member of the AIA National Energy Leadership Group, tasked with broadly defining AIA’s energy goals and priorities. Kjell has spoken at the AIA National Convention, Greenbuild, and the AIA+2030 Online Series; and taught a graduate level course at the University of Washington. His experiences creating and overseeing a firm-wide initiative to have architects perform energy simulations on all new projects inspired him to write a book Design Energy Simulation for Architects.

Honorary AIA Seattle Membership

Vincent Martinez is the Director of Development and Operations for Architecture 2030, a non-profit, non-partisan and independent organization whose mission is to rapidly transform the U.S. and global Building Sector from the major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central part of the solution to the climate change crises. Vincent lead Architecture 2030’s collaboration with AIA Seattle in the development, distribution and management of the extremely successful AIA+2030 Professional Series that presented in 27 markets across the U.S. and in Canada, and he is currently developing the AIA+2030 Online Series that will also be translated in a partner program for Korean architects. Both series offer strategies to achieve dramatic reductions in building energy consumption and fossil fuel greenhouse gas emissions. In 2015, Vincent was named an Emerging Leader by the Design Futures Council. He is also a member of the national AIA Energy Leaders Group, AIA 2030 Commitment Working Group, and a former member of the AIA Materials Knowledge and Energy Education Working Groups.

John Blackham, co-owner of the innovative construction company Krekow Jennings, has been actively involved in AIA-endorsed programs and activities for five years, beginning with AIA Seattle’s second and third Futureshack Awards, migrating to Seattle Design Festival’s Design Block for two years, and most recently acting as Principal for the construction of the new Center for Architecture & Design. John is most appreciative of the opportunities to represent a builder’s perspective in the refreshingly balanced collaborative processes that have made each of these endeavors unique and successful.


Community Service Award

DSC_1968_RW 4x4 BService to the Community and to the Profession defines the life of Richard L. Wagner FAIA. For five decades, serving on countless community boards and task forces – such as Wellspring Family Services, City of Renton Planning Commission, Downtown Renton Association, Renton Technical College Foundation, and King County/Metro Council, Land Capacity Task Force just to name a few – Rich is known for his pro-active leadership, matched by his ever-vigilant mentoring of the next generation. As a 45 year member of the AIA, Rich served as an AIA Seattle officer, AIA Washington Council President, and AIA Northwest & Pacific Region Regional Director. He was inducted into the AIA College of Fellows in 2008, and was awarded the AIA/WC Life-time Achievement in 2010. Rich is president of Baylis Architects, an award winning, medium sized firm located in Bellevue and practicing in the pacific states, specializing in Mixed-Use, Community and Neighborhood based projects.

Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient

Derik Eckhardt AIA, a designer at ZGF, is currently anticipating licensure. The breadth of his work has developed into an intentionally diverse portfolio. Most recently he has been working on higher education research facilities as well as urban design projects. His design approach focuses on the innate potential and physical qualities of construction. This attitude has developed out of a fascination for materials, technological advances in production, and a craft that articulates a sense of place. Derik holds a Bachelor of Design as well as an M.Arch from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. During his studies he participated in the University of Cape Town’s BAS (Honours) program in South Africa and also spent a semester studying abroad in Tianjin, China.

Please click to view the 2016 Travel Scholarship announcement for more information about Derik’s proposal.

Allied Organization

Historic Seattle photo for AIA Allied Org Award - squareHistoric Seattle believes that preservation promotes livability, community, and sustainability for all. Since their founding, Historic Seattle has played a collaborative role in saving and revitalizing an array of places that matter throughout Seattle, contributing to livability and sustainability by restoring buildings to again serve the community in meaningful ways. By coordinating with grass-roots groups, individuals, and local government, Historic Seattle’s advocacy work enables citizens to learn about plans and policies of local, state, and national agencies and understand how these actions affect preservation and influence how our city develops. Through more than 30 dynamic educational programs each year, Historic Seattle works to inspire passion for preservation and raise awareness about the important role that historic preservation plays in perpetuating Seattle’s legacy as a livable, lovable city.

AIA National Honors – Local Winners

Architecture Firm Award

LMNLMN Architects is the recipient of the 2016 AIA Architecture Firm Award. Given annually, the award is the highest honor the AIA bestows on an architecture firm, recognizing a practice that has consistently produced distinguished architecture for at least a decade. Founded in 1979 and now with 145 employees, LMN is first and foremost a civic practice, basing its effectiveness as a firm on how well its work strengthens cultural and environmental integrity. At all scales for all clients and all programs, LMN’s design inquiry emphasizes the public dimension of building. The firm’s diverse portfolio includes convention centers in Vancouver and Cleveland, performing arts centers in San Antonio and Memphis, higher education projects for the University of Washington, and key design for Seattle’s regional light rail system. LMN will be honored with the Architecture Firm Award at the 2016 AIA National Convention in Philadelphia. The firm is the 53rd recipient of the award.

AIA Associate Award

Joe Mayo headshotJoseph Mayo Associate AIA, is being recognized for his leadership and involvement in the profession, most specifically in his ongoing advocacy for the use of mass timber in tall structures across the United States. A recipient of the 2011 AIA Seattle Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship for his proposal “Timber City”, Joe researched the environmental and carbon impacts of wood construction and its use in mid- and high-rise buildings in Europe, formulating his findings into his book Solid Wood: Case Studies on Mass Timber Architecture, Technology and Design, which has earned national recognition. Joe recently led the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD) Advisory Committee in an investigation to use wood in applications that transcend current building codes. He has served at AIA Northwest and Pacific Region Associate Director and AIA Seattle Young Architect Forum Co-Chair. Joe has also been a jury member for wood design awards, and assisted in teaching courses and critiques at universities throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Component Excellence Award

 USE seattle_design_festival_street - squareAt AIA National’s 42nd annual Grassroots Leadership Conference in Detroit, Michigan earlier this year, AIA Seattle was honored with a Component Excellence Award in the “Elevate Public Awareness” category for their work on the Seattle Design Festival. The festival was created by AIA Seattle in 2011 and is co-produced by Design in Public, a strategic initiative of AIA Seattle. With over 100 events and installations in public parks and spaces across the city, the Festival engages a diverse public audience by demonstrating the value and relevance of design. It simultaneously creates lasting partnerships with community organizations and creates enthusiasm among young architect members. With programming like hack-a-thons, bike and pedestrian tours, competitions, and a day-long conference of related presentations, the Festival reaches out to all ages and interests to create 15 days of engagement and discourse around making our city a better place to live, work and play for everyone. The sixth annual Seattle Design Festival, focused on Design Change, will take place September 10 – 23, 2016.



Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students

2016-2017 Board of Directors

Congratulations to these nine accomplished AIA Seattle members and allied professionals who have been elected to return or fill open seats on the Board of Directors for the term beginning September 1, 2016.

Read their bios below and you can learn more about these outstanding nominees on their “I am AIA” pages (hyperlinked via their names).

Sidney Scarboro AIA – President Elect

Sidney Scarboro HeadshotOne of the original Principals who founded Gensler’s Seattle office, Sidney has played a significant role in growing and shaping one of the top design practices in the Pacific Northwest. Sidney describes herself as “a design integrator.” Across the span of her 32-year career, this role has clarified her focus on project delivery for clients. Each design assignment she leads and manages exemplifies the integration of design and technical expertise. Sidney translates the diverse needs and personalities of her clients into built environments that promote success for their organizations. She was an integral part of the Seattle 2015 AIA Women’s Leadership Summit committee, promoting sponsorships for the event. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from WSU, with a Minor in Fine Arts. Sidney currently sits on the WSU Advisory Board for the School of Architecture.

Dan Miles AIA – Treasurer

Dan MilesDaniel L. Miles AIA is an exceptional project leader with a rare combination of management, communication, and design skills. He joined Bassetti Architects in 2010 and quickly rose to the role of Principal in 2013. Dan received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Oregon, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1983. Since that time, he has acquired extensive experience in the planning, design, and construction of major public and private educational facilities, religious institutions, historic buildings, and golf course facilities and clubhouses. Dan is passionate about historic architecture. He is currently Principal Architect on renovations to Bishop Blanchet High School, Kennedy Catholic Athletic Field Improvements, Villa Academy alterations, and leading Bassetti’s portion of a collaboration with another architectural firm on a confidential project. In his free time, Dan enjoys camping with his family, riding his bicycle, playing golf and hiking in the mountains.

J. Irons AIA – Director

J IronsGrounded by nearly 20 years in architecture and landscape design, J. offers deep insight into efficient and successful project delivery, the transformative power of design, and the immense importance of ecological balance. To this J. adds successful organizational management and an ability to leverage strategic vision to achieve change, relevance, and success. J. has had the great fortune to contribute to a great number of design teams, and most recently to the amazing boards and staff at AIA Seattle and Design in Public. J.’s aspiration is to leverage successful organizational management and an ability to leverage strategic vision to achieve change, relevance, and success.


Marisa Hagney Assoc. AIA – Director

marisa hagney_sqMarisa graduated with her B.S. in Architectural Studies from Washington State University. Project management and big-picture thinking while working in the Facilities + Engineering Department at EMP Museum contribute to Marisa’s enthusiasm to be a part of the Living Building Challenge Team at the International Living Future Institute. Co-chairing the AIA Urban Design Forum keeps Marisa enlightened by its members and at the forefront of Seattle current design events and trends.



Rick Mohler AIA – Director

Rick Mohler Photo sqRick is a principal of Mohler + Ghillino Architects and an Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington where he teaches design and serves as the Graduate Program Coordinator. His work with his own firm, other firms and independent collaborations has been recognized internationally through winning competition entries, design awards programs and publications. Rick is interested in innovations in housing and urban design and he pursues these issues through teaching, practice and research. His own house has been nationally recognized for housing innovation and he explores issues related to urban design, transit oriented development, housing and land use policy through ongoing design studios at the UW. He is a founding co-chair of the Seattle AIA Future Shack Program, a member of the AIA Seattle Public Policy Board and a 2016 Affiliate Fellow of the Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies at the University of Washington.

Myer Harrell AIA – Director

Myer Harrell HeadshotMyer’s work as a Principal / Director of Sustainability at Weber Thompson is primarily in urban mid-rise, mixed-use multifamily and commercial office projects with ambitious environmental goals. He was named the AIA Seattle Young Architect 2011, and has been active in the local community through volunteer work on various boards and committees. In recent years he has co-instructed architecture studios at the UW College of Built Environments. Nationally, he is engaged with the US Green Building Council as a member of the Greenbuild Program Working Group. Myer was a member of the design team for the award-winning Eco-Laboratory, which won the national USGBC 2008 Natural Talent Design Competition, and was included in the Cooper Hewitt’s 2010 Design Triennial Exhibit. Myer received a Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree with Philosophy citation at the University of Maryland in 2002, and a Master in Architecture degree at the University of Washington in 2005.

Peggy Heim AIA – Advocate Director

Peggy Heim headshotPeggy is a project manager at Nicholson Kovalchick Architects with over 10 years of architecture experience. Her previous design projects range in type including market rate and affordable housing, cohousing, community, senior, and commercial projects for clients in the public and private sectors such as Sound Transit, King County Housing Authority, and the Salvation Army. She believes deeply in Passive House as a viable solution to create healthy, energy-efficient living environments. After earning her Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Minnesota and Masters of Architecture from the University of Washington, Peggy worked for firms in her native Minnesota and Seattle including Schemata Workshop as a Senior Architect.

Charlie Hafenbrack  – Affiliate Director

hafenbrack_charlie_portrait_casual_sqCharlie grew up on a holly farm in Kelso, Washington and graduated from WSU with degrees in Business and Agricultural Economics. He started his career in agriculture, serving the brewing industry domestically and internationally then entered the construction industry, joining Sellen Construction in 1989, serving as VP of Marketing. Charlie joined GLY in 2002 as Director of Business Development. His board and executive committee experience includes NAIOP, Urban Land Institute, WSU College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resource Sciences and Bellevue Downtown Association. Charlie recently served on Independent Salary Commission for City of Issaquah and joined advisory group for WSU School of Design and Construction Landscape Architecture program. Charlie has also served on the planning committee for King County Library Service Foundation Literary Lions Gala fundraiser.

Guy Michaelson ASLA – Affiliate Director

Guy-from Berger website sq

Guy has a passion for shaping the places that support an increasingly dense and rich urban environs, be it spaces in the heart of our cities, or the parks and natural areas that offer escape and revitalization. He relished the process of working with people, allaying their fears and helping them see and be excited for the possibilities of “what could be”! His work includes Seattle’s Magnuson Park, Redmond’s Central Connector, the cross Kirkland Corridor and is currently leading a 60 million dollar reimaging of Spokane’s Riverfront Park!  His passion for place and community reaches beyond the office, where he’s given long winded tours and served on the board of the Seattle Architecture Foundation for over 15 years, and working with students ranging from his children’s schools to the UW and WSU Landscape architecture programs. When not at work, you’re likely to find him exploring places new and exciting with his family!


Posted in Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms

2016 Honors Dinner

Please join us for an evening reception on Saturday, June 4 to celebrate the 2016 AIA Seattle honorees for championing outstanding design in our city and region.

Each year, AIA Seattle recognizes leadership and achievement in design and the built environment through its honors program. Honors acknowledge excellence and strengthen ties between architects and the many professions that partner with them to make a difference through design.

Palace Ballroom
2100 5th Ave Seattle WA 98121
6:00PM Cocktails // 7:00PM Dinner

COST:  $210 Individuals // $2,200 Premium Table (includes a contribution to support the Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship)

>> Premium Tables include preferred seating for eight (8) guests, display of your firm or group name at your table, and special recognition as a Travel Scholarship contributor.

Registration for this event closes May 27. Please contact Missy Garvin with any questions.

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AIA Seattle Medal of Honor

Marilyn Brockman AIA

Young Architect Award

Kjell Anderson AIA

Honorary AIA Seattle Membership

Vincent Martinez
John Blackham

Community Service Award

Richard L. Wagner FAIA

Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship

Derik Eckhardt Assoc. AIA

Allied Organization Award

Historic Seattle

Please click to view the 2016 Honoree & Travel Scholarship announcements for more information.


AIA College of Fellows

Duane Jonlin FAIA
Bradley D. Leathley FAIA
Kristen R. Murray FAIA
Ron J. van der Veen FAIA

Please click to view the 2016 Fellows Announcement for more information.

Architecture Firm Award

LMN Architects

AIA Associates Award

Joseph Mayo Assoc. AIA

Component Excellence Award

Seattle Design Festival

Posted in For the Profession, Home Page

Special thanks to our 2016 Medical Design Forum sponsors!

Med Forum 2016 Sponsor Thank you WEB




2016 Medical Design Forum Sponsors:

MedForum2016_sponsors_AIA web

Posted in For the Profession, Sponsors

This Saturday: Grand Opening of the Center for Architecture & Design!

Mark your calendars and RSVP today to join us Saturday, March 5th to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Center for Architecture & Design!

Created by AIA Seattle, Seattle Architecture Foundation, Design in Public, and AIA Washington Council, the Center is Seattle’s premier public space for exhibitions, discussions, and professional exchange on architecture and design.

Experience FitNation, AIA Seattle’s first exhibit at the Center, to:

  • explore strategies that make our environment more conducive to physical activity as a part of everyday life; and
  • learn about local and national projects that exemplify design approaches and simple improvements that contribute to a healthier lifestyle for individuals and communities.

Drop by anytime between 10am and 4pm to enjoy:

  • the interactive FitNation exhibit
  • fun activities for kids
  • geocaching
  • exciting giveaways
  • DIY button-making
  • food & drinks
  • and much more!

Scheduled activities include:

  • Family Workshop: Bikeable Seattle at 10am
  • Ribbon Cutting & Opening Remarks at 12pm
  • Ping Pong Challenge at 12:30pm with Ping Pong Parathletic Champion Eric Pattison
  • Architect Talks at 1pm and 3pm with Suyama Peterson Deguchi
  • FitNation Lightning Talks at 2pm: 3 local project teams x 3 mins each
  • Raffle winners announced at 3:30pm (You do not have to be present to win.)

Free & open to the public. Kids welcome & encouraged!

Please spread the word to your colleagues and share the Facebook event with your friends!

All this would not have been possible without the generous Founding Donors, firms and individuals whose significant financial commitment gave life to the Center.


Posted in Uncategorized

AIA Seattle Announces 2016 Fellows

They are:

photo of Duane Jonlin FAIADuane Jonlin FAIA serves as the Energy Code and Energy Conservation Advisor for Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development, and is responsible for advancing the Seattle Energy Code.  He has been appointed by two Governors to the Washington State Building Code Council and chairs its Energy Code Technical Advisory Group. Recently he was appointed by ICC to the 2018 IECC Commercial Buildings Committee. Prior to joining the City of Seattle, Duane was a principal at NBBJ, where he led regulatory compliance and quality management initiatives.  He is a professional member of AIA and ASHRAE, with 30 years’ experience designing civic and institutional work, and has architectural degrees from the University of Washington and University of Michigan. Duane is an active member of the AIA Seattle Code Committee, and he writes and lectures on energy efficiency and construction technology in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

Photo of Brad Leathley FAIABradley D. Leathley FAIA has focused his career serving the needs of the research and education community over the past 35 years. His passion for helping people achieve their fullest potential in part through the discovery and learning process has led him to be a powerful advocate for and innovator in the planning and design of knowledge based communities. His work spans the US at universities including UC Berkeley, University of Pittsburgh, University of San Francisco, the Salk Institute and Washington State University in addition to work in the UK at the University of Cambridge. Most recently, Brad has opened an office for Flad Architects with two long time colleagues and their work continues to grow for private ventures including Juno Therapeutics and public institutions across the country including the Medical College of Wisconsin and the University of Idaho. Brad received his Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Washington with a Certificate in Urban Design in 1980.

Photo of Kirsten Murray FAIAKirsten R. Murray FAIA, a principal and owner of Seattle-based Olson Kundig, works across a broad range of project types including arts and cultural design, mixed-use and private residential design, adaptive reuse, workplace, and urban design. She has dedicated her career to elevating the rigor and impact of design through hands-on education and mentorship programs, staff development, community outreach and thought leadership. From the beginning of her tenure at Olson Kundig, 26 years ago, she has been a firm-wide leader, creating new programs and enhancing core practices that have helped the organization grow from a small architectural firm of a dozen to an internationally recognized design practice with 150 employees. Many of her specific contributions were cited as distinctions when the firm was honored with the AIA National Firm Award in 2009. Kirsten has collaborated on projects that have received National AIA Honor Awards and AIA Housing Awards, including Outpost, Tye River Cabin, and two-mixed use projects, Art Stable and 1111 E. Pike. An architect deeply engaged with issues of site and context, Murray’s project work has been published in a variety of magazines and books, including The New York Times, Architectural Digest, Interior Design, and Architectural Record. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the University of Washington’s Henry Art Gallery.

Photo of Ron van der Veen FAIARon J. van der Veen FAIA, LEED AP, has dedicated his career to designing sustainable live/learn communities in higher education.  His work is driven by the connection between students’ academic performance and their personal sense of wellbeing.  Ron’s leadership and reputation for creating responsive student living environments for institutions around the country demonstrates the power of architecture to profoundly influence the welfare and educational achievement of students. Often challenging the status quo in student residential design, Ron has created a series of innovative projects that have gained international attention.  At the same time he has been a tireless champion for environmentally-conscious design in higher education.  Introducing the concept of sustainability to a number of institutions, his projects have been among the first LEED-Certified residence halls in the nation. Throughout his career, Ron has been a passionate advocate for collaborative design and mentorship. In an effort to dissolve traditional boundaries, he continues to explore the confluence of planning, landscape architecture, architecture, interior design, and fine art.

The work of these Fellows demonstrates the power of architecture to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as energy and water conservation, community transformation, and innovation in educational environments.

The 2016 Fellows will be honored at an investiture ceremony at the 2016 National AIA Convention and Design Exposition in Philadelphia, May 19-21, 2016; and celebrated at an evening reception hosted by AIA Seattle on Saturday, June 4.

The Fellowship program was developed to elevate those architects who have made a significant contribution to architecture and society and who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession. Election to fellowship not only recognizes the achievements of architects as individuals, but also their significant contribution to architecture and society on a national level.

Out of a total AIA membership of over 88,000, there are just over 3,200 distinguished with the honor of fellowship and honorary fellowship.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms

AIA Seattle Announces 2016 Travel Scholarship Recipient

Intelligent buildings use a new generation of tools that leverage today’s data-rich environments to help create more capable, sustainable and conversable structures.  As this year’s recipient of AIA Seattle Emerging Professionals Scholarship, Derik will travel to Boston, Amsterdam, London, Abu Dhabi and Portland to research Smart Buildings. The buildings selected for research cover a broad range of smart technologies, ranging from environmental controls and waste water systems to unique user interfaces and advanced construction methods.  The case studies selected represent arguably the world’s smartest buildings, not only to the degree in which technology in embedded within the built environment, but also in the ingenuity with which that technology is harnessed.

Derik Eckhardt AIADerik Eckhardt AIA,
a designer at ZGF, is currently anticipating licensure. The breadth of his work has developed into an intentionally diverse portfolio. Most recently he has been working on higher education research facilities as well as urban design projects. His design approach focuses on the innate potential and physical qualities of construction. This attitude has developed out of a fascination for materials, technological advances in production, and a craft that articulates a sense of place. Derik holds a Bachelor of Design as well as an M.Arch from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. During his studies he participated in the University of Cape Town’s BAS (Honours) program in South Africa and also spent a semester studying abroad in Tianjin, China.

Derik will be recognized, along with our 2016 Fellows and Honorees, at an evening reception hosted by AIA Seattle on Saturday, June 4.

AIA Seattle’s Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship seeks to expand the experience and leadership opportunities of young professionals, encourage cross-cultural dialogue in the profession, and share knowledge from architecture practice around the globe with members in the Puget Sound. Through a $5,000 grant, the scholarship supports travel for the purposes of research.

Support the Travel Scholarship by making a contribution today!

Posted in Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Recent Graduates, Students

Home of Distinction: Capitol Hill Remodel by PUBLIC47 Architects

AIA Seattle partners with Seattle magazine to highlight exceptional residential design solutions from AIA architects. Look for the AIA Seattle Homes of Distinction every other month in the Shelter section of the magazine.

Read about the latest Home of Distinction, Capitol Hill Remodel + Addition, on, or learn more about the architect, PUBLIC47, in the Folio section of

Posted in For the Public

Last Call to register for the 2016 Medical Design Forum: Urban Renewal + Integration

Co-presented with the Architecture for Health Panel, this year’s Medical Design Forum will cover a broad array of topics in healthcare design and explore their impact on communities, especially through the urban lens. Through panel discussions and presentations, leading experts in health, design, community and civic engagement, technology, and construction will examine how these disciplines come together to address the needs and key issues for public health in the greater Seattle area.

February 11 + 12, 2016
The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
7700 Sandpoint Way NE | Seattle, WA 98115

Class Credits: 12 CEHs / 12 HSWs for BOTH days

The two-day program will cover:

  • Community Engagement and Anticipating Growth in Urban Healthcare
  • Centralizing Healthcare Facilities in the Urban Landscape
  • Championing Healthcare Projects When There’s No Space to Build
  • Patient Safety, Infection Control, and Construction Hazards

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Registration Close Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016


  • Participants will be able to identify key issues in urban healthcare, including community engagement and anticipating growth.
  • Participants will be able to navigate critical issues when centralizing healthcare facilities (including pharmacy services) through strategic design, and anticipate the impacts on communities.
  • Participants will be able to champion a more integrated approach to addressing current challenges associated with designing healthcare projects to be constructed in areas where there is limited or no space to build.
  • Participants will be able to apply proven strategies and key lessons learned by industry leaders for dealing with patient safety, infection control, and construction hazards.


  • DAY 1: Thursday, February 11, 2016 8:00AM – 5:15PM
  • DAY 2: Friday, February 12, 2016 8:00AM – 4:15PM

Download the 2016 Medical Design Forum Program:

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ACHA Logo-Stacked Tag_HRThe American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) is proud to be a Media sponsor of AIA Seattle’s 2016 Medical Design Forum: Urban Renewal + Integration. Connie S. McFarland, FAIA, FACHA, past president of the College, will be at the conference to answer any questions about the College and how you can become ACHA board certified. The ACHA will also be hosting a private reception for its ACHA certified architects (by invitation only) on Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. For more information on the College, please visit their website.


includes light breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks

$350.00 AIA Members, Government Employees, and Partners (AHP/ACHA/WSSHE)
$212.00 AIA Associates
$74.00 Students/Scholarships
$638.00 Non-Members


Dr. Howard Frumkin
, Dean, School of Public Health and Professor, University of Washington Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

Steven Gillespie |
Member, Foster Pepper PLLC
Dave LeTrondo, AIA LEED AP | 
Swedish Hospital Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) member and Architect, Ankrom Moisan Architects
Karen Wolf, AICP |
Chair and Senior Policy Analyst, City of Seattle Children’s Hospital Advisory Committee and King County, Washington’s Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget
Hugh Campbell AIA |
Healthcare Market Leader, Collins Woerman
Craig Holt | 
Project Executive, Andersen Construction
Rachel Jenner |
Director, Planning & Design, Providence Health & Services
Eric Kastango | 
Entrepreneur, Sterile Compounding and Quality System Expert Consultant, Clinical IQ
Douglas McNutt |
Principal, Salus Architecture
Laura Steinmetz-Malato |
Pharmacy System Operations Manager, Swedish Medical Center
John Williams|
Manager at Construction Review Services, Washington State Department of Health
Robin Olsen-Scribner |
Healthcare Epidemiologist, University of Washington Medical Center
Larry Lee, CIH |
 Owner/Founder, Pacific Industrial Hygiene, LLC
Dr. Jo Ellen Watson | 
Program Manager Monroe, UHS/Fairfax Behavioral Health
Herbert Baker |
Project Manager, SABArchitects
Chris O’Higgins |
Director of Facilities, Security, IT/IS, Construction, Fairfax Behavioral Health
Ryan Ramsey | Medical Planner, Perkins + Will
Marjorie Brown | Project Director, Perkins + Will
Marie Henson | Senior Medical Planner, Perkins + Will


speaker bios button_red_web
All speakers subject to change 


MedForum2016_sponsors_AIA web


CHAIR: Lois BroadwayAIA, NCARB, Principal, tgb | architect
Annette HimelickAssoc, AIA, EDAC, Healthcare Planner at HDR, Inc.
Charlie Hafenbrack, LEED AP BD+C, Director of Business Development at GLY
Dale Anderson, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, CSBA, EDAC, MBA, GGP, Principal at Salus Architecture and President of the Architecture for Health Panel
David FrumAIA, ACHA, President at Salus Architecture
Drit Shoemaker
Heather Burpee, Research Assistant Professor and Director UW Discovery Commons, University of Washington, Department of Architecture and the Integrated Design Lab
Marguerite Jamieson, Partner at MAS Architecture
Michael Corbett, Architectural Product Specialist and Engineer of Capital Equipment at Hill-Rom
Julie Randolph, Intern Healthcare Architect at ZGF Architects LLP
Ryan Ramsey, Medical Planner at Perkins + Will
Kathleen Schaefers, Project Manager at University of Washington Medical Center
Susan Upton, Senior Plans Reviewer, Construction Review Services at Washington State Department of Health

Program Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Interim Program Manager Katie Kemezis.
Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Membership Manager May Ruiz.
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Member Firms, Sponsors

AIA Seattle opens new Center for Architecture & Design!

The Center for Architecture & Design is a new shared home for AIA Seattle, Design in Public, Seattle Architecture Foundation, and AIA Washington Council. We envision the Center as your place: a home away from home for AIA members and our industry partners to connect and share ideas.

We created the new Center for Architecture & Design to serve as a design hub for Seattle and enable our organizations to host regional and national exhibits, engage community members and local leaders in design discussions, and double the number of visitors through our doors!

We are immensely grateful to the 150+ companies and individuals whose generosity helped us turn this dream into a reality. Special thanks to our architect, Suyama Peterson Deguchi, our contractor, Krekow Jennings, and our project manager, OAC Services. All are providing generous in-kind support to help make the project possible.

The Center represents an exciting new chapter for our organizations and our city.

The Center is located at 1010 Western Ave (between Spring & Madison); it is open to the public Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 6pm and Saturday, 1-5pm. (AIA is open for member service Tuesday – Friday, but closed on Saturday.) Thank you for your patience during our transition and soft opening. We look forward to seeing you at the Grand Opening celebration on March 5!

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, For the Public, Home Page, Member Firms, Recent Graduates, Sponsors, Students, Uncategorized

2015 Honor Awards Winners

2015 Honor Awards Winners

SEATTLE, November 17, 2015 – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Seattle chapter hosted the annual Honor Awards for Washington Architecture to celebrate excellence in design. Award-winning projects, announced at a packed event at Benaroya Hall, served as powerful demonstrations of the outstanding caliber of design that is consistently produced by Washington-based architects and designers.

The three-person distinguished jury included Toni Casamor from BCQ arquitectura (Barcelona), Astrid Lipka from Rice+Lipka Architects (New York City), and Juhani Pallasmaa (Helsinki). The event was moderated by Gundula Proksch, Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington. Co-Chairs for the 2015 AIA Seattle Honor Awards were Brendan Connolly, AIA, of Mithun and Kailin Gregga, Assoc. AIA, of Best Practice Architecture.

From over 130 submittals, the jury chose award winners from two categories – built and conceptual. Across the spectrum of project types, the jury acknowledged both the breadth and quality of submitted projects, and applauded the winners for their focus on clarity; simplicity; appropriateness to human scale; and inspired social transformation.

For more information about the projects, please expand the accordions below*. To view project images and submission PDFs, visit the Online Gallery.

Award of Honor

Anhalt Renovation + Addition -- PUBLIC47 Architects

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Building on the traditions of contractor Frederick William Anhalt, AIA Seattle Honorary Member, the historic landmark 1930’s Anhalt building in Seattle has been restored to its original residential use, with a new addition on the site. The jury was fascinated by the dialogue created between the old and new architecture, noting that the new addition “elevates the original building” and provides another “framework for understanding” the historic structure.

Project Location: Seattle, Washington

Design Team: Jeff Boone, AIA; Scot Carr, AIA; Kevin Tabari, AIA

Collaborators: Trinity Real Estate (Developer); DCI Engineers (Structural and Civil Engineers); Weisman Design Group (Landscape Architect); WSP (MEP Engineers); RDH (Envelope Consultants); BOLA Architecture + Planning (Landmark Nomination Consultant); Stephen Day Architects (Preservation Architect); Shilshole Construction (General Contractor); Jergens Construction (Owner’s Representative); Preservation Green Lab + City of Seattle (Energy Code Demonstration)

Square Feet: 36,600

Little House -- mw|works architecture + design

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Devised to repurpose an existing foundation, the new building is a simple form abstracted against the forest in Seabeck. The jury noted that the architecture consists only of the essential elements that are “needed to create [a feeling of] domesticity.” The design creates a feeling of enclosure and protection, with “just the right amount of cuts” out into the landscape, providing a “fantastic experience with nature.” The project drew a comparison to the hut at Walden Pond.

Project Location: Seabeck, Washington

Design Team: Eric Walter; Drew Shawver; Suzanne Stefan

Collaborators: PCS Structural Solutions (Structural); Johnson + Southerland (Landscape); E & H Construction (Contractor)

Square Feet: 1,140

Cascade Bicycle Club Headquarters designed -- ZGF Architects

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Located in Seattle’s Magnuson Park, the headquarters expresses the club’s mission to create a sense of community among a diverse and active group of cyclists while supporting their educational mission and advocacy initiatives. The jury spoke about the “fine line between doing too much and too little” and applauded the architects for striking the right balance between the two. The design was described as “architectural watercolor – light, transparent, and delightful.”

Project Location: Seattle, Washington

Design Team: Tim Williams; Ashlie Fuller; Seamus Kelly

Collaborators: Hoffman Construction (Contractor); PAE Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Engineer); KPFF Consulting Engineers (Structural Engineer); Sparling (Acoustics); Luma Lighting (Lighting); Studio SC (Design Signage); Artifacts Consulting, Inc. (Historic Preservation)

Square Feet: 8,000

Shinsegae International -- Olson Kundig

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Shinsegae’s new fifteen-story headquarters in Seoul, this high-performance building meets South Korea’s progressive and rigorous energy codes. The project “celebrates metal as a way of making a structure, façade, and filter for light.” The architecture has a “tactile feel” which, combined with kinetic components on the façade, differentiates it from the traditional look-and-feel of modern commercial buildings.

Project Location: Seoul, South Korea 

Design Team: Tom Kundig, FAIA; Dan Wilson, AIA; Jason Roseler, LEED AP

Collaborators: Shinsegae Engineering and Construction (Contractor); Magnusson Klemencic Associates (Structural Engineer); WSP (Mechanical Engineer); Front (Curtain Wall/Façade/design development and construction documents); CDC (Curtain Wall/Façade/schematic design); Tino Kwan Lighting Consultants (Lighting); Allworth Design (Landscape Architecture); Lerch Bates (Façade Access)

Square Feet: 168,390


Award of Merit

The Junsei House -- Suyama Peterson Deguchi

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Seattle, Washington

Design Team: George Suyama FAIA; Jeff King

Collaborators: Crocker Construction Company (General Contractor); Swenson Say Fagét (Structural Engineer); Earth Solutions NW (Geotechnical Engineer)

Square Feet: 2,047

400 Fairview -- SkB Architects

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Seattle, Washington

Design Team: Shannon Gaffney; Kyle Gaffney; Brian Collins-Friedrichs; Craig Knebel; Jonathan Zegers; Chris Eidt

Collaborators: Kendall / Heaton Associates (Executive Architect / AOR ); Skanska USA (General Contractor); Magnusson Klemencic Associates (Building Structural Engineer); WSP (Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection & Lighting Design Consultant); The Rushing Company (Electrical); University Mechanical Contractors (Electrical); Veca Electric and Technologies (Electrical); Pangeo Inc. (Geotechnical Engineering); Coughlin Porter Lundeen, Inc. (Civil Engineering); Swift Company (Landscape Architect)

Square Feet: 337,000

University of Washington Gould Hall Gallery -- The Miller Hull Partnership

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Seattle, Washington

Design Team: David Miller, FAIA; Rob Misel, AIA; Peter Spruance

Collaborators: Western Ventures Construction (General Contractor); Hargis (Mechanical Engineer); A.E.S. Associates, Inc. (Electrical & Lighting); CT Engineering (Structural Engineer); Fredericks Landscape Architecture (Landscape); BRC Acoustics & Audiovisual Design (Acoustics)

Square Feet: 2,300

Microsoft Buildings 16 & 17 -- Gensler

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Redmond, Washington

Design Team: Susana Covarrubias (Design Director); Chad Yoshinobu (Design Director); Keith Nielsen (Project Manager/Technical Lead); Tamara Prezalar (Project Manager); Molly Addington (Project Architect); Setion Branko (Designer); Savanna Barker (Interior Designer); Jeroen Teeuw (Designer); Yusuke Ito (Graphic Designer); John Stormont (Designer/ Technical); Ryan Haines (Client Liaison); Lewis Chu (Project Architect); Chelsea Kobza (Interior Designer); Barry Zimmerman (Project Architect); Sarah Miracle (Designer); Julie Gunter (Peer Design Review); Mary Sorensen (Change Management); Yukako Horiuchi (Designer); Rachel Boler (Graphic Designer); Ryan Blanchard (Project Architect/Locker Rooms); Karen Thomas (Managing Director); Alicia Wagner (Designer/Technical); Jeffrey Segal (Project Architect)

Collaborators: CBRE (Owner’s Team/Owner’s Representative); Turner and Townsend (Construction Manager); Coughlin Porter Lundeen (Design Team Structural Engineer); Sparling/Stantec (Acoustical Engineer); Luma Lighting Design (Lighting Designer); Hargis Engineers (Mechanical Engineer); Gerber Engineering, Inc. (Electrical Engineer); Digital Kitchen (Digital Experience & AV Designer); Compass Group (A/V Designer/Manager); GLY (Build Team General Contractor); Cochran, Inc. (Electrical Contractor); Hermanson Company (HVAC/Plumbing Contractor); All New Glass, Inc. (Glazing Contractor); Herzog Glass (Glazing Contractor); Magicare/Architextures (Acoustical Contractor); Creative Technology Group (Audio/Visual Contractor for the Cube); McKinstry (Audio/Visual Contractor); Patriot Fire Protection, Inc. (Fire Protection); Contec, Inc. (Concrete Finishing); Division 9 (Tile Contractor); G&W Commercial Flooring Inc. (Flooring); Legacy Group NW, Inc. (Flooring/Furniture); Systems Source, Inc. (Furniture); McClean Iron Works, Inc. (Metal Work); Superior Steel and Ironworkers, Inc. (Metal Work); Custom Interiors (Millwork); Grund & Company, Inc. (Painter); Stively (Painter); Performance Contracting, Inc. (Framer and Drywaller); Trade Marx Sign and Display Corp. (Signage); Image Mill Signage (Signage); Fisheries Supply Co. (Tube Art Supplier); Snap Tex Northwest, Inc. (Wall Coverings); Washington Architectural Hardware Co. (Door Hardware)

Square Feet: 243,800

Mercer Island Fire Station #92 -- The Miller Hull Partnership

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Mercer Island, Washington

Design Team: Scott Wolf, FAIA; Sian Roberts, FAIA; Adam Loughry; Kate Spitzer; Chuck Weldy

Collaborators: Corp, Inc. (General Contractor); Sider + Byers (Mechanical Engineer); Travis Fitzmaurice & Associates (Electrical Engineer); SvR Design Company (Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect); Seattle Structural (Structural Engineer); C & N Consultants, Inc. (Cost Estimating)

Square Feet: 8,000


Honorable Mention

In Plain Sight -- Justin Schwartzhoff

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Conceptual Project for Atlanta, Georgia

Design Team: Justin Schwartzhoff

Collaborators: Gundula Proksch; AnnMarie Borys; Rick Mohler

Square Feet: 50,000

Night Blooming -- Taiji Miyasaka & David Drake

View this project in the Online Gallery.

Project Location: Bellevue, Washington

Design Team: Taiji Miyasaka; David Drake

Collaborators: Chris Massicampo; Irene Arzaga; Jannita Bolin; Vlanka Catalan; Fernando Felix; Uris Giron; Gerardo Gomez; Janessa Johnson; Nichole Kates; Tuyuka Lara; Tianze Li; Olivia Nisbet; Nandita Rajakumar; Jesse Ridenour; Richard Tung; Lenard Mathias; Western Heritage Flooring; Jeffery Williams

Square Feet: 78.5

The 2015 Honor Awards program was sponsored by:

2015 Honor Awards sponsors

* Please note: Project team lists are provided to AIA Seattle by the submitter. AIA Seattle is not responsible for incomplete or incorrect information.



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Thank you to our 2015 Beyond Codes Series Sponsors!

beyond codes

2015 Beyond Codes Sponsor Thank you WEB
2015 Beyond Codes Sponsor Thank you WEB2

Posted in For the Profession, Sponsors

Honor Awards 2015

The 2015 Honor Awards for Washington Architecture recognizes the diverse perspectives, scales and typologies that encompass architecture in Washington state. The body of work that this region contributes to a thriving local design dialogue has a far-reaching impact on the national and international level. Our community has a well-established legacy of integrated and impactful design, environmental stewardship, and a deep commitment to making design matter. AIA Seattle’s annual Honor Awards program celebrates all who contribute to the evolution of practice, whether through the creation of buildings, installations, or concepts.

2015 Online Gallery of Projects

You can view images and descriptions of this year’s submissions in our online gallery.

Live Event on November 16

Please join us for the 2015 Honor Awards Live Event with our distinguished jury on Monday, November 16!

  • Lobby bars open at 5:30 p.m. in the Grand Lobby, bring your smile – there will be a photobooth!
  • Program begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Taper Auditorium
  • Champagne Toast immediately following the Program, hosted by Schuchart and Schuchart/Dow to honor great design, in the Grand Lobby

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Tickets Pricing & Info

  • Tickets available online & at the Benaroya Hall box office:
    Pre-sale* $30, $16 for Students with valid student ID
    Day-of* $36, $16 for Students with valid student ID
  • Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more by calling the Group Sales department directly at 206.215.4818 or 206.215.4784.
  • 2015 submitters receive one free ticket per entry and will be available the day-of the event at Benaroya Hall’s Box Office (Will Call) under your name. Tickets provided to 2015 Honor Awards sponsors also will be available at Will Call. (The quantity of tickets provided to each sponsor is relative to their Honor Awards sponsorship level. If you have questions on this, please contact Kimber LeBlicq.)

* There is an $8 fee for each online and phone transaction. (If you are buying multiple tickets, pool your purchases into one transaction to only be assessed this fee once. This transaction fee can be avoided by purchasing tickets in person from the Benaroya Hall box office.)

2015 Jury


Toni Casamor is a designer with over 20 years of professional experience based in Barcelona. At his atelier BCQ arquitectura barcelona, Casamor, along with co-founder David Baena, has produced work in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and urban design with a focus on environmental sustainability. Casamor has taught at major universities in Catalonia, as well as at the School of Architecture in Zurich and the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero, Sardinia. The projects of BCQ arquitectura barcelona have been presented at international conferences and published in both the 2008 monograph Reflejos | Reflections and a special 2012 issue of TC Cuadernos.



Astrid Lipka, AIA, LEED AP is a principal of Rice+Lipka Architects based in New York City. Lipka holds a Masters Degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University and is a part-time Assistant Professor at Parsons the New School for Design, where she is currently the Coordinator for the Graduate Architecture Thesis. Lipka’s work has been exhibited and published internationally, and has been recognized with the 2014 AIA New York State Award of Excellence (one of a dozen American Institute of Architects Design Awards), the 2014 International ALA/IIDA Library Design Award, the 2013 National AIA/ALA Library Building Award, and the 2013 Architectural Review Future Projects Award among others.


jpbwsqJuhani Pallasmaa is an architect and professor emeritus based in Helsinki. Pallasmaa first practiced design in collaboration with other architects before practicing through his own Helsinki office from 1983-2012, and has taught and lectured in numerous universities in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. The author of 50 published books and 400 essays, articles and prefaces, Pallasmaa’s writings have been translated into 30 languages. Pallasmaa is an honorary member of SAFA, AIA and RIBA, Academician of the International Academy of Architecture, and has received numerous Finnish and international awards and five Honorary Doctorates.




Gundula Proksch is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington. Her current research focuses on sustainable urban infrastructures, especially those that apply vegetation to manage flows of water, energy and waste. Her book Creating Urban Agricultural Systems investigates the design integration of urban agriculture. She studied at the ETH Zurich and Cornell University. Subsequently, she has over 15 years of experience practicing architecture in New York, London, Vienna, Zurich and currently in Seattle. She has worked with the architecture firms of David Chipperfield, Richard Meier, Field Operations and SOM. Prior to joining the University of Washington, Proksch taught at Parsons The New School for Design in New York.

A Note for 2015 Submitters!

  • 11/14 Built Projects Site Visit Contacts: Site Visit Contacts must be reachable on between 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the phone number provided in your submittals.  Advise contacts to pick up “unknown” calls that day. The contact must be authorized to organize a hosted site visit either on the afternoon of Saturday (November 14) or on Sunday (November 15). Site visits are anonymous. The Design Team shall not be present.
  • 11/16 Tickets: As a submitter, you can pick-up one free ticket per entry and will be available the day-of the event at Benaroya Hall’s Box Office (Will Call) under your name.

Special thanks to our 2015 Honor Awards Sponsors:

2015 Honor Awards sponsors






Posted in Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Member Firms, Recent Graduates Tagged with:

Getting to Zero

The second season of Getting to Zero features four new sessions delving into the next targets of the 2030 challenge: 70% reduction and beyond. Join us for this enhanced four-part series of workshops, case studies, and more. These sessions will explore strategies for making the case for net zero, technical how-to, and cross-disciplinary approaches essential for planning, regulations, financing, and operations for net zero design.

Whether you’re looking for an introduction to net zero design, or you attended last year’s series and are eager to learn more, mark your calendars and register today for Season 2!

October 2Session 1: Preparing for Net Zero
October 23Session 2: Design for Net Zero
November 13Session 3: Operations for Net Zero
December 4Session 4: Financing & Regulations for Net Zero

register button_red

All sessions will take place 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
University of Washington – Cascade Room in Haggett Hall

AIA Credits: 16 CEHs / 16 HSWs for the entire series

Featured speakers include:

  • Brad Liljequist, Technical Director, Net Zero Energy Buildings and Living Building Community Challenge, International Living Future Institute
  • Mark Frankel AIA, Technical Director at New Buildings Institute
  • Michael Hatten, PE, Principal at SOLARC
  • Duncan Griffin, AIA, LEED AP, Principal at NBBJ
  • Christie Baumel, Policy Advisor at the City of Seattle, Office of Sustainability & Environment, Green Building & Resource Conservation
  • Jeff Sloan, PE, Design Manager at McKinstry
  • Marc Brune, PE, LEED AP, Senior Associate at PAE Consulting Engineers
  • Karina Hershberg, PE, Electrical Engineer at PAE Consulting Engineers
  • Tom Marseille, Hon AIA, PE, LEED AP BD+C P, Senior Vice President at WSP
  • Members from the Stone34 project team, including from McKinstry and Skanska
  • Justin Stenkamp, PE, LEED AP, Associate, Mechanical Engineer at PAE Consulting Engineers
  • Christopher Meek, AIA, Director at University of Washington’s Integrated Design Lab at the Bullitt Center
  • Heather Burpee, Research Assistant Director and Health Design Specialist at University of Washington’s Integrated Design Lab at the Bullitt Center
  • Susan Wickwire, Executive Director at Seattle 2030 District
  • Duane Jonlin, AIA, Energy Code and Energy Conservation Advisor with the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development
  • Chris Angus, Director of Preconstruction Services at Sellen Construction
  • Guy Dauncey, Founder and Communications Director of the BC Sustainable Energy Association
  • Julia Raish, Manager at Paladino and Company


Special thanks to the sponsors of Getting to Zero Season 2:

2015GTZ sponsors_AIA web_no bronze

Berger Partnership | Cochran Inc. | dark|light design | GLY Construction | Hultz Bhu | IMAGINiT Technologies | Interface Engineering | LPD Engineering | MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions | Malsam Tsang Engineering | Quantum Consulting Engineers | Travis Fitzmaurice & Associates | Walters & Wolf


Andrew Lee, LEED AP BD+C
David Mead, Building Performance Specialist, Associate | PAE Engineers
Duane Jonlin AIA, Energy Code and Energy Conservation Advisor | City of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development
Duncan Griffin AIA, LEED AP Principal | NBBJ
Michael Fiegenschuh AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Senior Associate | Mithun
Stephanie Pitts, Marketing Communications Manager | McKinstry

Program Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Program Manager AV Goodsell.

Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Membership Manager May Ruiz.

Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Message from the Executive Director

September 2015 UPDATE

I hope you’ve heard the exciting news that AIA Seattle, Design in Public, Seattle Architecture Foundation, and AIA Washington Council will be moving into a shared home later this year, the new Center for Architecture & Design. With this move, a world of possibilities opens up for us to connect, inform, and engage both our industry and the public, exploring how design shapes and inspires vibrant communities.

The Center will be a place to connect and learn through exhibits, public programs, and professional education. Thematically organized programming will touch on relevant issues, including design for health and fitness, urban housing and density, preservation and adaptation in a changing city, and many more.

But we also envision it as your place: a home away from home for AIA members and our industry partners, somewhere you can connect and share ideas with colleagues in the design community. As always, AIA Seattle is for and about our members; your interests, knowledge, and volunteer involvement will be a welcome and critical part of the Center’s success. I hope to see you there!

LR Signature



Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Sponsors

Special thanks to our 2015 Residential Design Forum sponsors!

Residential Design Forum graphic

2015 Res Forum statistics


2015 Res Forum sponsor logos

Posted in Sponsors

AIA Seattle announces 2015 Honorees

Honorees are nominated by their peers and selected by the Fellows & Honors committee each spring. AIA Seattle is delighted to recognize these recipients for their exceptional contributions to the profession and our community.

Please join us in congratulating the 2015 Honorees! We will celebrate their achievements at the 2015 Honors Dinner on May 30, 2015 at Palace Ballroom in Seattle.

2015 Honorees

AIA Seattle Medal of Honor

Donald King_sqFor the past 40 years, Donald I. King, FAIA, has based a practice of architecture on the needs of underserved populations; empowering community organizations in project development to design facilities and housing that resonate with the end users’ cultural identity. Between 1968 and 1984, he worked at community design centers in Detroit, Watts and Seattle. His Seattle practice serves a culturally diverse clientele in the design of community facilities and affordable housing. Donald is licensed to practice architecture in California, Hawai’i and Washington. He received his M’Arch degree from UCLA and a BFA in Interior Architecture from Wayne State University. He has been a member of the AIA since 1979 and was elevated to the College of Fellows in 2000. He is currently the Director of AIA Northwest & Pacific Region, and a member of the AIA National Strategic Council, the AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable and the Bellwether Housing Board of Directors.

Young Architect Award

Brendan Connolly_sqBrendan Connolly, AIA, has devoted the entirety of his professional career to creating sustainable buildings and landscapes that help to advance the educational missions of a wide variety of clients and communities, including museums, independent schools, and higher education institutional projects.  Brendan’s work is informed by place and people – design that is focused on curiosity, engagement and user experience and health.  Brendan is a partner, and serves on the Mithun Board of Directors, helping to lead the firm’s education practice area through design, outreach and mentorship.  Brendan’s commitment to education and design extend beyond his role at Mithun, with involvement as a teacher, juror, volunteer and mentor in a range of external organizations and committees such as the University of Washington, AIA and other civic and educational institutions.  Brendan believes in the power of design to improve lives and advance community, and that every project has potential to teach.

Honorary AIA Seattle Membership

meredith clausen_sqMeredith L. Clausen, an architectural historian at the University of Washington, sees her work geared more to architectural practice than to academia. Less interested in theory than the challenges actually architects face and how they fared, her work began with her PhD at UC-Berkeley, addressing the design of the first major steel-frame building in Paris, the turn of the century Samaritaine department store. It then moved on to shopping centers, with a pioneering article on Northgate, the first regional shopping center in the country, a monograph on Pietro Belluschi focusing on his professional practice as much as his body of work, and Michael Graves, with an critical analysis of the Portland Building. More recently, she’s returned to Paris, with the Tour Montparnasse and its impact on the Montparnasse quartier, and Bernard Tschumi, whose shift from theory in the 1980s to the natural environment she discussed in a review of the Tschumi exhibition at the Centre Pompidou last year.

George Schuchart_sqGeorge Schuchart, a fourth generation general contractor, has more than once described himself as a frustrated architect.  His passion for architecture and design developed when he began to take note of Jim Olson’s earliest work, even asking Jim to design a home for him and his wife Laurie in the mid-seventies.  After launching Schuchart Corporation in 1988, George enjoyed many successful years in the commercial construction industry before co-founding Schuchart/Dow.  Today the two companies continue to thrive, both highly regarded in their separate fields of commercial and residential construction. In 2003, George and Laurie commissioned George Suyama to design a Seattle home for them which later won the 2005 AIA Honor awards for both the Seattle and Northwest chapters.  Schuchart’s office is located in downtown Seattle at 5th and Madison and was designed by Gensler.  In 2014 the space was awarded NAIOP’s Commercial Interior of the Year!

Community Service Award

Walter Schacht_squareWalter Schacht, FAIA, is an advocate for design excellence and the public policies that support it. The intersection between design and advocacy began for Walter when he chaired the 2000 Honor Awards for Washington Architecture. In 2006 he served as AIA Seattle President, working with fellow Board members to renew the organization and advocate for the removal of the Viaduct, creating a new level of relevance for the chapter. Walter has been a member of AIA Seattle’s Public Policy Board since its inception. Today, Walter represents AIA Seattle on the AIA WA Council Board where he is working with fellow Board members to refine the focus and reimagine the organization of the Council. He is a member of the Council’s Government Affairs Committee. Walter chairs the Architects and Engineer’s Legislative Council (AELC) and represents architects on the State’s Capital Projects Advisory Review Board (CPARB). He is actively involved in developing policies related to high-performance buildings and project delivery.

Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient

Garrett Reynolds_sqGarrett Reynolds, AIA, is a licensed architect and designer at Mithun, a Seattle-based architecture firm. His work focuses on developing conceptually-based design solutions for dense, mixed-use, and transit-oriented developments from concept design through construction. He specializes in design visualization, parametric modeling, and forward-thinking design solutions. A LEED Accredited Professional, Reynolds is committed to sustainable design and works to develop innovative, energy efficient solutions to provide a more walkable, livable, and healthy environment. He is currently working on Block 136, a mixed-use residential development for Security Properties in Portland, Oregon’s Pearl District. Reynolds holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is currently a member of AIA Seattle’s Honor Awards Committee and Residential Design Forum Planning Task Force.

Please click to view the 2015 Travel Scholarship announcement for more information about Garrett’s proposal.

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, For the Profession, Home Page, Member Firms, Sponsors

Support the AIA Seattle Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship

Through a $5,000 grant, the scholarship supports travel for the purposes of research. The Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship is funded by generous contributions from Seattle-area Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (FAIAs) and AIA members, and we would greatly appreciate your support of this wonderful opportunity for the design leaders of tomorrow.

Click here for support


Posted in For the Profession