Allied Professional

AIA Seattle welcomes allied professionals in architecture related fields through AIA Seattle local membership (no state and national dues or benefits apply).

Renewals for the 2025 period opens October 1, 2024

Join/Renew as an Individual Allied member
Join/Renew as a Small Business Allied member

AIA Seattle Individual Allied & Small Business Allied 2025 Benefits + Application

Why Join AIA Seattle as an Allied Individual or Small Business Member?

Build your network and connect with over 2,600 architect members and dozens of industry adjacent professionals in the 10-County area of AIA Seattle.

Allied Individual Membership Benefits

  • Invitation to participate in more than 20 AIA Seattle committees
  • Open invitation to AIA Seattle social events
  • Discounted member registration rate for AIA Seattle paid programs and events
  • Complimentary event listings in AIA Seattle’s weekly Enewsletter (requires listing approval)
  • Comprehensive news about the industry and local opportunities regularly delivered by email and available online

Allied Small Business Membership Benefits for small businesses with eight or fewer full-time employees include all the benefits of Allied Individual Membership PLUS

  • Your business name linked on the AIA Seattle Allied Partner Page
  • 30% discount on AIA Seattle’s online advertising
  • Discount on one-time use of member mailing list
  • 66% Discount on AIA Seattle job board postings
  • 15% Discount on Honor Awards Submissions
  • Access to health insurance pool with MBA Health Trust