2016 Honor Awards

The AIA Seattle Honor Awards are the ideal platform to recognize the diverse perspectives, scales and typologies that encompass the practice of architecture in our region. This work embodies a balance between discerning beauty, ingenious solution and social transformation. We invite you to add your voice and your values to the conversation, as you join us in celebrating the best of our collective work by offering recognition for the inspirational, the intelligent and the evocative.

AIA Seattle is pleased to announce that this year will see the inauguration of a new Energy in Design Award to commend projects that have made quantifiably significant strides in energy reduction while also maintaining the highest qualitative design caliber. Our hope is that the Energy in Design Award will become an annual galvanic moment; at once a litmus test and a lightning rod for us all as we continue to recognize the immense role and responsibility architects have in reducing the negative impacts of the built environment on the natural environment.

Congratulations to this year’s participants on submitting over 140 projects in four categories for the 2016 program. Check out all of the submissions in the Online Gallery!

Our 2016 Honor Awards Jury

Anna Dyson, Center for Architecture, Science & Ecology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Moderator: Gundula Proksch, University of Washington

Kailin Gregga Assoc. AIA & JoAnn Wilcox AIA
Chairs, 2016 AIA Seattle Honor Awards for Washington Architecture

Key Dates

August 16: Energy in Design Calculator Demonstration at DLR Group [51 University Street, #600]
September 16: Energy in Design Calculator Demonstration at the 2030 Roundtable at GGLO
September 21: Registration Deadline (15% late fee applies after this date)
September 28: Final Submission Deadline, by 5 p.m.
November 7: The 2016 Honor Awards for Washington Architecture Live Event

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Questions? Contact AIA Seattle program manager, Katie Kemezis.

Special thanks to our 2016 Honor Awards Sponsors:

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Seattle Design Festival

Seattle Design Festival

Seattle Design Festival connects designers, community members and civic leaders to explore the ways design improves our city and our lives - and was August 17-22, 2024 Read more
