
AIA Seattle is a local chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Membership eligibility, categories and dues vary by profession and career stage. See the membership categories below to see which option is best for you.



Architect membership is open to individuals with an architectural license from a U.S. licensing authority.

AN ASSOCIATE (or not yet licensed)

Associate membership is open to individuals who meet one of the following criteria: hold a professional degree in architecture; currently work under the supervision of an architect; currently enrolled in the Architectural Experience Program (AXP, formerly IDP) and working toward licensure; or faculty member in a university program in architecture.


Associate membership is open to recent graduates with a NAAB-accredited and non-NAAB degree in architecture within approximately the past 1-18 months. This level of membership is free.


Any Architect/Associate member may apply for Emeritus status who has been in good standing in the Institute for fifteen successive years immediately prior to his or her application, and either (i) has attained the age of 70, and is retired from the profession of architecture, or (ii) is so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession.

**Further information available on Emeritus transfers under Architect and Associate pages**


Local student membership is free for students who are currently enrolled in the University of Washington’s College of Built Environments’ undergraduate, graduate and interdisciplinary Ph.D. degrees programs.


Architecture Firm membership is open to firms in Seattle with legal status as an architecture practice that employs one or more registered architects. In order to qualify, at least one owner or managing partner must be a current AIA Seattle member. Firms located outside AIA Seattle’s 10-county membership area may also join if one owner or managing partner is a current AIA Seattle member.


AIA Seattle Allied Membership is open to individuals and small businesses with eight or fewer employees in fields including contractors, designers, engineers, sustainability experts and other professionals who work in collaboration with built environment professionals.


Corporate Allied Partnerhip is an option for allied organizations who wish to support AIA Seattle events and programming and engage directly with members while boosting their visibility and gaining access to sponsorship benefits.

Why Join


AIA members receive a 50-70% discount on over 50 AIA learning opportunities each year that meet Washington State’s requirements for continuing education. AIA Seattle is proud to deliver education that aligns with our Mission, Vision, Values, & Imperatives and to provide reduced rate / scholarship opportunities. There is no better place for architects to earn quality professional development hours.


With more than 2,800 local members, AIA Seattle is a community of architecture, engineering, construction, and allied professionals who engage in connection and networking through high energy events as well as both in person and virtual opportunities.


As a member of AIA Seattle, you are an individual contributor to the collective voice of AIA with policymakers to further the profession and champion the design of thriving, livable communities. Your membership supports engagement to elevate public awareness of how design impacts lives and livelihoods.