Leadership Opportunities

AIA Seattle offers a number of leadership opportunities to our members in the form of local and national committee leadership, as well as board service. If you or someone you know is interested in serving in a leadership role within the AIA Seattle chapter, please fill out the form below:

Most AIA Seattle leadership positions are held for 2-3 years. This planned succession is vital to the chapter as it brings in fresh perspectives, ensures continuity, and fosters sustainable growth.

Current Calls for Nomination

AIA Seattle steering committees serve as the driving force behind our initiatives, providing crucial support and guidance to ensure the continued success of our members and our chapter. These committees listed below play a pivotal role in shaping our strategic direction and fostering collaboration within our community. If you or someone you know are passionate about leading the direction of our chapter, please nominate yourself or a peer here and specify the steering committee(s) on which you are interested in serving.

Nominate yourself or another member HERE.

Professional Practice Steering Committee

AIA Seattle offers a wide array of programming opportunities to our members and the broader community through educational offerings, design awards, and research activities. The Professional Practice Steering Committee seeks to integrate programming and facilitate connections to advance the practice of architecture. The Committee supports staff, task forces, and member committees as they align professional knowledge sharing with AIA Seattle’s Mission + Vision + Values and the industry’s evolving needs.

Members are invited to review the Professional Practice Steering Committee Charter and self-nominate or nominate other members.

Member Engagement Steering Committee

AIA Seattle is a member-based organization. Membership is critical to the financial success of the organization and active member participation is vital in keeping the architecture community engaged with one another, and its broader 10-country service area. The Membership Steering Committee serves to ensure the members of the chapter align with the below Mission + Vision + Values, and the industry’s evolving needs.

Members are invited to review the Member Engagement Steering Committee Charter and self-nominate or nominate other members.

Public Policy Board

AIA Seattle’s Public Policy Board (PPB) is an energizing and active space for leadership for the advocacy priorities of AIA Seattle, including design issues related to the built environment and the business of architecture. In recent years, AIA Seattle Public Policy Board members have engaged on topics such as design review, tree ordinances, the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan, and policies which impact housing density.

The Public Policy Board is seeking members to serve on the PPB who will bring their experience, expertise, and 10-county membership perspective to the steering committee. Individuals who are currently engaged in advocacy efforts outside the City of Seattle are strongly encouraged to apply to serve on the PPB. In the next year, the PPB will be fostering member engagement to review and finalize a Climate Policy Statement as a baseline for AIA Seattle climate positions in advocacy efforts. Members of the AIA Seattle community who are eligible to serve on the PPB are: Members of AIA Seattle (Associate, Architect, International Associate, AIA Seattle Allied Members, staff of Corporate Allied Partners, or staff of Firm Network Members.

Members are invited to review the Public Policy Board Charter and self-nominate or nominate other members to participate in PPB. The qualities required to serve on the PPB include:

  • Interest and engagement for built environment advocacy issues, especially AIA Seattle’s strategic imperatives: climate, housing, and Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion(JE:DI)
  • Connections with communities and stakeholders in the 10-county membership area
  • Skills, experience, or expertise to inform the formation of policy positions in line with AIA Seattle’s mission, vision, and values

The commitment to serve on the PPB begins in the fall of 2024.

Nominate yourself or another member HERE.

Board of Directors

Potential Board Members are identified in the first quarter of each year, and contacted in advance of member voting in June. The nominees for leadership are a qualified and talented pool of potential Board Members, and the Member Advancement Committee reviews and vets all nominations to promote inclusion and belonging. We strongly encourage the nomination of women and nonbinary people, people of color, people with disabilities, and veterans. For more information, see the Board Member Role Description.

If you or someone you know would make a great board member, please fill out this form.

  • Emerging Professional/Student Board Position: AIA Seattle’s nominating committee is also inviting applications for an emerging professional or student as a non-voting participant in the board space for one year of service. This is a paid position to bring diverse perspectives into the Board leadership space.
  • See General Leadership Timeline below for information about the nomination and onboarding process for Board service.

All nominees will be asked to disclose any violations of the AIA Code of Ethics in the last seven years. Please review the AIA Code of Ethics here.

Steering Committee Leadership

AIA Seattle Steering Committees serve as advisory groups that guide the mission, vision, values, and imperatives of the organization. Comprised of industry leaders and key stakeholders, these committees work closely with AIA Seattle staff to shape the chapter’s operations and ensure alignment with the needs of the architecture community. Steering Committees are responsible for providing high-level input on programming, advocacy, membership, JEDI imperatives, financial operations, and more. Their work is essential to maintaining AIA Seattle’s role as a leader in promoting design excellence, sustainability, and equity within the built environment. Participation in a Steering Committee is by invitation, reflecting the importance of diverse perspectives and expertise in driving the chapter’s mission forward. Nominate yourself or another member for steering committee leadership HERE.

Member Committee Leadership

AIA Seattle has over a dozen local member committees, providing engagement opportunities through monthly meetings, year-round educational and networking programs, project tours, and more. Member committees are open to all. We encourage you to explore our varying committee spaces that align towards your professional and personal passions. If you are interested in becoming a chair/co-chair of a committee, please connect with that specific committee via the contact information displayed on their committee page. Chairs play a crucial role in leading and coordinating the activities of the committee – including facilitating monthly meetings, organizing committee-led programs and events, and connecting with AIA Seattle staff and steering committees.

  • Diversity in Leadership Fund: AIA Seattle membership is required to be a chair of a committee. However, if paying membership dues is a barrier towards you becoming a committee chair/co-chair, AIA Seattle offers a Diversity in Leadership Fund that supports AIA Seattle’s commitment to diversity in the profession and in leadership, as embodied in the JE:DI Imperative. These funds are available based on resources at the organization at the time of application. To be considered, Co-Chairs can send a confidential communication to the Member Engagement staff and self-identify as being eligible to have AIA Seattle fund their dues.

Major Education Program Planning Task Forces

AIA Seattle plans major in-person, virtual, and series continuing education programs focused on a specific topic based on member needs and AIA Seattle’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Imperatives. The Planning Task Force is an invited group of ~6-8 individuals with demonstrated expertise and interest in the program topic. Planning task force members enjoy collaboration and are active in their professional and community networks. The Planning Task Force meets with designated AIA Seattle staff regularly for 4-5 months (or until program planning is complete) to guide the program’s development. To learn more, visit the Education Programs page, read more about the Role of the Planning Task Force, and/or reach out to Senior Programs Manager, Zoe Guckenheimer.

General Leadership Timeline

JANUARY – Call for Board + Fellowship nominations launch

FEBRUARY – Deadline to Nominate for Board of Directors + Fellows candidates

JUNE – Call for Steering Committee nominations launch, Incoming Board members voted in

SEPTEMBER – Incoming Board + Steering Committee members service term begins

OCTOBER – Fellowship applications due to AIA National

AIA National Leadership Opportunities


Fellowship is one of the highest national honors the AIA can bestow upon a member. AIA Seattle nominates and supports local members who are submitting for the College of Fellows through the Fellows & Honors Committee. Fellowship decisions are made at the national level by a jury of Fellows. Click here to learn more about becoming an AIA Fellow.

National Committee Leadership

If you are interested in serving on an AIA National membership committee/group, please explore AIA National’s website here. Contact information and ways to get involved are outlined in each member group’s page. For AIA National leadership roles that require a local chapter nomination, please complete this form and specify which AIA National member group(s) you are interested in serving on.

We also encourage our members to apply to volunteer opportunities with AIA National task forces and Knowledge Community leadership groups. The call for nominations launches in Spring, with applications typically due in June. Stay tuned for specific 2024 dates once announced!