AIA Seattle 2015 Annual Report

2015 was a year of extraordinary growth and change for AIA Seattle, but also for our profession and our city. As Seattle transformed itself into a 21st century city, we worked together to develop design policies, ideas, skills and networks that promote livability, sustainability and design excellence.

Our biggest news in 2015 was the development of the new Center for Architecture & Design. Many dedicated donors, volunteers and staff created the Center to give architects and designers a new platform from which to share the value and relevance of design. The incredible growth of the Seattle Design Festival, which attracted more than 13,000 participants in 2015, confirms that our new public programming will have a receptive and eager audience. 2015 was an active year for member-led advocacy on such critical issues as design review, housing, our central waterfront and carbon pricing—once again demonstrating the profound impact Seattle architects have on the shape of our city.

As a leader in professional education, AIA Seattle hosted successful programs on residential design, medical design and building science. The AIA+2030 Professional Series continued to share Seattle’s leadership on high performance building with members across the country and the world.

2015 was an exciting year for membership. The Women in Design Committee hosted a powerful national conference, the AIA Women’s Leadership Summit, which attracted women leaders from across the country. We also continued our transformation into a more efficient and impactful organization, with an increased focus on advocacy at the state level.

Thank you to our members, volunteers and sponsors for contributing to this inspiring year of advancement for Seattle architecture. AIA Seattle illustrates the power we have to make positive change in our profession, and in our city, when we come together with shared purpose.

Read more in our AIA Seattle 2015 Annual Report.

Seattle Design Festival

Seattle Design Festival

Seattle Design Festival connects designers, community members and civic leaders to explore the ways design improves our city and our lives - and was August 17-22, 2024 Read more
