November 2014
Getting to Zero: Session 1
Part one of a four-part series, Getting to Zero’s Session 1: “Market Realities & the Value Proposition for Net Zero Energy Buildings” introduces the Getting to Zero program, provides an overview of the state of net zero energy building design, and explores how we define value for net zero energy buildings. Following sessions in this series will delve into design; construction and project hand-off; and ownership and long-term operations. All sessions will explore the cross-cutting themes of identifying and overcoming…
December 2014
Getting to Zero: Session 2
Getting to Zero is an innovative four-part series that will focus on leading participants through the next target of the 2030 Challenge – 70% reduction – and beyond.
Session 2 will cover Integrated Design & Process for Net Zero Energy Buildings. Read more
January 2015
Getting to Zero: Session 3
Getting to Zero is an innovative four-part series that will focus on leading participants through the next target of the 2030 Challenge – 70% reduction – and beyond.
Session 3 will cover Building & Operating Net Zero Energy Buildings. Read more
February 2015
Getting to Zero: Session 4
Getting to Zero: Session 4 will cover Long-Term Operations for Net Zero Energy Buildings. Read more
March 2015
The Dirty Dozen Compliance Issues for the Fair Housing Act
Apartment construction is booming in the Pacific Northwest. This half-day seminar will focus on clarifying the application of various standards (FHA, ADA, UFAS, IBC / ANSI) to multi-unit housing design. While the standards for accessibility compliance are essential for design professionals to understand, they can also be somewhat complicated and confusing. Using reference photos and on-the-fly sketches, this interactive session will address solutions to the “Dirty Dozen”, which are some of the most common issues in multi-unit housing accessibility compliance, and share…
June 2015
Altered States: How Do Seattle Codes Impact Your Alteration Projects?
This session will examine the codes and regulations that apply to renovation and remodeling projects. Session topics will include rules governing alterations to conditions such as egress; fire separations; structural, mechanical and lighting systems; and more. The Seattle code “substantial alterations” concept will be reviewed in depth. Registration Close Date: June 22, 2015 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Be able to apply accessibility provisions to existing buildings. Be able to identify the special obligations involved with “substantial alterations” projects. Be able…
October 2015
Beyond Codes: Vertical Openings/Atria and Means of Egress
The last of the 2015 Beyond Codes Series, this half-day session is geared towards architects and designers wanting to get a better understanding of code requirements for protection of floor openings in buildings. This class will clarify the applicable code requirements, including the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy using real-life project examples. It will also cover best practices for coordination within your project team and sub-consultants from the architect/project manager perspective, as well as maintenance and other considerations for…
May 2016
Code Transition: 2015 Washington & Seattle Energy Codes Seminar
The City of Seattle and Washington State are enacting significant changes to the 2015 energy codes, which build upon additional changes already incorporated into the 2015 IECC. With these new developments, it is critical that architects and their industry collaborators are thoroughly familiar with the constraints and opportunities afforded by these new codes. This seminar will examine each of the significant developments in the 2015 Washington State and City of Seattle energy codes, including changes related to building envelope, lighting…
June 2016
Code Transition: Significant Changes to the 2015 IBC
Samir Mokashi, Principal at Code Unlimited, will be teaching a four-hour code seminar, “Significant Changes to the 2015 IBC Code”. In this seminar we will identify the key differences between the 2012 IBC and the 2015 IBC codes, with a focus on regulations common to most building types. We will also explore codes that are commonly misunderstood or misapplied, often due to lack of knowledge, subtle changes in the code language, or misinterpretation of the code language. No matter how…
October 2016
Code Transition: Changes to the 2015 Seattle Building Code
In this seminar, City of Seattle staff from the Department of Construction & Inspections will present an overview of significant changes and key differences between the 2012 Seattle Building Code (SBC) and the 2015 Seattle Building Code (SBC) – all based on the 2015 IBC with local amendments. This course will explain what has changed, why it changed and how to apply the code correctly to future projects as well as explain the significance or intent of the change. There…
Materials Matter – Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers…
November 2016
Materials Matter – Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers…
December 2016
Materials Matter – Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers…
January 2017
Materials Matter – Just Do It: Strategies for Projects
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers…
February 2017
Materials Matter – Beyond Transparency: Materials Disclosure + Practice
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers…
May 2017
Code Evolutions: 2015 Washington & Seattle Energy Code Updates
The City of Seattle and Washington State have enacted significant changes to the 2015 energy codes, which build upon additional changes already incorporated into the 2015 IECC. With these new developments, it is critical that architects and their industry collaborators are thoroughly familiar with the constraints and opportunities afforded by these new codes. Read more
June 2017
2017 Materials Matter – Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment
Session 1 Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment kicks off the Materials Matter series with a candid overview of why materials matter for both environmental and human health. The session focuses on what impacts material substances can have on our environment and how we measure and track those impacts. It will introduce the primary methods used to assess the environmental impact of materials, including life-cycle assessment, and the tools available to help identify and prioritize healthy, sustainable materials. Materials Matter…
CANCELLED: 2017 Materials Matter – Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health
Session 2 of the Materials Matters Series, Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health, delves into the science behind materials and human health to understand how material substances reach people and lead to health consequences. It provides guidance on the complex landscape of health tools by introducing the different types of tools available to make educated decisions about products and what to consider when selecting and using these tools. Materials Matter is co-presented by Puget Sound Chapter CSI. Note: Registration for…
July 2017
2017 Materials Matter – Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation
Session 3 of the Materials Matter series, Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation, builds on the knowledge gained during the first two sessions by diving into tools used to communicate environmental and human health impacts of materials. It includes demonstrations of key tools and context for determining the right tool to use in practice. The first half focuses on applying life-cycle assessment to evaluate environmental impacts, and the second half demonstrates common tools used to report material and product ingredients…
August 2017
2017 Materials Matter – Just Do It: Strategies for Projects
Session 4 of the Materials Matter series, Just Do It: Strategies for Projects, presents frameworks for integrating knowledge of environmental and human health impacts from material substances into projects. It explores strategies at play when materials decisions are driven by clients, rating-systems, firms, and even individual initiative. Case studies share lessons learned from on the ground experiences, and speakers candidly discuss the different perspectives and motivators of project team members. Materials Matter is co-presented by Puget Sound Chapter CSI. Individual session…
September 2017
The Power of Community Engagement in Design of our Urban Fabric
The general public is concerned about population growth, transformation of our urban fabric, and community identity. There are questions about equity, access to affordable housing for families, access to adequate public transportation, and access to jobs. Sam Assefa, Director of Seattle’s Office of Planning & Community Development (OPCD), will discuss the City’s approach to neighborhood planning, issues of density, zoning, and land use, and impacts of the Housing Affordability & Livability Agenda (HALA) as recommendations are incorporated into neighborhood upzones across the city. The program will include a question and answer session where attendees can ask questions about issues that affect their neighborhoods and the communities in which they live and work. Read more
October 2017
Code Evolutions – Altered States: How Do Seattle Codes Impact Your Alteration Projects?
This session of our Code Evolutions series will examine the codes and regulations that apply to renovation and remodeling projects. Session topics will include rules governing alterations to conditions such as egress; fire separations; structural, mechanical and lighting systems; and more. The Seattle code “substantial alterations” concept will be reviewed in depth. Read more
December 2017
Code Evolutions: Get In – Get Out: Circulation Design for Graceful Access and Egress
Building circulation systems should support the overall design intent and human uses of the building. Rules for accessibility and for emergency egress can enhance the circulation design to ensure that it is graceful and intuitive for users. When considered from the outset of design, all of the technical accessibility and egress requirements can be used to support the overall circulation design. This seminar will consider the overall circulation schematic, as well as each component, from both the accessibility and egress viewpoints, to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all of the building’s users. Read more
May 2018
Got Codes? Practical FHA-ADA-Accessibility Code Compliance
Apartment construction is booming. The various standards for accessibility compliance are necessary for design professionals to understand in detail, but can be somewhat complicated and confusing. This seminar focuses clarifying application of the various standards (FHA, ADA, UFAS, IBC / ANSI) to Multi-Unit Housing compliance. It includes details of the “Dirty Dozen” most common issues in multi-unit housing accessibility compliance. E&A will address how to solve some of the most common issues in design and in the field, using photos and on the fly sketches. Read more
June 2018
Got Codes? 5 over 2 (or was it 6?)
While Seattle has led the industry in the adaptations of podium building classifications, several adaptations later, some of the building codes can become confusing and difficult to navigate in design and classifications of buildings. Through this seminar, participants will gain an understanding of the history and evolving codes related to these structure types. Read more
July 2018
Designing for Special Populations
The presentation will look at a variety of housing types such as homeless supportive housing, homeless shelters, housing for veterans, housing for people with traumatic brain injury, and more! Presenters Scott Starr, Principal | SMR Architects Scott Starr is an Architect and has been a partner at SMR Architects since 2010. He has worked with nonprofit housing providers such as DESC and Plymouth Housing on five major supportive housing projects as well as homeless shelters and service centers. Bill Singer…
Got Codes? Assembly
This is the third session in the Got Codes? series. Designing assembly spaces and feeling hampered by the building code? Session 3 of Got Codes? will provide valuable insight into the 2015 Seattle Building Code and how city staff interpret the SBC as it applies to assembly spaces. Read more
October 2018
Got Codes? Know What You Don’t Know: Residential Codes and Permit Process Hurdles
This is the fourth session in the Got Codes? series. Read more
December 2018
Contested Spaces: What is a city for all?
Join us on Monday, December 10 for Contested Spaces: What is a city for all? featuring a series of community-led lightning talks and collaborative Design Swarms (facilitated by Surya Vanka, Founder & Principal of Authentic Design). Transforming design thinking into accessible game-board exercises, Design Swarms help groups to foster empathy, visualize shared challenges, and ideate around solutions to a specific problem. This summit will convene design professionals, citizen advocates, community partners, and government representatives around the challenges and opportunities of co-creating a city for…
April 2019
Code Dependent: URM What? Unreinforced Masonry Buildings In Seattle
This is the first session in the Code Dependent series. Seattle has over an estimated 1,000 unreinforced masonry structures. This class will explain the geologic hazards facing Seattle and why URMs are susceptible to this intense damage. Read more
July 2019
Code Dependent: K-12 Code Challenges & Opportunities
This is the second session in the Code Dependent series. This class will focus on the unique code requirements for K-12 educational facilities including fire, occupancy, and 2018 IBC code changes, with case studies. Read more
October 2019
Code Dependent: Resilience – Rebound or Rebuild
This is the third session in the Code Dependent series. This class will focus on building systems for hazard preparedness, design for hazards and community health, and environmental effects of disasters and how the AEC community can design to positively affect survival and resilience outcomes. Read more
December 2019
Code Dependent: Know What You Don’t Know – ADU Redux
Join AIA Seattle and the Codes Committee for our fourth seminar, focusing on new code in the city related to ADU and DADU construction. Read more
February 2020
Cracking Code: 2018 Fire Code Revisions + Impacts on Design
Join AIA Seattle and the Codes Committee for its first seminar of 2020, focusing on updates to the 2018 International Fire Code and their impacts on architectural design. Read more