2017 Materials Matter – Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment

Session 1 Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment kicks off the Materials Matter series with a candid overview of why materials matter for both environmental and human health. The session focuses on what impacts material substances can have on our environment and how we measure and track those impacts. It will introduce the primary methods used to assess the environmental impact of materials, including life-cycle assessment, and the tools available to help identify and prioritize healthy, sustainable materials.
Materials Matter is a five-session series delivering comprehensive, high-level knowledge and strategies for assessing and selecting healthy, sustainable materials. Sessions will delve into the impact of materials on the environment and human health, the tools and data available for assessing and prioritizing materials, and strategies for integrating informed decision-making into projects and practice. Speakers will reveal the perspectives of project team members and other partners connected with materials and share the learnings and approaches of successful projects. This series offers guidance on navigating the complex landscape of disclosures and transparency in order to assess and reduce the environmental and health impacts of products. Sessions will include presentations, panels, case studies, and activities. Participants will walk away from each session with action items for integrating the curriculum into their work.
Materials Matter is co-presented by Puget Sound Chapter CSI.
Note: Registration for Materials Matter above is for the complete 5-session series.
Early bird registration deadline: May 19, 2017, after this time the price will rise by 15%
Registration Close Date: May 26, 2017 at 5 pm
Available now! Individual session registration:
- Participants will be able to describe the context of healthy materials through understanding the role materials play in human and environmental health.
- Participants will be able to summarize the ethical and business cases for paying increased attention to materials in the built environment.
- Participants will be able describe how material substances impact the environment, what are different categories of impacts, and how we measure and track them.
- Participants will be able to identify common methods used to assess the environmental impacts of materials and describe opportunities and limitations of the methods.
All sessions: Fridays, 8:00 am – 12:45 pm at Seattle City Hall
June 2, 2017 – Healthy Planet: Materials + the Environment
June 23, 2017 – Healthy People: Materials Science + Human Health
July 14, 2017 – Tools of the Trade: Assessment + Implementation
August 11, 2017 – Just Do It: Strategies for Projects
August 25, 2017 – Beyond Transparency: Materials Disclosure + Practice
$560 – AIA Members + Government Employees + Partners
$330 – Assoc. Members
$1040 – Non-Members
$100 – Students + Scholarships
Pricing includes 20 CEHs/HSWs, light breakfast, beverages for all sessions.
- Chris Hellstern | Miller Hull Partnership
- Nat Scholz | Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA
- Samantha Siedlecki | Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Oceanography, University of Washington
- Kathrina Simonen | University of Washington and Carbon Leadership Forum
All speakers subject to change.
Melissa Balestri ZGF Architects | Edward Clark ZGF Architects | Nicole DeNamur Pacifica Law Group & University of Washington | Jeff Frost Brightworks Sustainability | Aileen Gagney Consultant | Pete Girard ToxNot | Chris Hellstern Miller Hull Partnership | Barbara X. Rodriguez University of Washington | Nat Scholz NOAA | Samantha Siedlecki JISAO at University of Washington | Kathrina Simonen University of Washington & Carbon Leadership Forum | Beth Stroshane Applied Building Information
Check back as more speakers are confirmed! All speakers subject to change.
Chris Hellstern Miller Hull | Ed Clark ZGF | Carl Dominguez schact | aslani architects | Melissa Balestri ZGF | Jake Boyer PROSOCO
Program Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Program Manager Cassie Blair.
Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Volunteer Hospitality Missy Garvin.
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq.