Code Mode | Codes and Guidelines in Healthcare

This is the fourth and final session in the 2024 Code Mode Series presented in joint collaboration by AIA Seattle’s Code Committee and the Architecture for Health Committee (AHC).
Healthcare facilities are one of the most technically complex project types that architects design. This in-person session will focus on the various code requirements that are layered onto the IBC including the FGI Guidelines and NFPA 101. The second half of the session will include a discussion on the procedures that can be implemented to ensure penetrations in fire and smoke barrier are installed correctly and managed over time. The session will wrap up with case studies that illustrate how these concepts affect the finished spaces.
Join us on Monday, October 28 (9am-1pm) for Code Mode | Codes and Guidelines in Healthcare, in person at Puget Sound Energy’s Auditorium (4 LU/HSW). Register below!
Participants must attend the live in person program in order to receive continuing education credit or a certificate of completion. Direct all registration and credit questions to Andrea Aguilera.
Includes continuing education credit (4 LU/ HSW) + light breakfast and refreshments.
$141.00 $162.00 AIA Member/Corporate Allied Partner (CAP)/Allied Member
$141.00 $162.00 Government
$89.00 $102.00 Associate Member
$37.00 $43.00 Student/Emeritus
$241.00 $277.00 Non-Member
Registration has closed
Learn more here about the member ticket rate and other benefits associated with membership
EXTENDED Early Bird Deadline: Wednesday, October 16, 2024. After this time, the price increases 15%.
Registration Deadline: Monday, October 21, 5:00pm PT.
Reduced rate options are available. Please submit the Continuing Education Scholarship / Reduced Rate Request form via email by Monday, October 14, 5:00PM PT.
Monday, October 28, 2024 | @ Puget Sound Energy’s Auditorium | 355 110th Ave NE, 1st Floor, Bellevue, WA 98004
- 8:30am – Check In, Refreshments + Light Breakfast
- 9:00am – Program Begins
- 1:00pm – Program Ends
The program will be held at Puget Sound Energy’s Auditorium (355 110th Ave NE, 1st Floor, Bellevue, WA 98004).
- Puget Sound Energy is located on the west side of 110th Avenue NE
On-Site Pay to Park Parking Lot:
- Enter the underground parking garage from 110th Avenue NE, between NE 4th and NE 2nd Streets. Turn in at the small gray “PSE parking” sign at sidewalk height.
- You may park in any of the many unmarked spaces on levels P2 to P7.
Building Access From The Parking Lot:
- The parking garage serves two buildings. After noting the floor and location of your vehicle, take the garage elevator farthest away from the ramps to building lobby. If you see a receptionist desk in the lobby, you are in Bldg. A, East Building (PSE is in Bldg. A). If there is a café and fireplace in the lobby, or you see street traffic, you are in Bldg. B.
- The Bellevue Transit Center is located two blocks from the PSE Bellevue Office. For more information please visit: https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/routes-and-service/schedules-and-maps/boarding-maps/bellevue-transit-center
- If using a taxi or ride service, use the GPS address of the taxi circle: 312 108th Ave NE, Bellevue WA 98004
Covid Parameters:
- AIA Seattle strongly encourages masking to demonstrate community care.
- Puget Sound Energy is fully ADA compliant with an elevator that visits each floor.
If you would like to discuss physical or cognitive accessibility needs for this program, please make a note in your registration form or e-mail Senior Programs Coordinator, Andrea Aguilera.
Duncan Griffin AIA, Director of Sustainability, Health – HDR | Duncan Griffin AIA, Director of Sustainability, Health – HDR | Duncan Griffin is a registered architect with 35 years of experience. Recently named Director of Sustainability, Health, Duncan was the Managing Principal of HDR’s Pacific Northwest Architecture Practice from 2017 to 2023. He now directs the adoption and implementation of regenerative design principles for global healthcare clients and teams. A successful outcome for Duncan delivers healthy experiences for building occupants aligned with project budgets, and serves the community through reduced water use, net positive energy and carbon balanced solutions. Duncan has collaborated on leading edge Healthcare facilities, working with Institutional, Governmental and Academic clients to uncover opportunities for resource conservation and pollution reduction in alignment with their enterprise goals. Duncan is well-known for technically advanced projects, having managed initiatives on millions of square feet of programmatically complex buildings. He has presented at numerous conferences including the CarbonPositive Summit, AIA National, ULI, HFI, JETC, Greenbuild and ASHE National about high-performance outcomes.
Ellie Graves, PE, Fire Protection Engineer, Jensen Hughes | Ellie is a licensed fire protection engineer specializing in life safety consulting, building and fire code consulting, fire alarm system design, fire sprinkler system design, and firestopping applications. Her industry experience includes application of fire protection and code compliance within healthcare, residential, K-12 education, higher education, commercial/business, and transportation occupancies. She has been involved in the code consulting and design services for large-scale multi-building, facility, and campus systems and provided cost-conscious solutions for networked and complex building management, alarm, and notification systems. Ellie has used her experience and background of national and local codes to complete FPE designs and reviews for new and existing buildings, code compliance plan reviews during design development, and property conditions assessments and evaluations of existing buildings throughout the country. Her experiences with engineering solutions, project management, and client collaboration have made her a very adaptable and an effective partner within project teams.
John Williams, VP Content and Outreach, Facility Guidelines Institute | John Williams has 30 years of experience with healthcare design, planning, and regulation. John is the Vice President of content and outreach for the Facility Guidelines Institute. He is also the executive director of Facilities Construction and Licensing with the Washington State Department of Health and leads the review of licensed healthcare facilities to state licensing and federal certification requirements. He chaired the International Code Council’s Healthcare Committee for 12 years and is currently the Chair of FGI’s Health Guidelines Revision Committee. He also serves on various technical committees for NFPA. He is a frequent speaker on healthcare codes and standards.
Keith Sanford, PE, CDT, CCPR – Western Regional Field Engineer – Specified Technologies | Keith Sanford is a senior Field Engineer with Specified Technologies Inc. (STI) who works primarily with design professionals to make the specification of firestopping easier and code-compliant and reduce clients’ liability through education and consulting. Keith is a PE (Professional Engineer) who believes in the importance of firestopping, a belief that solidified after a personal experience during the legal aftermath of a major fire. For over 30 years, he has worked for two of the largest firestop manufacturers in the world, both domestically and abroad, in positions including sales, field engineer, technical service manager, product manager, global marketing manager, and director of business development. These roles took him throughout the US and Canada, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, India, and the Pacific Rim. Keith holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University and an MBA from the Meinders School of Business at Oklahoma City University. He was a founding member of IFC (International Firestop Council) and served 2 years as President. He is a member of CSI and achieved both CDT and CCPR certifications.
Nate Waye, STI West Coast Regional Healthcare Manager | Nate is currently serving as the West Coast Regional Healthcare Manager at Specified Technologies (STI). While new to STI, Nate brings over a decade of experience in healthcare support services management and life safety support in healthcare facilities. Nate is heavily involved in his local ASHE chapters, helping to plan and provide educational support to their members. Nates primary responsibilities are to provide education and support to hospital facilities staff, contractors and leadership to help ensure smoke and fire barrier compliance.
All sessions and speakers subject to change.
- Discuss how and when the Guidelines apply to healthcare facilities.
- Identify differences between occupant load and egress requirements of NFPA 101 vs the IBC.
- Summarize the procedures that can be implemented to assist with fire and smoke barrier compliance.
- Recall the code challenges and opportunities from case studies of recent healthcare projects.
WoodWorks – Wood Products Council | Hargis Engineers | Jensen Hughes
Pella Windows & Doors of Western Washington | Puget Sound Energy
Special thanks to the Code Committee and the Architecture for Health Committee for planning this session!
Ana Parke AIA
Leonard A. Ruff AIA, NCARB
Josh Kolberg AIA
Jim Wolch AIA
Program, Registration, or Credit Questions?
Contact Andrea Aguilera, Senior Programs Coordinator at AIA Seattle
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact Zee Mars, Development Manager at AIA Seattle