Advocacy Update – October 2024

Your VOTE is your VOICE!
Washington voters have received their ballots and will vote on four separate ballot initiatives funded by out-of-state deep pockets. Two of these initiatives will directly impact climate, and AIA Seattle prompts members to get active under our climate imperative to support a decarbonized, equitable, and resilient built environment that allows future generations and ecosystems to thrive.
Questions about your ballot or voting in Washington State? Review the Secretary of State voting by mail information.
No on I-2117: Vote No to Support the 2021 Climate Act
AIA Seattle stands with the more than 500 organizations and tribal nations who have endorsed the No on I-2117 Campaign. A no vote keeps in place the 2021 Climate Act that provided for a cap and invest program designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050. Clean air, water, and infrastructure investment are at risk if this initiative is approved by voters. Get active with the No on I-2117 campaign by pledging to vote no, sharing information in your networks, or volunteering to support the No Campaign.
I-2066: Initiative Would Undo Incentives for Electrification of Buildings
A Yes vote on I-2066 would undo HB 1589, passed in 2024 to incentivize large combination utility providers serving over 500,000 gas customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offer programs and incentives for customers to decarbonize homes and buildings. A No vote on I-2066 would keep in place the programs to incentivize electrification of buildings.
From Ballotpedia:
Puget Sound Energy released a statement addressing responses to HB 1589 saying, “HB 1589 does not include a ban on natural gas, and it does not change PSE’s obligation to serve natural gas to our customers. … Nothing in the bill forces electrification. What it does is requires PSE to develop a scenario demonstrating the costs of electrification that will be part of the integrated system plan we submit to our regulators in 2027.”[3]
City of Seattle Comprehensive Plan: Draft Legislation and Zoning Maps
AIA Seattle’s members continue to come together through the Comp Plan Work Group to advocate for the future of the City of Seattle through the Comprehensive Plan process.
The One Seattle Plan Zoning Update materials are now available online. AIA Seattle will be developing recommendations to submit during the public engagement period which closes on December 20th.
City of Seattle Budget Process
The City of Seattle 2025 budget is in development, and significant budget considerations include support for affordable housing and preventing displacement. Seattle Planning Commission shared information about how to get involved and voice support for essential programs in line with AIA Seattle’s Housing Policy and strategic imperatives.
Consider commenting at an upcoming public hearing or sending an email to the City Council.