JE:DI IRL | Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion In Real Life

Join us for the final session in our 2024 series of informal off-the-record discussions exploring how firms are tackling J.E.D.I. initiatives.
This is an open forum for people to exchange ideas hosted by AIA Seattle’s JE:DI Council and the AIA Northern Virginia Women in Architecture Committee.
A little over a year ago, AIA Seattle’s JE:DI Council, AIA Oregon, NOMA PDX and NOMA NW had a real and honest conversation about how real collaborative work from the client, project and within the industry increases the probability of expanding JEDI outreach and programs and the likelihood of enacting sustainable change. Join them and AIA Northern Virginia Women in Architecture representing their respective committees within AIA/NOMA to hear what has transpired in the past year for them and what action still needs to be taken. We will close this final session with also hearing from you, the participants.
Remote Access will be provided after registration.