Building Transparency: Straight Talk in the A/E/C Community

How do traditional barriers and myths stop project teams from delivering better projects and excelling in Seattle’s busy market? During this full-day forum, AIA Seattle hopes to pull back the curtain on the unique perspectives, internal pressures, and decision-making frameworks of building professionals, their clients and their partners – owners, developers, architects, contractors, financier, and others. Through candid conversations, it focuses on the myths compromising collaboration between project members and explore forward-thinking partnerships, non-traditional strategies for building teams, and innovative contractual models emerging in the field. These insights could lead to better alignment of the project team and more constructive collaboration through clarity on the members’ immovables, expectations and priorities for the project. Through presentations by owners, architects, contractors, and others, participants will gain insightful knowledge and strategies to forge stronger relationships with each other with the long-term effect of increased effectiveness, profitability, and innovation.
Registration Close Date: Thursday, January 5, 2017
Early Bird Deadline – extended to: January 4, 2017, after this time the price will rise by 15%
January 9, 2017 | 8:00 am – 5:15 pm
The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center | 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
- Articulate a case for increased transparency, alignment, and communication among project team members in the A/E/C industry.
- Identify misconceptions and barriers limiting collaboration among A/E/C project team members and describe the drivers and decision-making frameworks for A/E/C businesses.
- Describe market conditions and strategies driving non-traditional approaches to project team composition and collaboration
- Explain the client’s perspective on new and emerging contractual models used in Seattle and nationally and case studies that highlight their benefits and challenge
includes 8 LU and light refreshments
$234.00 AIA Members
$234.00 Government / Partners (ULI, NAIOP)
$142.00 AIA Associates
$50.00 Students
$426.00 Non-Members
Keynote Address: Dr. Michael Johnson, Associate Professor, Foster School of Business at the University of Washington
Craig Curtis | President, Katerra Architecture
Janet Donelson | Senior Vice President, Trammell Crow Company
Pat Foley | Principal, Lake Union Partners
Jay Halleran | Executive Vice President, Lease Crutcher Lewis (formerly NBBJ)
Dave Harrison | Senior Vice President, Skanska
Mark Kane | Chief Operating Officer, GLY Construction
Jon Magnusson | Senior Principal, Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Dan Peyovich | President, Northwest Division, Howard S. Wright Construction
Walter Schacht | Principal, Schacht Aslani Architects
Steve Tatge | Executive Director, Major Capital Projects, University of Washington
Moderator: Elaine Wine | Development Manager, Seneca Group
Moderator: Ted Sive | Principal, Ted Sive Consulting
Moderator: David Kunselman | Fire Levy Program Manager, City of Seattle
Moderator for the Day: Tony Stewart | Vice President, Howard S. Wright Construction
Speaker Bios available in the schedule. All speakers are subject to change.
Tony Stewart (Chair) | Howard S. Wright, a Balfour Beatty Company
Anastasia Krasnoslobodtseva | TCA
David Kunselman | City of Seattle
Trevor Lunde | GLY Construction
Bill Parks | William Parks Inc
Tien Peng | NRMCA
Lynn Perkins | The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Elaine Wine | Seneca Group
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Program or Registration and Credit Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Program Manager Katie Kemezis.
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact AIA Seattle Managing Director Kimber Leblicq