Please Vote Now on AIA Seattle Proposed By-Laws Amendment

Beginning January 1, 2017, we are happy to welcome members from the Northwest Washington region into our AIA Seattle chapter. As part of state restructuring to make the AIA more efficient, AIA Northwest Washington will cease to exist as a separate corporation, and will instead become a separate Steering Committee of the Seattle chapter, represented on our AIA Seattle Board of Directors by a Northwest Washington Director.

We propose this by-laws amendment to create a new position on our Board of Directors to represent the Northwest Washington Section of AIA Seattle.

The AIA Seattle Board of Directors proposes the following amendments to the By-Laws of the Chapter:

  • That the number of total board members be increased from 18 to 19; and
  • That the position of Northwest Section Director be added as a three year term.

The purposes of these By-Laws amendments are to:

  • Recognize the new Northwest Washington Section. As a part of restructuring, AIA Northwest Washington is dissolving as a separate legal entity.  Members in Northwest Washington will now be assigned to AIA Seattle, Northwest Section.  This new board position gives Northwest Washington members a voice on our board.
  • Increase efficiency. Restructuring among chapters in our state was undertaken in 2015 and 2016 to increase efficiency within the AIA, and dedicate more time directly to member service.  Merging AIA Northwest Washington into AIA Seattle was part of that restructuring process.
  • Lower state dues. Restructuring has streamlined operations within the state, reduced the size of the AIA Washington Council Board of Directors, and focused the Council’s energies on state advocacy.  These actions have resulted in a decrease in state dues for all members, starting in 2017.

Any By-Laws amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote in favor by a quorum of Chapter members (10% of membership).

The AIA Seattle Board of Directors requests that the Membership approve these proposed By-Laws Amendments by an email vote of the Members.

Please click the link below to vote yes or no before December 22 – and be entered into a drawing for a gift certificate to Watson-Kennedy! 

AIA Seattle Board of Directors



Seattle Design Festival

Seattle Design Festival

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