Blog Archives

WiD Queer Gals & Pals Creative Writing Meet-up

WiD co-chairs will lead participants through creative writing exercises related to queer-place making. The event will be held in the upstairs meeting room and will be broken into segments to allow for breaks, but will also be casual. Please take

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Women in Design: Coffee Hour – June

We know it can be helpful to have a sounding board of fellow women-identifying designers as we navigate our industry and world from a unique perspective and experience; this Coffee Hour is a chance to cultivate relationships and provide informal

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Women in Design Coffee Hour: May

We know it can be helpful to have a sounding board of fellow women-identifying designers as we navigate our industry and world from a unique perspective and experience; this Coffee Hour is a chance to cultivate relationships and provide informal

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Women in Design Coffee Hour: February

We know it can be helpful to have a sounding board of fellow women-identifying designers as we navigate our industry and world from a unique perspective and experience; this Coffee Hour is a chance to cultivate relationships and provide informal

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