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ONLINE - Urban Design Forum 'Remote' Happy Hour + Committee Meeting

**April meeting takes the form of a remote happy hour and is online only. See below for directions to join.**

Join AIA Seattle’s Urban Design Forum for a bimonthly look at our plans and goals as a committee.

What urban issues remain relevant during this unprecedented era of COVID-induced societal change? Resiliency? Density? Single-family zoning?

We have seen the cultural heart of Seattle ripped out as we “stay home” and “socially distance.” But we have also witnessed a reengineering of society in a matter of  days. Americans can and will change our individual lifestyles if the consequences are severe enough and the messaging is clear. This unprecedented societal change gives us hope for future lifestyle changes required to mitigate other existential crises such as climate change.

While we are physically isolated, many of us may feel increasingly connected to our acute neighborhood. We likely also feel everly grateful to our heroic healthcare workers and to the skeleton crew running essential local businesses.  Perhaps we also feel more connected to society as a whole, which has collectively rallied to combat this virus.

We are hosting this loose-format, remote UDF happy hour to continue to provide a venue for urban discourse, to solicit input from UDF members on the committee’s path during COVID and to simply provide a venue for connection in a time so focused on disconnection. Please grab a drink and join us, and stay well.

[Also feel free to reach us via our social media handles below.]

Website: Urban Design Forum
Facebook: Urban Design Forum [seattle]
Twitter: @UDFseattle
Instagram: udfseattle


Join Zoom Remote Happy Hour: https://zoom.us/j/759165865?pwd=c0M0WDRNbUtzY3dyQkJRaXhwaVgxdz09

Meeting ID: 759 165 865
Password: 750832

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,759165865# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,759165865# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 759 165 865


April 22, 2020
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Event Price


AIA Seattle
(206) 448-4938

