UDF: Neighborhoods for All: Revisiting Single Family Zoning + HH w/ The Urbanist

Cast aside your political comfort zones and join the conversation regarding increased access to the single family areas of Seattle.
Cast aside your political comfort zones and join the conversation regarding increased access to the single family areas of Seattle.
Members of the Seattle Planning Commission will present an in-depth history and analysis of single family zoning in Seattle along with a series of proposals for how to enable more Seattle citizens to access housing in these highly sought after areas, which make up 60% of our city.
The recommendations in the Commission’s Neighborhoods for All report “would allow for gradual, incremental reintroduction of historic building patterns while helping to preserve (single family neighborhoods) even as we welcome more residents of all income levels, ages and races.”
We’ll touch on affordability, density, bulk, scale, existing context, connectivity, the racism underlying our 70 year old single family zoning policies, the gap in middle income housing, and more.
We will continue the conversation afterwards over drinks at Owl and Thistle on Post Alley.
- Grace Kim, Architect and Owner of Schemata Workshop. Seattle Planning Commission. Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce Board Member. UW Faculty
- Rick Mohler, Architect and Founder of Mohler + Ghillino Architects. Seattle Planning Commission. AIA Seattle Board of Directors and Chair of Public Policy Board. UW Faculty
Pre-registration encouraged. Brought to you by AIA Seattle’s Urban Design Forum & The Urbanist.
Program Questions?
Contact Connor Descheemaker, Membership & Volunteer Manager at AIA Seattle