Urban Design Forum 2018 Brainstorm
Come have a beer and geek out on urban issues worth discussing in 2018.
How are the region and the city urbanizing? How should they be? Who is moving into the city? Who is being displaced? Can gentrification be inclusive and equitable? How is technology transforming mobility? How is city housing policy manipulating the private market? When will Seattle build out a decent bike network?
We’ll be discussing and planning the forums of 2018 at happy hour next Monday at Old Stove Brewery in the market. Anyone with thoughts regarding topics, speakers or a particular curiosity regarding urban design in our city is welcome to join us and weigh in on the focus for the upcoming forums in 2018. Also feel free to reach us via our social media handles below.
Facebook: Urban Design Forum [seattle]
Twitter: @UDFseattle
Instagram: udfseattle
We will pick back up with our standard monthly forums in January 2018
RSVP Today!