Mass Timber Holiday Happy Hour

Join us for the Mass Timber Committee Holiday Happy Hour at Elysian Brewing - Capitol Hill to network with your fellow committee members and mass timber enthusiasts.
Mass Timber Committee Members (and friends!),
For the December committee meeting, we are excited to host a Mass Timber Happy Hour at Elysian Brewing – Cap Hill on December 10th (details below). Stop by for drink/food and to connect with local committee members as we wrap up the year.
Event Details:
Date: Tues, Dec 10, 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Elysian Brewing – Capitol Hill, 1221 E Pike St, Seattle, WA
Event Description: Come enjoy free appetizers, free drink, and meet other MT members
Registration: FREE (link below)
We hope to see you there!
-Meghan Doring & Adam Slivers
AIA Seattle Mass Timber Committee co-chairs
For up to date information and resources, be sure to bookmark our website meeting at https://aiaseattle.org/committees/mass-timber-committee/
ACCESSIBILITY: This is a fully accessible, ADA-compliant space. If you have any specific accessibility questions or concerns, please reach out to masstimber@aiaseattle.org
COVID/SAFETY: AIA Seattle recommends masking as a demonstration of community care. Please stay home if you are sick or experiencing any symptoms.