Diverse Work/s in Design at GGLO
Join AIA Seattle’s Diversity Roundtable for our second Diverse Work/s in Design Happy Hour!
Presented by the AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable
Hosted by GGLO
Join AIA Seattle’s Diversity Roundtable on January 13th for our second Diverse Work/s in Design Happy Hour! We’ll be celebrating and discussing how architects from diverse gender and ethnic backgrounds contribute to their office culture, design value and productivity. We’ll hear unique points of view, Pecha Kucha style, for a fast-paced, thought-provoking evening.
RSVP/Questions: Please contact Diversity Roundtable Chair Lauren Hirt.
Stay tuned for more Diverse Work/s in Design dates and locations in 2015 to keep the conversation going!
You’re also welcome to join us at our monthly DRT meeting the week before, January 6th, 4:00-5:30, at the AIA Seattle office.