Design for Equity Rumble Report-Back #1
On Friday, July 10, Join us for a sneak peek at the design/build projects that are emerging from the Seattle Design Festival Rumble and Program Proposals. Each team will present a brief pecha-kucha style presentation of their progress to date, and will receive feedback from our volunteer contractors and structural engineers.
Design for Equity Rumble Report-Back #1
Friday, July 10, 6-8 p.m.
DLR Group, 51 University Street #600, Seattle, WA 98101
2015 Design Rumble Teams:
Skate Like a Girl + Lease Crutcher Lewis
Alleycat Acres + Pike Place Farmers Market + Howard S. Wright
Feet First
Taskar Center for Accessible Technology + Hoffman Construction Company
MarketShare + Mallet Inc. Design/Build
See photos from the 2015 Seattle Design Festival Rumble here.