Culture Change in Practice: A Leadership Cohort - Session 3

AIA Seattle, in close collaboration with NOMA Northwest and Planning in Color, is proud to announce its second edition of the Culture Change in Practice program.
This four-part, peer-based learning program was designed by a team of architects and allied professionals to specifically provide architecture and allied firms the tools and community to meet the explicit goals and metrics laid out in NOMA NW’s Call-to-Action. It is the second edition of the Culture Change in Practice program.
The third session of Culture Change in Practice: A Leadership Cohort is scheduled for Monday, October 3, Friday, October 7, 9:00am-12:00pm PT.
Want to learn more? Visit Culture Change in Practice: A Leadership Cohort for additional program information, including registration criteria and the other key dates.
Whitney Lewis Assoc. AIA, Diversity Roundtable/AIA Board of Directors/GGLO | Susan Frieson AIA, Diversity Roundtable/NOMA NW/Weber Thompson | Mark Chubb Assoc. AIA, Code Unlimited | Mathew Albores AIA, The Miller Hull Partnership | Genevieve MacNeil Assoc. AIA, Diversity Roundtable/Gensler | Kristen Riley Assoc. AIA, LMN Architects | Stephanie Velasco, Planning in Color | Meredith Everist AIA, AIA Board of Directors/Baylis Architect | Jennie C. Li, Planning in Color | Simba Mafundikwa Assoc. AIA, NOMA NW/AIA Membership Steering Committee/GGLO | Marijana Misic AIA, AIA Board of Directors/Mahlum | Patreese Martin AIA, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson | Leon Holloway AIA Professional Practice Steering Committee/NOMA NW/DLR Group | Veronica Barrow Assoc. AIA, NOMA NW/Veronica Barrow Design
Registration or Credit Questions?
Contact Andrea Aguilera, Programs Coordinator at AIA Seattle
Program Questions?
Contact Zoe Guckenheimer, Programs Manager at AIA Seattle
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact Kristen Lound, Associate Director of Growth & Operations at AIA Seattle