Committee Meeting: Urban Design Forum

Join AIA Seattle’s Urban Design Forum for a bimonthly look at our plans and goals as a committee.
We’ll be looking at questions such as: What is a suburb? How do we renovate suburban development to be more sustainable? How are the region and the city urbanizing? How should they be? Who is moving into the city? Who is being displaced? Can gentrification be inclusive and equitable? How is technology transforming mobility? How is city housing policy manipulating the private market? What will the new waterfront look like without the Viaduct?
Anyone with thoughts regarding topics, speakers or a particular curiosity regarding urban design in our region is welcome to join us and weigh in on the focus for the upcoming forums in 2020. Also feel free to reach us via our social media handles below.
Website: Urban Design Forum
Facebook: Urban Design Forum [seattle]
Twitter: @UDFseattle
Instagram: udfseattle
Please contact Urban Design Forum with any questions or concerns.
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly meeting reminder
Meeting ID: 969 0902 0954
Passcode: 199615
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Meeting ID: 969 0902 0954
Passcode: 199615
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