CAP Collaboration Series: What Computational Fluid Dynamics can tell you about a building with IMAGINiT Technologies

Join our Corporate Allied Partner IMAGINiT Technologies for an hour long online Continuing Education class on Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Course Description
This presentation will provide a general overview of Computational Fluid Dynamics and how it is currently being used and applied in the AEC industry. A brief introduction to the technology behind Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), how we got where we are today with the technology and how it is currently being applied in AEC & MEP applications.
Learning Objectives
- Understand what computational fluid dynamics is and how it can benefit building projects.
- Learn what applications and areas CFD can be leveraged to provide value and insight to design and construction projects.
- Understand how CFD is used in AEC applications, how it provides value by simulating performance of facility design & layout before building or construction begins.
- Learn the value of CFD to visually substantiate performance and validate new facilities and venue designs, and provide knowledge and insight to be confident in remodeling and/or system upgrades.
$10 for AIA Members
$40 for Non-Members
Special thanks to our Corporate Allied Partner: IMAGINiT Technologies for presenting this class and their partnership!