CAP Collaboration Series: Mechanical Systems 102 with FSi Consulting Engineers

Join our Corporate Allied Partner FSi Consulting Engineers for a two hour long Continuing Education class on Mechanical Systems. This will be a follow up session to their successful April 2015 Mechanical Systems 101 class and will be hosted by FSi Consulting Engineers in their office. You can find them in the Smith Tower, 506 2nd AVE #700.
Course Description
As a follow-up to our Mechanical Engineering (ME) 101 presentation, FSi consulting engineers is happy to bring you ME 102, an in-depth look at mechanical design for high performance buildings. ME 101 provided a general overview of mechanical design; ME 102 will broaden your knowledge with specifics about mechanical systems used in modern sustainable buildings. We’ll focus on high performance systems, including both proven and emerging technologies. We will look at how different systems affect energy performance, costs and energy savings you can expect for each, and potential payback periods for different systems. We’ll also show how each system impacts occupant thermal comfort. We will take an in-depth look at how we can predict energy use, mechanical and energy upgrades in existing buildings (including low- and no-cost improvements!), maintenance and operations impacts, and when it makes sense to use a mechanical engineer vs. an ESCO. We will discuss high performance water heating, grey water reuse, and green roofs. We’ll discuss how to design net zero water and energy systems and give a few project examples. We will discuss current energy modeling tools that architects can use early in the design and when it’s appropriate to hire an energy modeler.
Learning Objectives
- Summarize mechanical and plumbing systems used in high performing buildings.
- Compare proven high performance mechanical systems and emerging technologies, including discussion of refrigeration cycles and heating efficiency (COP and AFUE).
- Explain how high performance mechanical systems impact costs, energy performance, and occupant comfort.
- Evaluate tools for predicting energy savings in new and existing buildings, such as energy modeling, energy audits, and pre-, post-, and retro-commissioning.
$10 for AIA Members
$40 for Non-Members
Afternoon snacks provided!
Special thanks to our Corporate Allied Partner: FSi Consulting Engineers for presenting this class and their partnership!