CAP COLLABORATION SERIES: Lighting Toward Zero: Lighting as Part of a Sustainable Design
Join our Corporate Allied Partner dark | light design for an hour long Continuing Education class on sustainable lighting design.
Lighting is an integral part of sustainable building design. Getting toward zero requires a shift in thinking from a piecemeal approach to one that integrates multiple strategies to create the most efficient lighting system possible. This class will discuss lighting approaches that go beyond reducing connected load, and also identify some of the pitfalls that can impact energy effectiveness.
Learning Objectives
- The current state of lighting technology
- How thinking about lighting has to change to further improve energy savings
- How energy effectiveness strategies in other systems can impact lighting efficiency
- Future developments in lighting technology and how they may impact energy efficiency
$10 for AIA Members
$40 for Non-Members
Lunch will be provided. Register by December 13, 2016.
Special thanks to our Corporate Allied Partner: dark | light design for presenting this class and their partnership!