CAE: Tour of Magnolia Elementary School

Join AIA Seattle’s Committee on Architecture for Education for a tour of a historic school that has just reopened after an extensive remodel and addition.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how a renovated historic educational facility supports personalized, collaborative, smaller-scaled learning communities, and hands-on project-based learning curriculum.
- Understand how seismic, mechanical, electrical, and technology systems seamlessly integrates into a 100 year old facility while maintaining the original character of the building.
- Learn how the design of a renovated historic facility achieves a near 70% energy reduction (pEUI of 24.5 kBTU/sf/yr).
- Explore how site master planning allows for future construction phases and greater overall density on a 2.45 acre urban site.
David Mount
Partner, Mahlum Architects
David leads Mahlum’s K-12 practice and is widely recognized for his creative, integrated solutions for educational facilities. His technical understanding and design sensitivity have helped deliver sustainable, inventive, and effective environments for learning inside and outside of the classroom. Committed to a collaborative approach, David’s project teams have been recognized with more than 40 design awards, including several AIA Committee on Architecture for Education (CAE) honors, three A4LE (formerly CEFPI) MacConnell Award finalists, and two AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Green projects.
Richard Best
Director, Capital Projects & Planning, Seattle Public Schools
Provide oversight and guidance for Seattle Public Schools $694M Building Excellence (BEX) IV and $475M Building, Technology and Academics (BTA) IV capital levies. BEX IV contemplates the renovation or replacement of seventeen schools throughout the geographical boundaries of the district. BTA IV contemplates the renovation of four additional schools and infrastructure improvements at twenty other schools and support facilities.
Corrie Rosen
Principal, Mahlum Architects
Corrie works closely with school clients to better understand the technical and organizational issues affecting education and the needs of 21st Century learners. Her expertise in educational facilities design and technical strategies has been honed over 16 years of practice, and she brings keen sensitivity and commitment to enhancing the public’s understanding of the importance of architecture.
This program is presented by AIA Seattle’s Committee on Architecture for Education. Contact Connor Descheemaker, Membership & Volunteer Manager, with any questions or concerns.