Code Mode | Introduction to Land Use Code in the Puget Sound Region

This is the third session in the 2024 Code Mode Series presented by AIA Seattle’s Code Committee
Without a doubt, land use codes shape architect’s designs, providing both challenging constraints and existing opportunities. This two day program explores the origin of the policies that impact these codes, starting with the Washington’s Growth Management Act, the subsequent regional policies, and local comprehensive plans. The first day includes an introduction to land use in the region, presented by land use attorneys Ian Morrison and Jessica Clawson from McCullough Hill. During the second day, city planners from around the region will discuss their jurisdiction’s approaches to translating policies into the land use codes that ultimately regulate development.
Join us online on September 10 and September 11, 2024 (12-2pm each day) for Code Mode | Introduction to Land Use Code in the Puget Sound Region (4 LU/HSW). Register below and look for information regarding online event access in your confirmation email.
Registration Deadline: Monday, September 9, 5:00pm PT.
This is a 2-day program. Participants must attend the live webinars both days in order to receive continuing education credit or a certificate of completion. No partial credit will be awarded. All registration and credit questions can be directed to Andrea Aguilera.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | 12:00 – 2:00pm PT | Zoom Webinar
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 | 12:00 – 2:00pm PT | Zoom Webinar
*All sessions and speakers are subject to change.
Includes continuing education credit (4 LU | HSW)
$104.00 $120.00 AIA Member/Corporate Allied Partner (CAP)/Allied Member
$104.00 $120. 00 Government
$52.00 $60.00 Associate Member
$204.00 $235.00 Non-Member
Free Student/Emeritus
Registration has closed
Want to learn more about the member ticket rate and other benefits associated with membership? Click here. Want to learn more about our program pricing and the other major education programs we offer? Click here.
Early Bird Deadline: Friday, August 30, 2024. After this time, the price increases 15%.
Registration Deadline: Monday, September 9, 5:00pm PT.
Reduced rate options are available. Please submit the Continuing Education Scholarship / Reduced Rate Request form via email by Friday, August 30, 5:00PM PT.
Ian Morrison, Partner, McCullough Hill PLLC | Ian Morrison’s practice focuses on land use entitlements with an emphasis on working in Puget Sound jurisdictions. Ian works with developers and owners to create and execute strategies that provide predictable, cost-effective pathways to permits. Prior to joining McCullough Hill PLLC, he worked for Governor Gregoire as a liaison to local government, civic and businesses throughout the Puget Sound. Ian uses his policy background to help clients navigate political issues arising in the land use process.
Jessica Clawson, Partner, McCullough Hill PLLC | Jessie Clawson works with private developers on land use and permitting issues throughout the state of Washington, with a specific focus on complex projects within complicated urban jurisdictions. Her depth of contacts in many jurisdictions allow for efficient and successful client engagements. She makes it her job to know all the right people. Her experience with clients has resulted in the permitting of tens of thousands of multifamily units, several million square feet of Class A office, and thousands of hotel rooms.
Moderator: Gavin Smith, Associate Principal, Perkins&Will | Gavin Smith has lived in Seattle since 2007 and is an associate principal at Perkins &Will. He has practiced in multiple jurisdictions and is experienced with complex entitlement projects.
Andrew Bauer, Director of Planning and Community Development, City of Shoreline | Andrew is the Director of Planning and Community Development for the City of Shoreline where he leads city planning, building, and permit services. Prior to this role he served as the Planning Manager, where he provided oversight on significant long-range planning efforts such as the update of the 20-year Comprehensive Plan and Development Code amendments on a variety of topics such as outdoor seating, ground floor commercial uses, and cottage housing. His team was also responsible for ensuring new developments are compliant with zoning standards. Andrew received his B.A. in Urban Studies and Environmental Studies from the University of Washington, as well as a certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Modeling. He has also received his planning certification through the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and is an active member of the American Planning Association.
Brennon Staley, Strategic Advisor, City of Seattle Office of Planning and Development | Brennon Staley is a Strategic Advisor on Housing and Developer Contributions for the City of Seattle’s Office and Planning and Development (OPCD). He is currently the lead for developing an updated citywide growth strategy and implementing zoning changes as part of the Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan Update. In his role, he is also responsible for a variety of initiatives that focus on development-related incentives, fees, and infrastructure funding including impact fees, zoning incentives, and transferable development right. Previously, Brennon was the policy lead for implementation of Seattle’s landmark Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) inclusionary housing program and led development of the Landscape Conservation and Local Infrastructure Program, a unique partnership to conserve regional farms and forests and fund local infrastructure. Brennon has a Masters of Urban Planning from the University of Washington and a Sc.B. in Environmental Engineering from Brown University. He lives in West Seattle with his wife and two kids.
Kristina Gallant, Planning Manager, Code and Policy, Development Services, City of Bellevue | Kristina Gallant, AICP, Planning Manager with the City of Bellevue, leads the city’s Code and Policy team. The team develops updates to the city’s Land Use and City codes, with recent and ongoing work in affordable housing incentives, subarea plan implementation, tree regulations, permit process streamlining, and more. The team has begun the process of developing changes necessary to implement recent state legislature, including middle housing, detached ADUs, objective design standards, and residential conversions. In addition to her code work with the City of Bellevue, her 12 years of planning experience include economic development, long-range planning, and affordable housing planning. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Western Washington University and a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Washington.
Shirley Schultz, Interim Planning Manager, City of Tacoma Development Services | Shirley Schultz, AICP, is the Current Planning Manager (Interim) for Planning and Development Services with the City of Tacoma. She has been a city planner in Western Washington for nearly 30 years. Her 19 years in Tacoma have focused on environmental permitting, discretionary permitting, and plan review, as well as subject matter expertise for policy and code development. She has worked for the Cities of Bremerton, Shelton, and Auburn, where she focused on housing and redevelopment programs. Shirley received her bachelors degree in Politics and Government from the University of Puget Sound and her Master of Planning degree in Land Use and Housing from the University of Minnesota – Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.
*All sessions and speakers are subject to changes.
- Describe the ties between Washington’s Growth Management Act, city Comprehensive Plans, and Zoning codes.
- Recall the variations in local approaches to developing policies and zoning codes.
- Identify opportunities to engage with local jurisdictions during the development of local policies and regulations.
- Discuss the potential impacts of recently passed state legislation regarding Design Review.
WoodWorks – Wood Products Council | Hargis Engineers | Jensen Hughes
Pella Windows & Doors of Western Washington
Special thanks to the Code Committee for planning this session!
Ana Parke, AIA
Leonard Ruff, AIA
Program, Registration, or Credit Questions?
Contact Andrea Aguilera, Senior Programs Coordinator at AIA Seattle
Sponsorship Questions?
Contact Zee Mars, Development Manager at AIA Seattle