2020 Travel Scholarship Info Session

Are you a recent grad or newly-licensed architect looking to gain a truly global knowledge base?
Each year, AIA Seattle facilitates a unique opportunity to expand the experience and leadership opportunities of young professionals through international travel and research. Through a $10,000 grant, the scholarship supports one young professional annually in pursuing cross-cultural dialogue in the field to expand their architectural practice, spreading ideas to and from the Puget Sound.
Join members of Lisa Johnson FAIA and Ric Peterson FAIA of our Fellows & Honors Committee, Center for Architecture & Design Gallery Associate Megan Harmon, and recent Travel Scholarship awardees Laura Bartunek Assoc. AIA, Tristan Walker Assoc. AIA, and Jackie Hensy Assoc. AIA to discuss what it takes to craft and execute a successful scholarship application, trip, and exhibition. AIA Seattle will facilitate a thorough presentation and discussion, going over the application and jury process, travel considerations, and execution of a strong exhibition at the Center for Architecture & Design.
To learn more about the Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship, including timeline, application, and past recipients, click here.
Presented in association with AIA Seattle’s Fellows & Honors Committee
Questions about this event, or the Travel Scholarship in general? Contact our Membership & Volunteer Manager, Connor Descheemaker, at connord@aiaseattle.temp312.kinsta.cloud.