2019 Travel Scholarship Info Session
Are you a recent grad or newly-licensed architect looking to gain a truly global knowledge base?
Each year, AIA Seattle facilitates a unique opportunity to expand the experience and leadership opportunities of young professionals through international travel and research. Through a $10,000 grant, the scholarship supports one young professional annually in pursuing cross-cultural dialogue in the field to expand their architectural practice, spreading ideas to and from the Puget Sound.
Join members of our Fellows & Honors Committee, Center for Architecture & Design Gallery Associate Megan Harmon, and 2017 Travel Scholarship recipient Garrett Nelli Assoc. AIA to discuss what it takes to craft and execute a successful scholarship application, trip, and exhibition. AIA Seattle will facilitate a thorough presentation and discussion, going over the application and jury process, travel considerations, and execution of a strong exhibition at the Center for Architecture & Design.
To learn more about the Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship, including timeline, application, and past recipients, click here.
Presented in association with AIA Seattle’s Fellows & Honors Committee
Questions about this event, or the Travel Scholarship in general? Contact our Membership & Volunteer Manager, Connor Descheemaker, at connord@aiaseattle.temp312.kinsta.cloud.