Blog Archives

Culture Change in Practice: A Leadership Cohort 2024

Culture Change in Practice Leadership Cohort graphic

This workshop-based curriculum focuses on individual skill-building and implementation related to structural firm-wide and firm-level change. Participants will grow their capacity and responsiveness to lead justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts and engage in sustained action. Sessions will explore power

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, For the Public, JEDI, Member Firms, Racial Justice Working Group

Updates from the Justice & Equity for Diversity & Inclusion Council

AIA Seattle JEDI Council

Who serves on the AIA Seattle JE:DI Council? Michele Hill AIA (co-chair) | AIA Seattle President Matthew Hagen AIA (co-chair) | Workshop 315 Whitney Lewis Assoc. AIA (emeritus chair) | GGLO Anna Leach AIA | Amazon Rania Qawasma | Koz

Posted in JEDI, Racial Justice Working Group

Culture Change in Practice: A Leadership Cohort 2023

Culture Change in Practice: a Leader Cohort

This four-part, peer-based learning program was designed by a team of architects and allied professionals as a response to racist violence, inequitable firm culture, and a segregated built environment. With the support of our facilitator, Dr. Anu Taranath, this program

Posted in Allied Professionals, Architects, Associates, For the Profession, For the Public, Member Firms, Racial Justice Working Group, Uncategorized