Built Environment Mayoral Candidate Forum

Seattle will have a new mayor next year, and the built environment of our city is under stress like never before. How do the candidates propose to accommodate the 3,125 new Seattleites who arrive each month while addressing the homelessness crisis? How do they hope to grow our city while preserving the quality of life for all residents? Join us for our quadrennial Built Environment Mayoral Candidates Forum Monday July 17, 8 – 10am at the Seattle Public Library Central Branch, to learn more about the candidates and their views on these and other issues.
Confirmed Candidates (stay tuned here for additions):
- Jenny Durkan
- Jessyn Farrell
- Mike McGinn
- Cary Moon
- Nikkita Oliver
- Bob Hasegawa
Hosted by:
- AIA Seattle
- ULI Northwest
- Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies at the University of Washington
- American Planning Association Washington Chapter
- American Society of Landscape Architects Washington Chapter
- Housing Development Consortium
Moderated by:
Brian Callanan, a broadcast journalist, Emmy award winner, and host of the Seattle Channel’s public affairs programs – City Inside/Out, City Inside/Out: Council Edition and Ask the Mayor.
Monday, July 17, 2017
8:00 am – Doors open/coffee & light breakfast
8:30 – 10:00 am – Forum
This event is free and open to the public.
RSVP by Friday, July 14.
Do you have questions for the candidates? Submit your questions via our Forum Question Survey to be taken into consideration by our moderator in preparation for the Forum. Please submit all questions by Wednesday, July 12.