AHC Fall Seminar - Lessons Learned Call for Lightning Talks

AIA Seattle's Architecture for Health Committee seeks to convene a series of short "lightning" talk presentations that will educate the audience to recent lessons learned in the Healthcare AEC industry.

**CALL IS NOW CLOSED. 2019 AHC Fall session registration available here.**

AIA Seattle Call for Lightning Talk Presentations
Nov 22, 2019, Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center, Seattle

This year’s Architecture for Health Committee Fall Event includes one day of interdisciplinary presentations, design case studies, and conversations around Lessons Learned in the Healthcare Design and Construction Industry. In our rapidly changing landscape of Healthcare Organizations how are design teams adapting to a constantly evolving landscape? What lessons from past project and complex renovations can be shared with our peers to make us all better? As our project delivery models shift how can we learn from the experience of other to better serve our clients? On November 22nd, we welcome architects, engineers, contractors and healthcare professionals to join us at this dynamic program that concludes with a tour of the Burien Northwest Kidney Center which recently completed construction.

The AHC Fall Event audience includes: Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Healthcare Practitioners and Policymakers, Facility Owners/Managers, Urban Designers and Planners, and Public Health Professionals. The planning task force welcomes emerging professionals to the program, as their future leadership is central to our mission.

Submission Deadline: Friday October 18, 2019
We seek to convene a series of short “lightning” talk presentations (think  PechaKucha format) that will educate the audience to recent lessons learned in the Healthcare AEC industry. We welcome a diversity of proposals from a variety of disciplines focused on design, construction and project delivery.

Proposals should specifically address lessons learned in the context of healthcare or healthcare environments. Possible subtopics are included below, but the list is not comprehensive, and should not limit submitters.

o  Planning or design strategies that improve patient care

o  Implementation of technologies in the design and construction industry

o  Complex Acute Care Renovations

o  Alternate Project Delivery Methods

o  Joint Venture Partnerships

o  Implementation of research to patient care

Lightning talk presentations are short, maximum of seven (7) minutes in length. Inspired by  PechaKucha’s concise format, presentations must limit their slides (number of slides may vary), and set them to advance automatically. Standard audio, visual, and digital media will be supported.

If selected, presenters must submit their final PowerPoint presentation files to AIA staff no later than 5:00pm on Monday, November 1, 2019.  A PowerPoint template will be provided in advance, and late presentations cannot be accepted.

We encourage presenters to use the following questions as a guide to preparing their short talks:

WHAT is the LESSON LEARNED that your lightning talk will focus on? Is it a process, a tool, a product, a space, an interaction, etc.?

WHY the lesson? Identify the problem or challenge that prompted the lesson learned.

HOW was the solution developed, tested, implemented in the context of healthcare?

WHO were the stakeholders involved.? Who was impacted? Who was required to embrace the change

and/or assume the risks?

Lightning talk proposals will be evaluated by the AHC Fall Event Planning Task Force with AIA staff. Successful proposals will:

o  Align with the forum theme and objectives

o  Deepen audience understanding of a particular design solutions

o  Offer fresh insight and relevant information through the combination of words and visuals

Speakers should be able to effectively communicate messages to a variety of audience members. While relevant examples of innovation projects can be used for presentation (and credit given to the appropriate individuals/teams), the lightning talk sessions are not a platform for marketing a person or firm’s portfolio, services, or, strategies.

Please complete this submission form by 5:00pm on October 18, 2019.

Schedule and Deadlines

  • Friday, October 18 5:00PM Proposals due
  • Wednesday, October 23: Acceptances issued
  • Friday, November 1: Final PowerPoint presentations due to AIA staff
  • Friday November 22 AHC Fall Event Presentations

Please address any questions and e‐mail all submissions to:

Chris Carlson
AIA Seattle Architecture for Health Committee Board Member
206 467‐6306