Advocacy Update - February 2025

This Month in Advocacy: Social housing funding approved! AIA Seattle joins pro housing voices for Comp Plan & join Bellevue Missing Middle info sessions. (photo courtesy of Weber Thompson, Arbora Court)
1A Wins Out Over 1B Alternative in Seattle’s Bid for Social Housing
The results are in! Social housing funding approved. Voters opt for 1A over 1B to become the preferred funding method for Seattle’s social housing initiative I-135 which AIA Seattle endorsed.
Seattle City Council Holds First Public Testimony Hearing on Comp Plan
AIA Seattle and pro housing voices had a strong showing!
Pro comp plan advocates outnumbered no 89 to 75. This hearing was the first of many, we need credible pro-housing voices to continue to bring forward their views at every opportunity. Here’s how you can help:
Sign up to Testify at the next hearing. There are multiple dates in the months ahead. We’ll help support you!
AIA Seattle sent a letter to City Council to urge Council to keep in place the aspects of the Mayor’s plan they are hearing significant push back on from anti-housing folks. AIA Seattle has amplified member voices through all phases of Comprehensive Plan development, including positions raised in May 2024 on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Plan, and in December 2024 on Draft Rezoning Maps and Draft Neighborhood Residential Zoning Legislation.
Anti-housing voices are strong and active, and AIA Seattle is one of multiple groups working to get out the Pro-Housing advocates. Email your Councilmember and sign up to testify today!
City of Bellevue Missing Middle Housing Informational Sessions
The City of Bellevue will be holding three public information sessions to share key components of the draft code for middle housing regulations: Join them February 24, 27 or March 3.
Articles of Interest
HUD staffers are bracing for widespread layoffs—what does it mean for affordable housing and disaster relief efforts? | Architects Newspaper