January 2015
Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
The AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable meets every first Tuesday. Read more
Committee Meeting: Disaster Preparedness & Response
The AIA Seattle Disaster Preparedness & Response Knowledge Community meets the second Wednesday of every other month. Read more
Committee Meeting: Young Architects Forum
AIA Seattle’s Young Architects Forum meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Young Architects Forum and to sign up for their email updates.
March 2015
Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
September 2015
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee is going to have informal discussions around specific topics. Various guests will be invited to help enliven the discussion. The topic for this month is “Women working with Women, collaboration and mentorship.” AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office. Click for more information about the…
January 2016
CANCELED: Committee Meeting: Disaster Preparedness & Response
The AIA Seattle Disaster Preparedness & Response Knowledge Community meets the second Wednesday of every other month. Read more
Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
Urban Design Forum Presents Seattle C.A.P.itol Hill Park
Urban Design Forum’s first event of 2016 will focus on The C.A.P Project, which proposes a city-wide architectural infrastructure solution to the multiple issues facing the fast growing city of Seattle. Read more
February 2016
Women in Design – Panel and Discussion: Leadership By Design
Join AIA Seattle’s Women in Design for an evening panel discussion on Leadership by Design. Read more
FitNation Exhibit
FitNation, AIA Seattle’s first exhibit at the Center for Architecture & Design, explores projects and strategies that make our environment more conducive to physical activity as a part of everyday life. Read more
FitNation Exhibit
FitNation, AIA Seattle’s first exhibit at the Center for Architecture & Design, explores projects and strategies that make our environment more conducive to physical activity as a part of everyday life. Read more
UPDATED: Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics. Various guests will be invited to help enliven the discussion. The topic for February 26 is “Why are women’s design groups important? – Gender and Diversity, a candid discussion.” Marga Rose Hancock will help lead this discussion. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at…
March 2016
Committee Meeting: 2016 Honor Awards
The Honor Awards Committee meets the first and third Friday of the month, March through November, at 12pm at AIA Seattle. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Honor Awards Committee and to sign up for their email updates.
Grand Opening for the Center for Architecture & Design
Stop by to check out Seattle’s new design hub – home to AIA Seattle, Seattle Architecture Foundation, Design in Public, and AIA Washington Council – and explore the current exhibit, FitNation. Read more
FitNation Exhibit
FitNation, AIA Seattle’s first exhibit at the Center for Architecture & Design, explores projects and strategies that make our environment more conducive to physical activity as a part of everyday life. Read more
How Carbon Pricing Will Affect the Building Industry
Join AIA Seattle’s Public Policy Board and Committee on the Environment for a panel discussion about different mechanisms to put a price to carbon emissions. Read more
Making Chaos Work For You: Success Strategies for Small Firm Practice
Managing a small design firm has always presented challenges. While small firms have the potential to maximize creativity and enthusiasm, they can also suffer from uneven workloads, poor productivity, and lack of available resources. In 21st century practice, these difficulties have only increased as unpredictability has intensified and the pace of change has quickened. Given these conditions, how do firm owners deal with constantly shifting and unexpected circumstances? How can you cope with the demands of the market place and…
First Annual Member Parti
Join us for the first annual member Parti, a celebration of the past year and a look to the year ahead! Read more
Pavement Parks in First Hill w/ Urban Design Forum
First Hill Improvement Association & Framework Seattle’s First Hill neighborhood is a dense urban community home to high rise residential building, major medical institutions, educational, and commercial uses – and a scarcity of public open space. Rising land values and development pressures have made acquiring traditional space for a new park difficult. So, in 2014, the First Hill Improvement Association partnered with three city agencies – SDOT, DPD, and Parks- to explore a concept sweeping the country: repurposing land in…
Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) Addition & Pine Street Project w/ Urban Design Forum
Pine Street Group & LMN Architects A presentation on the design of the proposed Addition to the Washington State Convention Center, which will be an urban, 21stcentury, vertically stacked convention center. The project will bring economic benefits to the community and significantly improve the neighboring pedestrian environment. Learn more: www.WSCCAddition.com Speaker Bios: Mark Reddington, FAIA | Partner, LMN Architects Mark Reddington, FAIA, is a Partner at LMN Architects in Seattle. He is a leader in the design of public places…
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
This month’s committee meeting will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and join us to help plan our events. Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics with invited guests. Look for a topic discussion in April. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office. Click for…
EXTENDED: AIA COTE Earth Day Sustainability Slam – Call for Submissions
The Seattle chapter of the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) invite you to submit case studies or ideas for the upcoming Earth Day Sustainability Slam on April 21st. Submit your project or case study by March 28! Read more
April 2016
Path to Fellowship
Are you a seasoned professional who is considering applying for AIA Fellowship? Or are you an emerging professional who’s curious about steps you can take now to make a future application more competitive? Join a panel of local FAIAs to learn more about the College of Fellows! Read more
“Business Case for Diversity” Panel Discussion w/ Women in Design and Diversity Roundtable
Join Women in Design and Diversity Round Table for an evening panel discussion on the topic “Business Case for Diversity”. Read more
Living Small: Ideas for Living in the City
By 2015 Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient Garrett Reynolds April 21 – June 25 // TUES-FRI 10am-6pm + SAT 1-5pm As Seattle grows, how can housing design keep pace with the evolving ways we are living in cities? Is small housing a viable option? Can smaller spaces make for better living? This exhibit of micro-living spaces in dense urban environments in Copenhagen, New York, Stockholm, and Tokyo explores what other growing cities can teach us about housing for our future. Living…
Designing a Seattle Streetcar System: The Center City Connector w/ Urban Design Forum
Join Urban Design Forum as we discuss Seattle’s evolving streetcar system. Hear from representatives from SDOT, Gustafson Guthrie Nichol and Parsons Corporation about their plans for the future. Read more
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics. Various guests will be invited to help enliven the discussion. The topic for April is “Work Life Balance – Alternative Perspectives.” AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office. Click for more information about the Women In Design and to sign…
May 2016
Living Small: Ideas for Living in the City
By 2015 Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient Garrett Reynolds April 21 – June 11 // TUES-FRI 10am-6pm + SAT 1-5pm As Seattle grows, how can housing design keep pace with the evolving ways we are living in cities? Is small housing a viable option? Can smaller spaces make for better living? This exhibit of micro-living spaces in dense urban environments in Copenhagen, New York, Stockholm, and Tokyo explores what other growing cities can teach us about housing for our future. Living…
Architecture at Zero w/ COTE
Join AIA Seattle COTE for a case study discussion on the two local winning entries in the 2015 Architecture at Zero competition. Read more
Reflections on Small
Garrett Reynolds AIA, our 2015 Seattle Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship recipient, will lead a conversation around the design of micro living spaces from his research in New York City, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Seoul, and Tokyo. The discussion seeks to provide a dialogue between his research and the changing housing climate in Seattle.
June 2016
UPDATED: Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Updated Date: June 3, 2016 From 12:00-1:00pm This month’s committee meeting will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and join us to help plan our events. Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics with invited guests. Look for a topic discussion in June. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month…
CAP Collaboration Series: Managing Risk Through Contracts with Lane Powell
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Lane Powell for an hour long Continuing Education class on contract writing. Course Description Construction projects come with a unique variety of risks and contract considerations that every professional in the industry should know. This lecture introduces participants to the legal provisions contained in contracts that affect and manage risk. Lane Powell will provide an overview of how to manage risk with proper contract drafting, as well as discuss indemnity, limitations of liability and payment provisions.…
CAP Collaboration Series: Biophilic Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation Design with AEI Engineering
Join our Corporate Allied Partner AEI Engineering for an hour long Continuing Education class on biophilic heating. Course Description In this session we will explore the relationship between biophilic design with respect to heating, cooling, and ventilating our built environment. This session will highlight different mechanical system technologies, discuss how they impact thermal comfort, and define how each technology is best suited for project-specific design parameters. Additionally, we will discuss why certain technologies should be selected based on space type, climate…
UPDATED: Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
CAP Collaboration Series: Passive Design: Principles & Applications with PAE
Join our Corporate Allied Partner PAE for an hour long Continuing Education class on passive design. Course Description This presentation will focus on the principles of passive design solutions, including design strategies, tools, and inherent challenges. The passive principles will then be applied to architectural and system solutions showing built examples of passive buildings that are achieving excellent performance. Learning Objectives Summarize the cooling, heating, ventilation, and lighting strategies utilized in passive design. Understand and explain the concepts of Net Zero…
Passive House: Best Path to Net Zero w/ COTE
Join outgoing president of Passive House Northwest (PHNW) Michelle Jeresek as she discusses Passive House! Read more
Capitol Hill 2020 Presentation w/ Urban Design Forum
Join Urban Design Forum and hear from Capitol Hill 2020 project and how this vibrant area is impacted by development and growth of Seattle. Read more
May the Force Be With You – Active Ventilation in a Passive House w/ COTE
Join Dr. Kara Rosemeier, Chair of Passive House Institute New Zealand, for a discussion on active ventilation in a Passive House. Read more
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics. Various guests will be invited to help enliven the discussion. The topic for June is “Women in Construction.” AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office. Click for more information about the Women In Design and to sign up for their email…
Summer Solstice w/ Diversity Roundtable
Join the Diversity Roundtable as they celebrate 30 years! Enjoy refreshments and explore the newest additions to the Portraits of Architects exhibit. Read more
Learning from Abroad w/ Seattle International Architects Forum
Join the Seattle International Architects Forum for their first event and hear from panelist about travel programs and lessons learned from around the world! Read more
July 2016
BOOM: Changing Seattle
BOOM: Changing Seattle is a tribute to places lost, preserved and desired during moments of rapid development and growth in Seattle. This multidisciplinary exhibition incorporates archival and recent photos, documents, and contemporary art to position history and memory as integral to innovation. Read more
UPDATED: Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
The AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable meets every first Tuesday. Read more
Artful Rainwater Design Presentation w/ COTE
Eliza Pennypacker and Stuart Echols, authors of the book Artful Rainwater Design , speak about their book and engage with local stakeholders including policymakers, advocacy groups, and the local community to address environmental challenges of today. Members will to learn about the book, the research behind it, and authors’ unique approach to dealing with stormwater runoff in a design-friendly fashion. Artful Rainwater Design is a comprehensive guide that explains how to design creative, yet practical, landscapes that treat on-site stormwater management as an opportunity to…
Electric Vehicle Charging Designed for the Real World w/ COTE
The presentation will provide information based on actual, real world electric vehicle usage experiences from the consumers’ viewpoint gathered over the years by the Seattle Electric Vehicle Association and Plug In America from tens of thousands of their EV owners/drivers across the nation as well as the organizations’ work with local, state and national policy makers aimed at accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. Attendees will receive an overview of electric vehicle capabilities, usage and charging, both current and on…
Why Initiative-123 Doesn’t Add Up
Join us to find out Why I-123 Doesn’t Add Up – and Protect Seattle’s Waterfront. Read more
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
This month’s committee meeting will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and join us to help plan our events. Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics with invited guests. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office. Click for more information about the Women In Design and…
August 2016
CANCELED: Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
The AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable meets every first Tuesday. Read more
Resident’s Podium for Seattle Legacy Spaces
Seattle residents, artists, and community organizers will testify about the places they want preserved. Meanwhile city officials, landlords, real estate developers, policy makers and other community members are invited to come together to listen and learn from these voices across our city. Through better collective understanding of the historic businesses and gathering spaces that knit together our current urban fabric, we can determine how to design the most collaborative, inclusive and considered version of Seattle, conceived by the many. This…
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics with invited guests. Alternating months will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and join us to help plan our events. Look for more information for this month’s meeting to come. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office.…
September 2016
Scale + Constructability of Passive House w/ COTE
What? Passive House projects are becoming more common around the Puget Sound but it is hard to find contractors with much experience with passive house construction. AIA COTE is pleased to announce that two contractors with both small and large passive house projects will present on their experiences constructing these buildings. Presenters: Dan Whitmore- Hammer & Hand Marty Houston – Walsh Construction When? Wednesday, September 7th – 5-6:30pm Where? Center for Architecture & Design, 1010 Western Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104…
DATE CHANGE: Committee Meeting: Seattle International Architects Forum
The Seattle International Architects Forum (SIAF) broadens cross-cultural horizons, provides mentoring and educational opportunities, and inspires awareness of international architectural practice. The September meeting will happen on September 8 from noon to 1:00PM at the Center for Architecture & Design. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community.
Happy Hour With Young Architects Forum + Women In Design
The AIA Seattle Happy Hour Series is a monthly gathering presented by the Young Architects Forum and Women in Design committees to encourage connections within the Seattle design community. This year’s happy hours will highlight design partnerships that have led to successful projects. The September 8th Happy Hour will be co-hosted by AIA Seattle & Seattle Architecture Foundation. And thanks to our sponsors for this Happy Hour – Big Ass Fans – join us to participate in the raffle to win one of their fans! JOIN US EVERY SECOND THURSDAY…
Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
The AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable meets every first Tuesday. Read more
Why Seattle Needs a Downtown Urban Design Plan
A policy framework is insufficient to achieve the urban outcomes we all desire; we also need specific, physical recommendations for urban form and shape, to guide investment. How can we visualize, through plans and illustrations, how growth and development can contribute to a greater whole? Could Seattle benefit from an Urban Design Plan, like so many other large cities have developed? Join moderator Dennis Haskell and panelists Lee Copeland, Barbara Gray, Don Stastny and Heidi Bullinga to explore the value…
Growing A City – Density, Displacement and Policy in an Urbanizing Seattle w/ UDF
Seattle is growing. Denser, more efficient urban environment replaces existing structure. Businesses come and go. Infrastructure expands. Neighborhoods are redesigned around pedestrians and cyclists. Rents increase. Displacement occurs. But does urban growth lead to inequitable neighborhoods? How do we, as a city, design neighborhoods that serve the greatest share of the population? How do we encourage thriving businesses that serve their community? We will host a panel discussion revolving around the drivers of change on a neighborhood scale and on…
The transition to ARE 5.0 is right around the corner! This session will explain the transition from 4.0 to 5.0, discuss test components and structure, and answer your questions about how to test strategically. If you have begun ARE 4.0 or plan to become eligible before November 1st, we will discuss your strategies to complete the ARE in as few as five divisions. This session will kick off our upcoming ARE Study Sessions which will focus on the divisions that…
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
Every other month the AIA Women in Design committee will host informal discussions around specific topics with invited guests. Alternating months will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and join us to help plan our events. Look for more information for this month’s meeting to come. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Women in Design meets the last Friday of every month at the AIA Seattle office.…
October 2016
Connect – Pathways to Volunteer Engagement
Join AIA Seattle’s dedicated volunteers and learn about ways to connect with members and shape our chapter. Volunteers are a critical part of our organization and you can make your voice heard! Read more
CAP Collaboration Series: Design, Performance and the Aluminum Window with Glo European Windows
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Glo European Windows for an hour long Continuing Education class on aluminum windows. Course Description An in depth review of the traditional aluminum window’s challenges, including condensation, convection and low thermal performance. We’ll also discuss technological advances of the modern thermally broken aluminum window that increase performance levels while still providing slim lines to architectural design. This course also provides an overview of different methods of installation including the many ways to ensure windows integrate seamlessly into…
CAP Collaboration Series: New Details from Hammer & Hand’s 2016 Best Practices Manual
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Hammer & Hand for an hour long Continuing Education class on managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest. Course Description See Hammer & Hand’s field-tested details for managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest. H&H’s first edition of its Best Practices Manual focused on proper moisture management in buildings, with particular emphasis on fluid-applied flashing for window and door installation, construction of…
CAP Collaboration Series: LEED v4: it’s finally happening! Find out what architects need to know.
Join our Corporate Allied Partner FSi Consulting Engineers for an hour long Continuing Education class on LEED v4. Course Description The USGBC continues to push the building industry towards higher levels of sustainability, and the new version of LEED, LEED v4, reflects this push. For over a year, you’ve been able to choose between submitting projects under LEED 2009 and LEED v4. After a few delays, LEED v4 will become mandatory on November 1, 2016. This new version of LEED offers…
CAP Collaboration Series: High-Performance Buildings: Nexus of Water & Energy with AEI Engineering
Join our Corporate Allied Partner AEI Engineering for an hour long Continuing Education class on high-performance buildings. Course Description A course designed to draw together a collective understanding of energy reduction strategies, water reduction strategies and analysis. Planned approaches and case studies are presented to reinforce project planning, decision making and trends. Learning Objectives Define the process by which integrated design occurs on technically complex projects, from case studies, and translate that process onto future high performance building aspects that effect the…
Focusing on the Future of Planning 21st Century Learning Spaces w/ CAE
Join the Committee on Architects for Education for their first event and hear from Jeanne Narum about her national research on learning environments of the 21st century! Read more
CAP Collaboration Series: Signature Pedestrian Bridges with KPFF
Join our Corporate Allied Partner KPFF Consulting Engineers for an hour long Continuing Education class on signature pedestrian bridges. Course Description Signature pedestrian bridges often showcase slender and unique systems with exposed structural components. Pushing the limits of bridge deck slenderness requires a performance-based engineering approach for occupant comfort to account for dynamic wind and pedestrian movements. Elegant bridges often feature exposed structural systems and complex geometries that call for enhanced care when detailing. Learn about occupant comfort and detailing strategies…
Sound Transit 3: Where, When, Why? w/ UDF
Come hear about the Sound Transit 3 regional transit expansion package that will be on the ballot this November. Where, when and why will this proposal build and expand transit? What are the impacts of the proposal on Seattle and the surrounding areas from a development and urbanization perspective? How can expanded light rail and other mass transit make living in our city and our region more affordable? Speaking for Transportation Choices will be Seattle City Council Member and Urban Planner Rob…
Code Transition – House Rules: 2015 Residential & Energy Code Update
The 2015 Seattle Residential Code and Seattle Energy Code will go into effect on January 1, 2017, and will implement several important changes. This session will focus entirely on code applicable to single-family, duplex and townhouse projects. Duane Jonlin FAIA and Rick Pellinger from the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, will guide participants through the most significant changes and discuss the differences between the Seattle residential energy and building codes and those of the ICC codes and other jurisdictions.…
November 2016
CANCELED: Committee Meeting: Seattle International Architects Forum
Today’s meeting has been canceled. The Seattle International Architects Forum (SIAF) broadens cross-cultural horizons, provides mentoring and educational opportunities, and inspires awareness of international architectural practice. SIAF meets the first Thursday of every month at noon at the Center for Architecture & Design. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community.
Urban Translation: A survey of UW’s Mexico City Studio w/ SIAF
Every year since 2010, students from the University of Washington Department of Architecture, led by Affiliate Assistant Professor Robert Hutchison, have traveled to Mexico City to live and work amidst the frenetic, problematic, yet beautiful conditions that constitute one of the world’s largest metropolis. Working out of Luis Barragan’s studio directly adjoining the Casa Luis Barragan, each year students are tasked with the design of housing for a specific colonia (neighborhood) in the city. Hutchison, along with upcoming 2017 Program…
Committee Meeting: Adaptation & Resilience
The Adaptation & Resilience Committee meets the second Wednesday of every other month at noon at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Adaptation & Resilience Committee and to sign up for their email updates.
Hollywood’s Architect w/ WID
Join Women In Design for a lively presentation about architects representation in film! Read more
Critical Mass (Timber) w/ COTE
Critical Mass (Timber) Mass Timber is a collective term for multiple existing (GLT, NLT, LVL, LSL) and emerging (CLT) structural wood products. In the broader category of mass timber, CLT (cross laminated timber) is notable because of unique product and process innovation. While much attention in architecture and engineering has been directed to professional practice application of CLT in existing project delivery frameworks, transformative opportunities for design exist in the vertical integration of supply chain (forest-to-frame) and prefabrication (BIM-to-FIM). The scale of this transformation exists beyond individual projects or firms…
December 2016
CAP Collaboration Series: Can we all just get along? Working together in a BIM Environment with GLY Construction
Join our Corporate Allied Partner GLY Construction for an hour long Continuing Education class on collaborating in the BIM environment. Course Description What’s stopping us? IDP Contacts, early contractor engagement, Design Build, integrated technology, multiple design iterations, pre-fabrication, tighter deadlines, competitive pricing, sub-contractor detailing, clash detection, fast track permitting and construction. With all these requirements it’s not surprising architects and contractors are having difficulty figuring out how to work together. It’s a daunting prospect. But the best solutions usually spring from…
Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Diversity Roundtable and to sign up for their email updates.
CAP Collaboration Series: Ground Source Heat Pumps in the PNW with Notkin Mechanical Engineers
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Notkin Mechanical Engineers for an hour long Continuing Education class on ground source heat pumps. Course Description This presentation will introduce participants to the varying types of ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems and review case studies for both vertical and horizontal systems that have been installed in the Pacific Northwest. Discussion will include site evaluation to determine feasibility, payback expectations, and infrastructure and building interior considerations to support GSHP installation. Learning Objectives Participants will be able…
CAP Collaboration Series: Implications for the Energy Efficient Design of Building Envelopes to Comply with the New Energy Code
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Morrison Hershfield for an hour long Continuing Education class on changing Seattle Energy codes and its impact on building envelope efficiency. Course Description As Seattle continues to strive to become a net-zero energy city, the Seattle Energy Code requirements are becoming more stringent with each edition. While there is no denying there are benefits of stricter requirements, building designers are faced with challenges in constructing a more air-tight, energy-efficient building. In this presentation Morrison Hershfield will highlight…
COTE Holiday Happy Hour
Please join Committee on the Environment for a Holiday Happy Hour! Read more
CAP COLLABORATION SERIES: Lighting Toward Zero: Lighting as Part of a Sustainable Design
Join our Corporate Allied Partner dark | light design for an hour long Continuing Education class on sustainable lighting design. Lighting is an integral part of sustainable building design. Getting toward zero requires a shift in thinking from a piecemeal approach to one that integrates multiple strategies to create the most efficient lighting system possible. This class will discuss lighting approaches that go beyond reducing connected load, and also identify some of the pitfalls that can impact energy effectiveness. Learning Objectives The…
CANCELED: Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
CANCELED: Committee Meeting: Young Architects Forum
AIA Seattle’s Young Architects Forum meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Young Architects Forum and to sign up for their email updates.
January 2017
UPDATED: Committee Meeting: Diversity Roundtable
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Diversity Roundtable and to sign up for their email updates.
Committee Meeting: Disaster Preparedness & Response
The Disaster Preparedness & Response Knowledge Community meets the second Wednesday of every other month at noon at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Disaster Preparedness & Response Knowledge Community and to sign up for their email updates.
Open to All: Designing for the full range of human experience
Open to All: Designing for the Full Range of Human Experience, opening @ the Center in January, 2017, shows how designers make places, objects and experiences to better match the diversity of individual interactions with them. Open to All seeks to give visitors a visceral understanding of the critical role design plays in creating an environment of inclusivity. AUDIO GUIDE Opening Reception: Jan. 12, 5-8pm Lightning Talks: 6-7pm with ASL interpretation Featuring Open to All Projects: Skype Translator, Incloodle, Hearing AI…
Committee Meeting: COTE
AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Committee on the Environment (COTE) and to sign up for their email updates.
Architecture 2030 Challenge and the Paris Agreement w/ COTE
Andrew Lee, Zero Cities Project Manager with Architecture 2030, will present an update on Architecture 2030 and how the Paris agreement will impact our future. Read more
UW’s Draft 2018 Campus Master Plan Explained w/ CAE
The 2018 Draft Seattle Campus Master Plan (CMP) provides the framework for the University of Washington Seattle campus’ future development. It sees the campus growing up rather than out. Progressive and sustainable, it balances the preservation of the core campus with the need to accommodate increasing density. The plan integrates the University’s academic, research and service missions with its capital plan objectives. The Draft 2018 Campus Master Plan and DEIS were published on October 5, 2016, beginning a 45-day public…
Urban Families w/ UDF
Join Urban Design Forum for a panel discussion with members of the Seattle Planning Commission on accommodating families in our urban areas as Seattle grows. Read more
Committee Meeting: Young Architects Forum
AIA Seattle’s Young Architects Forum meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at the AIA Seattle office. AIA Seattle members, allied members, and sponsors are encouraged to join, as well as professionals in the design community. Click for more information about the Young Architects Forum and to sign up for their email updates.
Tour of Architect Karen Braitmayer’s Home w/ WID
Join Women In Design for a tour of Architect Karen Braitmayer FAIA’s home! Read more
February 2017
OpenSidewalks: How open to All?
As pedestrians, we have been unfortunately trained by applications like mobile phone maps to minimize our information requirements when asking very pertinent questions about getting around. We really only get to ask “what’s the shortest path?” But what if you wanted to know “what’s the most scenic path?”, or “what’s the least elevated path?”, or importantly, “what’s a stroller and wheelchair navigable path?”. Mobile map applications do not consider any environmental aspects or barriers when choosing a path, nor do…
Second Annual Parti
Join us for the second annual member Parti, a celebration of the past year and a look to the year ahead! Read more
Path to Fellowship
Are you a seasoned professional who is considering applying for AIA Fellowship? Or are you an emerging professional who’s curious about steps you can take now to make a future application more competitive? Read more
The Grand Bargain w/ UDF
What is the Grand Bargain, and how will it improve Seattle’s supply of affordable housing? This month’s Urban Design Forum looks at the status of the HALA (Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda) recommendations, the history and goals of the Grand Bargain, and current efforts underway by the City of Seattle to implement key measures in the HALA report, including upzones and Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). Come join us! Speakers: Rick Mohler, AIA, Principal at Mohler + GhillinoArchitects, Associate Professor & Graduate Program Coordinator at UW Dept. of Arch. Marty…
Committee Meeting: Women In Design
February 24 WID Meeting – MOVING FORWARD Join us and our partners at NAWIC (National Association of Women in Construction) for our monthly committee meeting and an engaging discussion on Team Building with invited guests from the A/E/C industry. This is a special event you won’t want to miss. Time: 12pm – 1pm Where: Center for Architecture and Design – 1010 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA Cost: FREE – *Box Lunches sponsored by AGC (Assoc General Contractors) Register: Click here to…
March 2017
CAP Collab: Evolving Trends in Professional Liability Insurance in the Construction Field
Join our Corporate Allied Partner Parker, Smith & Feek for an hour long Continuing Education class on risk management and contractual negotiation.
Brian Hearst and Walt Isler will discuss in detail the important considerations in contractual, performance related liability negotiation on projects and selecting professional liability insurance. With their extensive experience working with owners and builders, they will present the evolving risk management techniques and emerging trends in risk transfer. Read more
ARE 5.0 Preparation Course – Structural, Part 1
The new ARE 5.0 examination has structural content in many of the divisions. This presentation will help prepare participants in understanding and applying these critical concepts. This information will be presented to benefit participants not only for taking the exam, but also in continuing their career. This is the first part of a two part course – you must attend both sessions to receive credit for the course. Learn more about the second session here. Learning Objectives Participants will evaluate…
Homelessness w/ UDF
Join Urban Design Forum for a panel discussion on homelessness in our city! Read more
Connect – Pathways to Volunteer Engagement
Join AIA Seattle’s dedicated volunteers and learn about ways to connect with members and shape our chapter. Volunteers are a critical part of our organization and you can make your voice heard! Read more
Code Evolutions – House Rules: 2015 Residential & Energy Code Update
The 2015 Seattle Residential Code and Seattle Energy Code will go into effect on January 1, 2017, and will implement several important changes. This session will focus entirely on code applicable to single-family, duplex and townhouse projects. Read more