Announcing the 2020 Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient

Travel Scholarship 2020

Cohousing is not a new idea, but it is often thought of as a housing solution for young families, digital nomads, hippie communities, or for young frequent travelers. Current senior living offerings are often too expensive and lack the communal element that treats aspects of loneliness and isolation. Cohousing projects designed and geared towards seniors and their needs could solve these issues as an alternative solution to the overpriced luxury senior living options that exist today.  Existing senior housing options often do not fit the needs of the community they are attempting to serve. By visiting some of the first existing senior cohousing projects, I hope to illustrate it’s inherent benefits and possibilities. I hope to provide insight into how these communities are formed, how they are funded and how they succeed, illustrating that senior cohousing is a viable and better housing option.

As this year’s recipient of AIA Seattle’s Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship, Queena will travel to London, Paris, Oakland, CA and Portland, OR to document senior cohousing projects that were the first of its kind in their perspective cities. These projects were chosen to understand the complexities of starting a new cohousing community in varying urban environments. Interviews of community members and documentation of the projects will be conducted to gain a full understanding of the formation of these communities, their funding models, and the design of the architecture.

View Queena’s proposal here.

smiling, sandy-haired woman in black sweatervest, in front of green trees Queena Yi, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP BD+C, is an architectural designer with over six years of experience and is anticipating licensure this year. Her previous work experience at Katerra and Perkins + Will, where she managed senior housing projects and a WeWork | WeLive project, provided the foundation for this Travel Scholarship proposal. Previous to pursuing a career in architecture, Queena worked for over a decade at various startup tech companies in San Francisco and Seattle. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of California at San Diego and an M.Arch from the University of Washington. During her studies at the UW, Queena received a Scan Design Fellowship to study at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen for one year. Her time in Copenhagen provided the groundwork for her thesis project, Memento Mori | A Non-Sectarian Memorial Site in Seattle, which was later selected for the AIA 2015 Emerging Professionals Exhibit. Queena has been active in the design community by participating in the UW PAC, Design in Public, and Seattle Architecture Foundation at various capacities.

Queena will be recognized, along with our 2020 Fellows and Honorees, at the President’s Dinner hosted by AIA Seattle in June, final date TBC.

Posted in For the Profession

Announcing the 2020 AIA National Honorees

2020 Young Architects Award

JoAnn Hindmarsh Wilcox AIAJoAnn Hindmarsh Wilcox AIA is a licensed Architect in Oregon and Washington, where she practices as a Principal, Design Lead and Public Engagement Strategist for Mahlum. In her tenure at the firm, she has made a significant contribution in establishing Mahlum as a nationally recognized design firm. JoAnn designs consciously and is motivated by action and impact. An emerging national leader in design for learning, JoAnn’s built work explores architecture’s connection to regenerative social and ecological outcomes, and its power to uplift the next generation. Her work highlights a balance between persistent curiosity and a quiet sensitivity to place, craft and the human experience through design within the public realm. Operating in an area that is regularly constrained by budget and entrenched conventions, she is able to sensitively listen and provide innovative solutions that influence K-12 design nationally. Her advocacy has brought social justice to the foreground in the conversation on school design, and her public work for communities-in-need models the social impact architecture can have. She is noted for creating buildings as deeply impactful as beautiful and has been recognized with more than 80 awards for design excellence from the local to the international level, including a 2019 National AIA Honor Award for Arlington Elementary. A graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, JoAnn was also the recipient of an AIA Henry Adams Medal and in 2018 received AIA Seattle’s Young Architect Award. In addition, JoAnn volunteers, juries, mentors, publishes and lectures widely; engaging civic issues that speak to the transformational power of design.

2020 Associates Award

Stacey Crumbaker Assoc AIAStacey Crumbaker Assoc. AIA is an associate principal at Mahlum, where she is focused on work that serves the greater public rather than individuals. With accredited degrees in both architecture and interior design, Stacey balances her work across two intertwined disciplines and advocates for the development of stronger bonds between practitioners. By cultivating a practice that responds to the human experience, she proves that architecture has a unique ability to foster community. She has led multiple designs for the region’s public schools, and her work often ties together the poetics of design with the tectonics of construction. Her work was informed by the receipt of the Sean Murphy Travel Fellowship, which sent her to Antarctica to research how such an extreme environment can shape livable spaces. She carried the lessons learned there back to Seattle, where she breathes new life into mundane spaces to inspire and enrich the communities she serves. Stacey’s path to leadership began with important roles for the Northern Pacific Chapter of the International Interior Design Association, where she fostered the organization’s advocacy programs to advance design excellence, legislation, and community outreach. With her unique perspective on practice, Stacey has also served on AIA’s Interior Architecture Advisory Group since 2017, and she has been instrumental in shaping the knowledge community’s long-term vision. Stacey has pushed designers across all disciplines to test the boundaries of design. As past-president of the board of Design in Public, she has prompted community dialogue focused on the impact of design in urban life. She has successfully gathered architects, interior designers, planners, and artists to participate in a wide range of programming at the annual festival.

2020 Honorary Membership

Lisa Richmond Hon AIALisa Richmond, Hon. AIA and Executive Director of AIA Seattle has channeled her belief in the power of design to engage the public in critical issues of sustainability, livability, and resilience. Always providing maximum organizational impact, her actions and innovation have helped architects lead positive change in our communities. Lisa has worked to develop a culture of advocacy at AIA Seattle, recognizing that solving the profession’s pressing issues can only happen through policy and regulatory change. She has developed systems, such as the chapter’s public policy board, to both engage and deploy its members to great effect. AIA Seattle is one of the few local chapters to host a full-time position focused on advocacy, and the infrastructure Lisa has developed has become a model for components across the country. To directly foster carbon reduction in the built environment, Lisa led the chapter in its support of a state carbon tax. She was also a partner in the formation of Shift Zero, a cohort of 20 organizations from around Puget Sound striving toward zero carbon buildings. Her propensity for strategic thinking led to an appointment to the AIA Strategic Planning Task Force where she has championed a focus on organizational impact and accountability. Previously, Lisa served on the AIA Advocacy Capacity Building Task Force, where she worked with colleagues to unite a fractured group and create recommendations that were unanimously adopted by AIA’s board of directors. The list of Lisa’s accomplishments is lengthy and includes a Loeb Fellowship from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, a place on the Seattle mayor’s Green Building Task Force, and service as a climate reality mentor for Al Gore’s Climate Reality Leadership Corps. A born leader, her outlook on advocacy has become a national model that has greatly benefited AIA.

Posted in For the Profession

Advocacy Update – February 2020


Support Federal Legislation to Phase Down HFCs
Architects Advocate, an independent group of architects and firms formed to advocate for policies to mitigate climate change, is calling for architects to support two bipartisan bills in Congress that would phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) commonly used in refrigerants and replace them with climate-friendlier alternatives. They ask architects to consider signing on to a letter written by E2, a partner of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). You may review the letter and sign here (by signing, you are not committing to attend the Special Event on Feb. 28 – the form is a bit confusing).

AIA Opposes Trump Administration Proposal on Design for Federal Buildings
The Trump Administration is considering a draft executive order that would officially designate “classical” architecture as the preferred style for the following building types: federal courthouses, all federal public buildings in the Capitol region, and all other federal public buildings over $50 million in modern dollars. The AIA at all levels strongly and unequivocally opposes this change in policy to promote any style of architecture over another for these types of federal buildings across the country. AIA Seattle sent a letter to the Administration expressing our opposition. Individuals interested in commenting on the proposal can do so via AIA National’s grassroots website here.


Washington’s 2020 Legislative Session Passes the Halfway Mark
The state legislative session in Olympia has reached the point where all bills must have passed on to their opposite house or they are dead. For details on the legislative session and AIA’s priority issues, you may read AIA Washington Council’s latest Legislative Update here. If you would like to weigh in with legislators on any of these issues, or if you have comments for AIA|WA, please contact Kirsten.


New Solid Waste Guidance from SPU
Seattle Public Utilities Solid Waste has updated CAM 1301, its guidance document for solid waste planning for new and redeveloping buildings, as well as the Checklist for Designers that provides SPU with the data it needs to review and approve solid waste storage, access, and collection designs. AIA members participated in focus groups with SPU and provided feedback as it developed these guidelines.

Mayor Issues Executive Order on a Green New Deal for Seattle
In January, Mayor Durkan signed an Executive Order committing Seattle to operate all new or substantially altered City of Seattle buildings without fossil fuels and develop a strategy to eliminate fossil fuel use in existing city buildings by January 2021. The Executive Order also requires annual Green New Deal reports through 2030 and directs the Office of Sustainability and Environment to engage stakeholders to achieve the following goals of the Green New Deal:

  • Reduce pollution to limit the average global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C;
  • Promote economic opportunity and inclusive access to stable, well-paying jobs; and
  • Advance environmental justice by ensuring the benefits and investments of the clean energy transition accrue to those communities and populations historically most burdened by the fossil fuel economy.

AIA Seattle supports these moves and hopes that the city’s actions will help further work to address emissions from privately-owned buildings, including a ban on new gas hookups that is currently being considered by the City Council.

Mayor’s Affordable Middle-Income Housing Advisory Council Offers Housing Recommendations
In January, Mayor Durkan’s Affordable Middle-Income Housing Advisory Council offered its report recommending a suite of strategies that government, the private sector, and community organizations can act on to increase housing options available to middle-income families and individuals. The recommendations, which will be considered by Mayor Durkan over the coming months, are suggested tools to help create more opportunities for homeownership, bring more housing online faster, and increase housing options in neighborhoods throughout the city. The Council recommended three high-impact actions:

  • Reduce costs of building housing by promoting partnerships with private sector investors and philanthropic dollars for innovative real estate financing.
  • Advocate to the state to extend the Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) program beyond 12 years of affordability.
  • Reduce construction costs and bring new homes online as quickly as possible by reforming permitting practices.

Read the full report here. AIA Seattle advocates for policies that address housing affordability and access at all income levels. We support these measures and continue to work with the city and affiliated groups to reduce permit times, in particular.


Join AIA Seattle’s Outreach Efforts to Address Housing Policy
AIA’s Housing Task Force has identified areas where the chapter can support policies related to providing more housing flexibility and infill in the city’s neighborhoods as well as addressing housing availability and affordability issues as part Seattle’s next comprehensive plan growth strategy. Below are areas of outreach that we will be focusing on throughout 2020. If you are interested in participating in any of these efforts, or if you have other comments or suggestions, please let Kirsten know.

  • CfAD Gallery Exhibit. Dec. 2020-Feb. 2021.  AIA’s gallery space is reserved during this time period for an exhibit on how Seattle will navigate changes to single family zoning as it embarks on its next comprehensive plan update. We’re looking for volunteers to participate on a curatorial team that will flesh out how we want to showcase issues related to zoning, missing middle housing, and Seattle’s growth strategy in terms of messaging and exhibit take-aways.
  • 2020 Seattle Design Festival. AIA is looking for members willing to brainstorm and implement an exhibit or other event on these same housing themes for this year’s Design Festival.
  • Tours
    • AIA’s 2nd Annual ADU Tour is scheduled for June 6, 2020. We welcome volunteers interested in working on the committee that is organizing the tour.
    • Missing Middle Housing Tours: AIA’s Housing Task Force is interested in creating walking tours that focus on existing missing middle housing in locations such as Capitol Hill, the Volunteer Park area, the Pine Street Cottages, and elsewhere.  We are looking for architects interested in helping to identify locations and lead tours.
  • Cross-Advocacy Group Public Campaign. The Housing Task Force is interested in engaging with other groups in a citywide, Minneapolis-style campaign around providing infill in single family zones. We’ll be meeting with other groups currently doing this work such as Sightline and the Urbanist. We’d love to have volunteers who would like to help with this effort.

Apply to Join the Seattle Planning Commission
The Seattle Planning Commission is looking for new Commissioners. The Planning Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and city departments on citywide planning goals and policies and provides them with independent advice on land use, zoning, and transportation and housing issues. Applicants must currently reside in Seattle. For more information and how to apply, click here. Applications are due by February 28.


AIA Seattle Committee Meetings
AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: March 9, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: March 12, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

 Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.

Passive House Northwest Annual Conference – Seattle, March 12-14

Mass Timber Hackathon – Portland, March 20-22

International Mass Timber Conference – Portland, March 24-26


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |


Posted in Public Policy Board

2020 Happy Hour Series

Hindsight Is 20/20 - Women In Design & Young Architects Forum 2020 Happy Hour series

The AIA Seattle Happy Hour Series is a monthly gathering presented by the Young Architects Forum and Women in Design committees to encourage connections within the Seattle design community. This year’s happy hours will highlight connections between designers and builders throughout the design and construction process.

Join us every second Thursday through December!
**Note exceptions on date below

Mark your calendar & click to print the 2020 AIA Seattle Happy Hour Series Poster to pin up at your firm!


February 27: DLR Group

March 12: SABArchitects + Path With Art – POSTPONED, new date TBC

April 9: Hoshide Wanzer Architects + Johnston Architects – POSTPONED, new date TBC

May 14: NAC Architecture + Coughlin Porter Lundeen

June 11: Weber Thompson + Turner Construction, hosted at Watershed

July 9: CLARK|BARNES + tk1sc

August 13: Magnusson Klemencic Associates w/ Structural Engineers Association of Washington Young Members Group

September 10: Lease Crutcher Lewis + Perkins and Will

October 8: Baylis Architects*

November 12: Dykeman, Inc.*

December 10: Gensler

Click through for details on each happy hour.
*Note that these two happy hours are located in Bellevue and Everett, respectively.

All happy hours are hosted in accessible locations with zero-step entry, and accessible restrooms. More specific accessibility information is available on each event page, and can be discussed on your individual registration for each program.

Interested in hosting a future happy hour? Please contact the YAF co-chairs at and AIA Seattle Membership & Volunteer Manager, Connor Descheemaker. Happy Hour hosts must be current Firm Network partners or Corporate Allied Partners.

Posted in Uncategorized

DRT + SIAF Social Hour Series 2020

SIAF+DRT 2020 Social Hour Series

The AIA Seattle Social Hour series is a bimonthly gathering facilitated by the Diversity Roundtable and Seattle International Architecture Forum to encourage connections amongst diverse practitioners within the Seattle design community.

Please join us for an opportunity to engage in discussions of diverse ideas in architecture, and connect with a community of architects from many different backgrounds.

Join us every other fourth Tuesday through November!

Mark your calendar & click to print or download the 2020 Social Hour series poster with embedded location links to share with your firm.


January 28: Mahlum Architects

March 31: Freiheit Architects

May 26: The Design Collective

July 28: IBI Group

September 29: ABKJ

November 17: Gensler

Click through for details on each happy hour. *Some details still to be confirmed*

Interested in hosting a future happy hour? Please contact the SIAF or DRT co-chairs at or and AIA Seattle Membership & Volunteer Manager, Connor Descheemaker. Happy Hour hosts must be current Firm Network partners or Corporate Allied Partners.

Posted in Sponsors

2020 Getting It Done Redux: The Art of Project Management

2020 Project Management Series

In response to COVID-19 public health advisory, Courses 2-4 have been pushed back a month and moved online. Please stay tuned for further program information.  

Revised and refined since the 2019 sold-out premier, this 4-part project management series is tailored to prepare practitioners for the deep interdisciplinary collaboration that distinguishes design and construction practice in our region.  Getting it Done: The Art of Project Management will focus on the “secret sauce” and most powerful components of successful project management: Communication, Collaboration and Client Care. While we will ground the classes in a review of “traditional” project management tools and resources, our primary focus will be weaving those tools into deeper people and teaming skills and approaches. Each moderated course will convene local experts—architects, engineers, contractors, owners and other industry perspectives—to present skills-based content and participate on interactive panel discussions. The series is designed for cohort-based learning with architects, engineers and contractors at every table. The primary goals of the series are:

  • Apply communication, collaboration, and client care skills as the core principles of successful project management
  • Build capacity, commitment, and application to deep collaboration for diverse AEC teams
  • Promote shared understanding across disciplines and build long-term relationships among our profession’s current and future leaders
  • Develop tools and management techniques to master rapidly-evolving project delivery methods and formats

Intended Audience

We invite a committed cohort of up to 80 A/E/C professionals from a variety of firm sizes and experience levels/project type experiences to gain a competitive edge and build new relationships through this interactive, in-depth study of project management.  One of the goals of this series is growing interdisciplinary collaboration among a diverse group of A/E/C professionals, so the following registration spots are reserved to help meet that goal:

  • 55 Architects + Architectural Designers | Targeting up to 2 individuals from the same firm 
  • 25 Engineers + Contractors | Targeting up to 2 individuals from the same firm 

PLEASE NOTE: Series registrants commit to participate in all four courses, March-June, understanding that the content has been designed sequentially for cohort-based learning. A few a la carte registration spots are now available, see below to register.

Course Dates + A La Carte Registration

All courses will be held at The Mountaineers, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. 

Course 1 | Wait, What’s My Job?
March 4, 2020 (full day)

Click here for schedule

Courses 2-4 have been pushed back a month and moved online. Please stay tuned for further program information. 

Course 2 | Can’t Work Without ‘Em… (people!)
April 1, 2020 (full day) May 6, 2020 

Click here to register

Course 3 | Making it Work (in the day-to-day)
May 6, 2020 (full day) June 3, 2020 

Click here to register

Course 4 | Change Management with (relative) Ease
June 3, 2020 (full day) July 1, 2020 

Click here to register

The registration deadline is 2 days prior to each respective course. Please direct any registration inquiries to Zoe Guckenheimer. In alignment with AIA Seattle’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and support sustainable food sourcing, all catered meals are vegetarian. 

Course Descriptions + Learning Objectives

March 4 | Wait, What’s My Job?

The kick-off is all about getting to know one another, defining the role of a project manager, establishing shared meaning on terms, and defining that the ‘secret sauce’ of great project management is (spoiler alert!) not the newest project management tools (but we’ll touch on those briefly). Rather, it’s the “soft” skills and techniques you use every day that matter most.  Hear from your peers and interdisciplinary panelists about what it means to be a collaborative project manager.  Course learning objectives include:

  1. Deepen and personalize the definition of project management
  2. Apply traditional, core project management tools and resources to support people-smart project leadership
  3. Explore how different contract forms drive collaborative project delivery and their associated risks/rewards
  4. Understand the key provisions of a design professional agreement and how to prevent challenges

April 1 May 6 | Can’t Work Without ‘Em… (people!) This course date has changed. Please stay tuned for further program information. 

Relationships are foundational to every aspect of project management.  Now that you know what your job is, course 2 prepares you to set up your projects for success.  Get to know (and adapt to) different styles and personalities, develop tools for kicking-off projects, apply effective meeting facilitation, and integrate client care throughout.  Hear from your peers and interdisciplinary panelists about their techniques, and from owners and clients about their expectations.  Course learning objectives include:

  1. Define and apply the principles of successful collaboration with all team members (A/E/C/O)
  2. Develop tools for adapting your PM approach and tools to different communication and learning styles
  3. Explore various methods and tools for launching projects, focusing on decision-making protocol and communication process
  4. Develop process for setting, maintaining, and checking in on expectations, with all project stakeholders

May 6 June 3 | Making it Work (in the day-to-day) This course date has changed. Please stay tuned for further program information. 

With the contract as your guide and the secret sauce in your grasp (relationships + communication + collaboration), course 3 will explore some critical know-how and know-why to get a project done.  Understand design and construction scheduling and get a better grasp on budgets, forecasting profitability, and the financial motivations of everyone involved.  Practice collaboration-building methodologies of target value design and pull scheduling.  Learn from your peers and a variety of disciplines about how they get projects done.  Course learning objectives include:

  1. Apply sound processes for establishing project schedule and managing profitability and cost risk
  2. Define, implement, and track schedule efficiency
  3. Apply different approaches to defining, measuring, forecasting and assessing project performance
  4. Monitor project evolution with an understanding of all participants’ profit, professional, and other goals

June 3 July 1 | Change Management with (relative) Ease This course date has changed. Please stay tuned for further program information.

The final course circles back to the fundamentals with change and risk management in mind.  Learn to identify, communicate and manage risk throughout a project, to manage conflict (remember all those different styles and personalities?), hone your negotiating skills, and explore successful change management.  Hear from your peers and colleagues about identifying and managing the inevitable and ensure success start to finish.  Course learning objectives include:

  1. Apply contract negotiation and documentation approaches to strengthen relationships with clients and reduce challenges
  2. Monitor and integrate changes in projects with an understanding of all participants’ risks and profitability goals
  3. Understand differences and apply techniques for conflict styles and strategies for conflict resolution
  4. Define and set personal goals for applying communication, collaboration and client care skills learned

All sessions and speakers subject to change.

Speakers + Panelists Include:

Adam Crain 2Plys | Dace Campbell McKinstry | Marlene Chen, AIA, LEED AP Olson Kundig | Christopher Colley, RA, Assoc. DBIA, LEED AP Graham Construction | Jason Collins PCS Structural Solutions | Mohammed Haq, P.E. PAE Engineers | Laura Lohman and Reeve Elliott Seneca Group | Patreese Martin, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Bohlin Cywinski Jackson | Sam Miller LMN Architects | Tom Owens Mendel Owens | Lindsey Pflugrath Cairncross & Hempelmann | Jeremiah Powers NBBJ | Elizabeth Rinehart, LEED AP Walsh Construction Co. | Ted Sive, FSMPS, Honorary AIA (Seattle) Ted Sive Consulting | Heather Johnston and Heather Skeehan GLY Construction | Bill Strong, FSMPS, CPSM, Associate AIA Bill Strong Consulting | Rico Quirindongo DLR Group | Jim Phillips Forma Construction | Cheryl Jacobs NAC | Allan Montpellier PAE Engineers | Brian Aske Lease Crutcher Lewis | Carrie Sturts Dossick University of Washington, College of Built Environments | Janice Zahn Port of Seattle

All sessions and speakers subject to change.

Click here for attendee resources

Special thanks to our Project Management Series Planning Taskforce

Marlene Chen, AIA, LEED AP | Olson Kundig
Christopher Colley, RA, Assoc. DBIA, LEED AP | Graham Construction
Reeve Elliott | Seneca Group
Mohammed Haq, P.E. | PAE Engineers
Patreese Martin, AIA, LEED AP BD+C | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Heather Skeehan | GLY Construction
Ted Sive, FSMPS, Honorary AIA Seattle | Ted Sive Consulting  | Program Moderator 

Special thanks to our Project Management Series Sponsors

Registration or Credit Questions?
Contact Zoe Guckenheimer Program and Project Coordinator at AIA Seattle

Program Content Questions?
Contact Cassie Blair, Associate Director of Programs & Impact at AIA Seattle

Posted in Uncategorized

Advocacy Update – January 2020


Washington’s 2020 Legislative Session is Underway
The state legislative session kicked off this week and will run through mid-March. AIA Washington Council will be providing weekly updates on the bills it is tracking and any new developments. Key issues include:


  • Champion C-PACER (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy & Resiliency) legislation to authorize local governments to create programs that will provide private funding for deep retrofits related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and resiliency improvements on commercial property.
  • Review embodied carbon legislation that would require environmental product declarations for materials used in state-funded projects.
  • Support a budget item to provide state funding for additional energy code training and support through WSU’s Energy Program.


  • Support bills to address missing middle housing, including requiring DADUs to be allowed in single family zones (this is already required in Seattle); expanding voluntary measures passed in 2019 to add to the housing supply in cities; and supporting greater density near transit.
  • Support a larger coalition effort to enact a permanent funding source for the state’s Housing Trust Fund, which likely won’t happen until 2021.

Taxes, Budget, School Funding

  • Monitor efforts to address a B&O revenue shortage (because architects’ tax rates were increased last year, we are unlikely to be impacted).
  • Support a capital gains tax.
  • Support bills to reduce the voter threshold for school bonds (currently at 60%).


  • Monitor contracting bills that would impact architectural practice.
  • Monitor efforts to make technical changes to last year’s condo liability reform legislation.

If you would like to weigh in with legislators on any of these issues, or if you have comments for AIA|WA, please contact Kirsten.


AIA Endorses Planning Commission’s Growth Strategy White Paper
At the direction of the Public Policy Board, AIA Seattle released a statement endorsing the Seattle Planning Commission’s recently released white paper, Evolving Seattle’s Growth Strategy, which calls for a new way of planning as Seattle begins work on the next update of its Comprehensive Plan – which is required by the state’s Growth Management Act. AIA Seattle strongly agrees with the Commission’s assertion that Seattle’s housing strategies must be connected to climate, livability, and race and social justice goals as we make decisions about our transportation networks and land use patterns. The Commission’s call for a reassessment of our current growth strategy, which prohibits virtually all forms of small-scale, multi-family housing within three-quarters of our residential areas, needs to be reassessed using these frameworks. In December, AIA Seattle approved an updated Housing Policy Statement that outlines our vision of Seattle as an equitable, livable, and sustainable city for all its residents. As the Commission’s white paper makes clear, this vision is not attainable within the bounds of Seattle’s current growth strategy.

Durkan Announces an Electric Municipal Building Directive
This month, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan signed an executive order that will require all new and substantially altered city buildings to operate without fossil fuels and directs the city to develop a strategy to eliminate fossil fuel use in existing city buildings by January 2021. Last year, the City Council passed a Green New Deal resolution that said Seattle would seek to eliminate climate pollutants in the city by 2030. This order instructs the Office of Sustainability and Environment to convene an interdepartmental team, start work on various Green New Deal actions, and engage with stakeholders. AIA Seattle members will participate in this process and are currently participating on a City Council workgroup aimed at passing legislation to ban gas hookups in new buildings. This legislation was proposed by former councilmember Mike O’Brien last fall and stakeholders are working with new and remaining councilmembers to find a new legislative champion. Bellingham is also considering a ban on natural gas for residential heating.

Seattle Commercial Code Updates
The City of Seattle and SDCI have started the process of adopting the 2018 Seattle Construction Codes for commercial and multifamily buildings, which includes updating the existing energy code. (These changes will go into effect July 1, 2020.) SDCI is holding a series of meetings in January on possible changes to the Seattle Energy Code. Remaining meetings include:

  • Jan. 21, 2-5pm: Envelope Improvements & C406 Credits
  • Jan. 24, 2-5pm: Energy Modeling
  • Jan. 27, 2-5pm: Mechanical

Contact Kirsten for more details.

Call for DADU Submissions for Seattle’s Pre-Approved Program
Seattle has announced its open submission period for DADU designs that will be pre-approved for construction permits. Designers can submit DADU designs through Feb. 17. Submission requirements are outlined in the city’s Submission Guide. A selection committee will review submissions and identify 6-10 plans that SDCI permitting staff will pre-approve for compliance with certain structural codes. Pre-approved plans will be displayed in an online gallery with images, a description, and information about the designer. Contact the city at for more information.

SDCI Seeks Feedback on the Seattle Services Portal
Seattle’s Dept. of Construction & Inspections is looking for architects who are willing to participate in interviews about SDCI’s Seattle Services Portal. The interviews will be one-on-one, online, and facilitated by a third-party researcher. During the interviews, participants will be asked to talk about their frustrations with and limitations of the Portal and identify ways that the Portal could better meet their needs. If you are interested in participating in an interview to share your experiences, please contact Moon Callison,, with the name, title, and email address of the interested participant.


Attend AIA Washington Council’s Lobbying Day in Olympia
Join your fellow architects from across the state in Olympia for our annual Capitol Connections event on Thursday, January 23, 2020. At Capitol Connections, you’ll learn about the issues impacting the practice of architecture that are up for consideration during the 2020 legislative session. You’ll also have the opportunity to join other architects at meetings with your own legislators, hear from legislators working on key AIA|WA topics, talk to AIA|WA’s lobbyists, and get a glimpse into how your state legislature operates. Travel costs for all members will be reimbursed. More info here.

Help NBI Grow its Getting to Zero Buildings Database
Share your zero energy and ultra low energy commercial building project info with New Buildings Institute (NBI) to help continue to build a comprehensive list of zero energy verified, emerging, and ultra-low energy buildings in North America. More info.


AIA Seattle Committee Meetings
AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Make Up January Meeting: Jan. 28, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Feb. 11, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Feb. 13, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |

Posted in Climate, Housing, Public Policy Board, Uncategorized

Register Now for our Upcoming Cracking Code Seminars

Cracking Code series 2020

Join us for five upcoming sessions to learn from Code experts. 
All in-person sessions will be held at Seattle City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room | 600 Fourth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

Session 1 | Cracking Code: 2018 Fire Code Revisions + Impacts on Design
February 20, 2020 | 12:00PM – 4:30PM // Class Credit: 4 LUs|HSW

Session 2 | Cracking Code: Commercial Energy Code Update
April 29, 2020 | ONLINE | 12:00PM – 4:30PM // Class Credit: 4 LUs|HSW

Session 3 | Cracking Code: Residential Code Rodeo – Residential Energy Code + ADU/DADUs
July 23, 2020 | ONLINE | 12:00PM – 4:30PM // Class Credit: 4 LUs|HSW

Session 4 | Cracking Code: Back to the Future – 2018 IBC Code Updates
September 23-24, 2020 | ONLINE | 12:00PM – 2:00PM // Class Credit: 4 LUs|HSW

Session 5 | Cracking Code: Code 101 – Beginner’s Guide to Using the Code
November 3-4, 2020 | ONLINE | 12:00PM – 2:00PM // Class Credit: 4 LUs|HSW

Times and dates subject to change.

Special Thanks to our 2020 Code Series Sponsors

Code Committee

Special thanks to the Code Committee for planning this series of sessions!

Registration or Credit Questions?
Contact Zoe Guckenheimer, Program & Event Coordinator at AIA Seattle

Program Questions?
Contact Connor Descheemaker, Member Engagement Manager at AIA Seattle

Sponsorship Questions?
Contact Kristen Lound, Associate Director, Growth & Operations at AIA Seattle

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AIA Seattle is hiring!

AIA Seattle is committed to progressive and equitable compensation standards, informed by our JUST certification and a bi-annual compensation study to benchmark against other area non-profits.  We provide generous benefits, respect work-life balance, and allow flexible work schedules.

We are a small office of 11 highly collaborative team members that believe in what we’re doing and are excited by the prospect of helping our members make a difference in our city.

Through all our programs and processes, we are working to value and promote diversity. We actively encourage applications from people of color, immigrant and bilingual communities, people of all abilities, members of LGBTQ+ and non-binary communities, and people with other diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. We provide equal employment opportunities to all individuals. If you would like accessibility accommodations during the job application process, please contact us.

Membership & Development Coordinator
Communications Coordinator

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Advocacy Update – December 2019

bus on a snowy hill


Governor Releases Supplemental Budget
On Dec. 18, Gov. Inslee released his proposed 2020 Supplemental Budget, which makes adjustments to the two-year state budget passed by the Legislature earlier this year. During the 2020 legislative session that runs from Jan. 13 to March 14, the State House and Senate will develop their own supplemental budgets and will work to reconcile the three versions. Inslee’s proposal adds new funding for homeless shelters, early learning education, and the state’s efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in state employment.

Housing Availability Coalition
AIA Seattle has joined a regional housing coalition led by the Master Builders of King & Snohomish Counties that will focus on state legislation to expand housing availability. Priority legislation includes: increased funding for the state’s Housing Trust Fund and the creation of a permanent funding source in 2021; a state mandate for density near transit; statewide ADU reform (similar to what Seattle passed earlier this year) to require local governments to allow ADUs in specific areas; and an expansion of legislation passed in 2019 to provide financial incentives to local governments that take measures to increase housing density.

New AIA|WA Board Representatives from Seattle
In January, AIA|WA will welcome two new board members to represent AIA Seattle members.  Elizabeth de Regt AIA is an architect and urban designer at ZGF specializing in master planning. She joined the AIA Seattle Board in September as an Advocate Director and will serve as the liaison between the two boards. Doug Ito AIA will also join the AIA|WA Board. He is a principal at SMR Architects and serves as the co-chair of AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force. He is actively involved in affordable housing advocacy and serves on the board of the Housing Development Consortium of Seattle and King County. Elizabeth and Doug will replace Peggy Heim AIA and Mark Cork AIA on the state board. Thanks to both Peggy and Mark for your service and advocacy on behalf of architects in Washington!


Housing Policy Statement Finalized for AIA Seattle’s Board
After four months of review, AIA Seattle’s Housing Policy Statement has been finalized and sent to the Board for approval. The Board will consider the statement at its Dec. 19 meeting. Thanks to all members who participated in discussions on this comprehensive statement. The policy statement will guide AIA’s policy work on housing issues (and related climate and transportation issues) moving forward.

Seattle Passes 2020 Budget
The Seattle City Council passed a 2020 budget on Nov. 25 after making $25 million in changes to Mayor Jenny Durkan’s $6.5 billion proposal. While the bulk of the city’s spending is reserved for basic services provided by the utilities, police, fire, and transportation departments, Council additions to Durkan’s budget included a new tax on Uber and Lyft rides, an expansion of the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program, and funding for additional tiny house villages and public bathrooms. Funds to pay for these additions will largely come from the Mercer Mega Block transaction. The final budget documents are here.

SDCI Seeks Comments on SEPA Thresholds
Seattle’s Dept. of Construction and Inspections is seeking comment on two Director’s Rules addressing SEPA Thresholds:

  • Draft Director’s Rule 16-2019 determines where higher SEPA infill development thresholds will be in effect for most urban centers and urban villages. There are two different exemption levels that may apply within urban centers and urban villages, depending on whether the growth estimates defined in the city’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan have been exceeded. This rule describes terms, processes, and limits on how exemption levels will be applied. More info here.
  • Sometime this month, SDCI will publish Director’s Rule 17-2019, which has similar updated information about SEPA thresholds and will be open for a 30-day comment period. Once released, you will be able to view that information under Draft Director’s Rules on SDCI’s Director’s Rules page.

Comments Sought on Solid Waste Storage and Access Sections of Land Use Code
Seattle Public Utilities and SDCI are seeking comments on ways to improve the solid waste storage and access sections of Land Use Code. An ordinance currently in draft format would require multifamily buildings to provide on-floor collection locations for recycling, composting, and garbage. Other changes include clarifications, additions for solid waste driver and pedestrian safety, and the inclusion of existing practices. This table summarizes the major proposed changes to the code. The proposed ordinance amended language is here. Because the ordinance has not been officially submitted, the comment period is not yet open. We will notify you when it is, or you can check the SPU website.


Attend AIA Washington Council’s Lobbying Day in Olympia
Join your fellow architects from across the state in Olympia for our annual Capitol Connections event on Thursday, January 23, 2020. At Capitol Connections, you’ll learn about the issues impacting the practice of architecture that are up for consideration during the 2020 legislative session. You’ll also have the opportunity to join other architects at meetings with your own legislators, hear from legislators working on key AIA|WA topics, talk to AIA|WA’s lobbyists, and get a glimpse into how your state legislature operates. Travel costs for all members will be reimbursed. More info here.


AIA Seattle Committee Meetings
AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Jan. 9, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD – discussion on how AIA can better showcase quality residential design.
  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Jan. 14, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD – work session on 2020 priorities.

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |

Happy New Year from AIA Seattle Advocacy!

Posted in Uncategorized

Earn 7.25 HSW online “Density Done Right” Housing Forum

Filmed live on May 20 at the 2019 Housing Design Forum, Density Done Right is now available in 7 individual sessions online for up to 7.25 continuing education HSW credits.This series of case studies and lightning talks offers innovative strategies for achieving higher housing density, creating more housing options that support vibrant communities, and promoting equity, sustainability and livability in rapidly changing neighborhoods. Learn from architects, planners and developers on the forefront of density done right.

SAVE 20% when you purchase the 7-part series. Click below to view previews.


Social Occupation
Lorcan O’Herlihy, FAIA, passionately illustrates how his projects serve as a social act–a tool for engaging in politics, economics, aesthetics, and smart, sustainable growth.


City planners Heather Worthington and Paul Mogush discuss Minneapolis 2040, one of the nation’s most progressive planning strategies for creating higher density and more housing options for all.


The Roost: Micro Housing, Community and Cultural Space
David Neiman discusses his firm’s innovative designs that focus on livability, affordability, community and access to housing, overcoming market constraints and achieve a 5-Star Built Green certification.



Pax Futura: A High-Performance Community
Designer and developer Sloan Ritchie of Cascade Built and designer Brittany Porter of Weber Thompson present Pax Futura, Seattle’s first certified multi-family Passive House building.



Carey Dagliano, LEED AP BD+C and landscape architect Rachael Meyer, GRP, LEED AP of Weber Thompson and Faduma Ahmed, MPA, of HomeSight present a case study of the community-based planning and design process of Othello Square, a recent affordable housing project.


Ian Butcher AIA, and Kailin Gregga AIA, of Seattle-based Best Practice present a series of delightful case studies of affordable accessory dwelling units.



In this series of “lightning talks,” seven planners, designers, architects and builders provide distinct strategies for creating more sustainable, livable and affordable urban residential developments and safe pedestrian corridors.
Posted in For the Profession, Uncategorized

Advocacy Update – November 2019


ICC Vote on AIA’s Zero Code Renewable Energy Appendix
In coordination with Architecture 2030, AIA National submitted a Zero Code Renewable Energy Appendix to become part of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The Appendix is optional for jurisdictions to adopt, requires buildings to achieve zero-net-carbon operations annually, and is a critical tool for cities to meet their greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments. While Washington already has a stronger energy code than what the Appendix provides, the Zero Code language is aimed at jurisdictions that do not have as much experience with energy codes and which could benefit from sample language and policy guidance.

City and state code and government officials who are ICC voting members have an opportunity to vote on the Appendix during online voting Nov. 18 – Dec. 5. AIA is asking its members who are ICC voting members to vote to add the Appendix to the IECC (Proposal CE264-19). AIA members are also asked to contact their state and local government energy, sustainability, and code officials to ask them to vote for approval of the Appendix.


2020 Legislative Agenda
AIA Washington Council held its annual Advocacy Summit on Oct. 24 to finalize AIA’s state legislative agenda for the 2020 legislative session. You may review the agenda here. We encourage members to attend AIA|WA’s Capitol Connections day in Olympia on Jan. 23. Capitol Connections brings together architects from across the state to learn about AIA|WA’s legislative agenda, meet with their legislators and see how the state legislature operates. More info is available here.

Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Standard
AIA architects are participating in the WA Department of Commerce’s rulemaking process for HB 1257 (passed in 2019) to create a state energy performance standard for commercial buildings. AIA’s objective is to provide technical expertise to help ensure that the legislation’s goals related to carbon reduction are actually achieved by the program developed by Commerce. The process is expected to last through the summer or fall of 2020.

Impact of I-976
It remains unclear how local governments and the state will be immediately impacted by the passage of I-976, which will reduce revenues for state, local, and regional transportation projects across the state. A lawsuit was filed in King County Superior Court by Seattle, King County, and seven other entities to block the initiative based on claims that it violates the state’s one subject rule and it misled voters on the true impacts of the measure. A separate legal action seeks a court injunction which would prevent the initiative from taking effect prior to a decision on the initial lawsuit. In Seattle, the 2020 budget process is continuing without major changes related to transportation. At the state level, the 2020 transportation budget was largely set by the 2019 legislative session; significant changes as a result of I-976 are not expected there until 2021. However, there will likely be discussions around revenue measures in Olympia in 2020. Immediately following the election, Gov. Jay Inslee issued an order halting work on all state transportation projects not yet begun. At the state level, AIA|WA will advocate for a strong, alternative funding source for transit in particular.


Seattle City Council Closes Out 2019
The Seattle City Council has been working through the city’s 2020 budget, which must be adopted by Dec. 2 (the final Council votes are expected on Nov. 25). After that, the “lame duck” council will have the rest of the month to accomplish any last-minute agenda items. One note: Alex Pedersen, who was elected to the Council’s 4th District seat, will take office as soon as King County certifies the election (the last day to do so is Nov. 26). He will replace Abel Pacheco, who was appointed by the Council in April to fill the seat vacated by Rob Johnson. The other new councilmembers will be sworn in on January 6.

During budget deliberations, AIA Seattle asked councilmembers to support a budget proviso request by Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda that would require the city to produce an Environmental Impact Statement to study land use in Seattle. The EIS would explore additional housing capacity and diversity—including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and row homes—in areas currently zoned exclusively for single-family houses as well as strategies to minimize displacement of low-income residents and communities of color. This budget item remains alive as of this writing.

Natural Gas Ban for New Buildings
A group of AIA Seattle members met with Councilmember Mike O’Brien and a larger group of stakeholders to discuss the electrification of buildings and their work on successful projects that were built without gas. O’Brien is sponsoring legislation to ban gas hookups in new buildings, but the proposal has received significant pushback from labor groups. It is unlikely to pass in the time remaining and, given O’Brien’s retirement, it will need to find a new champion in 2020.

Pre-Approved DADUs
AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force is completing work on a letter to Mayor Durkan, OPCD, and SDCI regarding the city’s plan for pre-approved DADUs. While the Task Force recognizes that the plan, still under development, is one of Durkan’s housing priorities, members have identified concerns about both the likelihood that the program will result in more DADUs in the city and how the city will structure its relationship with architects. AIA’s letter will identify desired improvements to the program to address both sets of concerns.

AIA Housing Policy Statement
AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force and Public Policy Board continue to develop AIA’s Housing Policy Statement with input from members. The statement will come before the Board for final approval in December. You are invited to comment on the current draft, which you can download here.


Seattle Design Commission Seeks Urban Designer
The Seattle Design Commission is recruiting for an urban designer to serve a two-year term beginning in March 2020. CVs and letters of interest are due by December 2. Click here for more info on how to be considered. The Seattle Design Commission advises the Mayor, Council, and city officials on design excellence in city-funded capital improvement projects, projects in the right-of-way, and projects constructed with city funds.

Passive House Northwest has issued a call for papers/presentations for its Annual Conference, which takes place March 12-14, 2020 in Seattle. Five presentation formats are available. Submissions are due by Nov. 25.


AIA Seattle Committee Meetings
AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Dec. 10, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
This meeting will feature Lid I-5 co-chairs Scott Bonjukian and John Feit, who will talk about the City’s feasibility study for lidding the area between Denny Way and Madison Street. They’ll also discuss strategy and next steps and answer your questions.

Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Dec. 12, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |

Posted in Climate, Housing, Public Policy Board, Uncategorized

AIA Seattle’s Strategic Plan

That is why we champion the central role of architects in creating and sustaining a better built environment. Guided by our values of excellence, advocacy, integrity, equity, stewardship, and collaboration, we prepare our profession to lead, and we deploy design to make a difference, so that we are all able to do our best work in a culture of design the fosters equitable, resilient, thriving communities.

Our new strategic plan is built directly on the hopes and needs of our members, collected through feedback at the beginning of the planning process.  The AIA Seattle Board of Directors worked with Crux Consulting to insure that members were engaged through an extensive stakeholder discovery process.  Input was collected through more than 100 individual interviews, focus group conversations and firm visits, as well as targeted surveys to current and former leaders and key member groups.  Input was sought from the chairs of AIA Seattle’s two dozen member committees.  Targeted outreach focused on groups with specific needs from the organization: small firms, large firms, emerging professionals, remote members living outside King County, and “silent” members with low participation levels.  We engaged current and former sponsors and allied members through focus groups and surveys.  Finally, our strategic planning consultants conducted confidential interviews with other large chapters across the country to identify where our chapter is leading and where we can improve.

Our Mission:

We champion the central role of architects in creating and sustaining a better built environment.

Our Vision:

We envision a culture of design that fosters equitable, resilient, and thriving communities.

Our Values:

Demonstrate and promote design excellence.

Represent our collective design voice, while valuing individual contributions.

Speak up on important issues, convene courageous conversations and embrace risk when it serves our mission.

Advocate for opportunity, diversity, and inclusion in practice and process.

Consider future generations and elevate sustainability to safeguard our Northwest landscape, community and climate.

Foster cross-industry connections and partnerships to magnify our collective impact.

Our Imperatives:

AIA Seattle commits time and resources to align our work to achieve change in three primary categories:

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: AIA Seattle is committed to identifying, naming and dismantling systemic discrimination within the architecture community in order to nurture universal inclusion and fairness in the built environment, for the communities we impact.

Housing: AIA Seattle is committed to the development of plentiful, quality, diverse, and sustainable housing options for current and future residents of Seattle.

Climate: AIA Seattle commits itself to positive climate action and accelerating our shared goals of a decarbonized, equitable and resilient built environment that allows future generations and ecosystems to thrive.

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public, Missions, Visions, Values

2019 Honor Awards Winners

2019 Honor Award Winners - Big Mouth House and National Nordic Heritage Museum

SEATTLE, November 5, 2019—The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Seattle chapter hosted the 69th annual Honor Awards for Washington Architecture on November 4 to celebrate excellence in design.

The distinguished jury included Bryan C. Lee Jr.  (New Orleans), Lisa Matthiessen FAIA (Santa Monica), and Jonathan Tate (New Orleans). The event was moderated by Elizabeth Golden, Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington. Co-Chairs for the 2019 AIA Seattle Honor Awards were Susan McNabb AIA (The Miller Hull Partnership) and Kevin Snook AIA (ZGF Architects).

From 131 submittals, the jury chose 13 award winners from three categories – built, conceptual, and research & innovation. This was the second year of the Research & Innovation category, recognizing strides in research and innovation coming out of our region, elevating our communities’ awareness of advancement in architectural practice. This was the fourth year of the Energy in Design Award to commend projects that have made quantifiably significant strides in energy reduction while also maintaining the highest qualitative design caliber.

In addition to the awards, it was the second year of the Young Voices Selection (YVS), a program with the aim to engage and elevate the voices of young designers through direct participation and representation in AIA Seattle’s Honor Awards for Washington Architecture. The three YVS panelists were Sarah Burk Assoc. AIA (JW Architects), Kyle Francis Assoc. AIA (Neiman Taber Architects), and Will Crothers AIA (Integrus Architecture).

Across the spectrum of project types, the jury acknowledged the strong design culture represented in our region, and applauded projects that went further than just beautiful design and thoughtful conceptual understanding – thinking about larger themes of justice, equity, density, and how buildings perform. The jury thought a lot about the social and environmental impact, context and influence of these projects in making their selections, and celebrated projects that dealt with larger social issues beyond the building’s scope. “We are celebrating what we want to see more of. Continue your willingness to take risks answering the problems we face and contribute with our work and skills for future generations” said juror, Matthiessen FAIA.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to our esteemed jury and Honor Awards Committee!


Big Mouth House by Best Practice Architecture and Hybrid Architecture


Big Mouth House by Best Practice Architecture & Hybrid Architecture is a townhouse project comprised of 3 homes and 3 Accessory Dwelling Units. The jury appreciated the thoughtful and inventive approach to adding density to our neighborhoods. The careful attention to scale and relationships within the project and to the neighborhood are what made this project an Award of Honor, as well as how smart the spaces were organized and detailed.



Big Mouth House - Honor Award 2019, by Best Practice Architecture and Hybrid Architecture
National Nordic Museum by Mithun is a museum and cultural center celebrating the Nordic and Nordic American experience. The jury appreciated the way in which this building was both successful  museum and community center, and how integral the exhibit design is to the design of the whole building. The spatialization of a migration timeline combined with the subtle fjord concept, along with the seamless weaving in and celebrating of the community were what made this an Award of Honor for the jury.    




Hazel Wolf K-8 ESTEM School by NAC Architecture is an environmentally ambitious K-8 school in the Seattle Public School System. The jury was impressed by the proven energy data of this complex building type that maximized a small site and incorporated nature while also being daylight-filled, playful, and embodying the environmental curriculum, using the building as a teaching tool.



Discovery High School by DLR Group
Seattle Resource Hub by Sundberg Kennedy Ly Au Young Architects (Conceptual)
Softbox by KOArchitecture & Ed Sozhino
The Shea by Public47 Architects
University of Washington, Life Sciences Building by Perkins + Will


ADUniverse by Rick Mohler AIA & Nick Welch (Research & Innovation)
ARTS at King Street Station by Schacht Aslani Architects & Olson Kundig
Denny Dimin Gallery Installation by Montgomery Townsend LLC
Living Upon the History by Vlanka Catalan, Siyu Qu, Peipei Sun (Conceptual)
Whidbey Island Residence by The Miller Hull Partnership LLP


ARTS at King Street Station by Schacht Aslani Architects & Olson Kundig

To view all of the 2019 submissions, visit the:

Click here for online gallery

Special thanks to our 2019 Honor Awards Sponsors:

honor awards list of sponsor logos

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public, Honor Awards, Uncategorized

2019 NWW Design Awards Winners Announced

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Northwest Washington Section hosted its Design Awards on October 3 in Bellingham to celebrate excellence in Design.

The jury included Chrysanthe Broikos (DC, National Building Museum), John Janicki (Sedro Woolley, Janicki Industries), and Al Zimmerman (Bellingham, ZimGroup). The jury worked with AIA Northwest Washington members Dave Christensen AIA (Christensen Design Managment), Julie Blazek AIA (HKP Architects),, and Sharon Robinson AIA (Zervas Group), who guided the Design Awards process, with support from Dave Pelletier AIA (Pelletier & Schaar).

From 26 submissions, the jury chose 9 projects for recognition of Citation, Merit, and Honor, across commercial and residential design. The jury remarked that the process on the whole was filled with difficult decisions, and they were impressed with the quality of projects submitted. In particular, execution and detailing were strong, and the jury chose those whose projects had concerns or parameters which the final design addressed.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to our esteemed jury and Design Awards committee!


View up the stairway to the award-winning Beach Drive Studio, described in text at rightBeach Drive Studio by Designs Northwest Architects was awarded for its “hideaway” residential studio on Camano Island, Washington. In particular, the jurors remarked on its coherent incorporation of all its materials, and use of light and views to water. Its design directly responded to the challenge of its location in a floodplain.
Dan Nelson
, Principal Architect
Wayne Lovegrove, Designs Northwest Architects, Project Manager
Garrett Kuhlman, Designs Northwest Architects, Interior Design
Impel Construction, General Contractor
Equilibria, Structural Engineer
Photo credit: Swift Studio

Diagonal view of metal and concrete D&D Building, brown over gray first floor. Described at rightD&D Building by Designs Northwest Architects was awarded for its multiuse commercial design in the historic west end of Stanwood, Washington. The jury zeroed in on its development of cost-effective solutions to the challenges posed by the site, in particular associated with its location in a floodplain.
Dan Nelson
, Principal Architect
Tom Rochon, Designs Northwest Architects, Senior Project Designer
Jayme Zold, Designs Northwest Architects, Project Manager
Garrett Kuhlman, Designs Northwest Architects, Interior Design
Impel Construction, General Contractor
Equilibria, Structural Engineer; Alpine Welding, Metalwork
Photo credit: S. Brousseau Photography


Mazama Meadow House by Designs Northwest Architects
Eleanor Apartments by RMC Architects
North Shore Road Residence by Zervas Architects
Options High School by Zervas Architects


Mouse Ranch House by Christensen Design Management
Twin Lakes Landing by HKP Architects & Designs Northwest Architects
Unity Care NW, North Whatcom Health Center by RMC Architects


AIA NWW 2019 Design Awards sponsor list

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public

Advocacy Update – October 2019

october advocacy update - activated street graphic


ICC vote on AIA’s Zero Code Renewable Energy Appendix
AIA National submitted a Zero Code Renewable Energy Appendix to become part of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). If approved by the International Code Council (ICC) voting members in Las Vegas on October 30 and via online vote in late November, local jurisdictions would be allowed to voluntarily adopt a zero-net-carbon building code. This Appendix to the model energy code allows for a multiple-pathway approach to achieve better energy efficiency and carbon reduction outcomes for the built environment. It provides jurisdictions with a powerful tool to accelerate the transition to a 100% clean building design as part of their codes.

AIA is asking its members who are ICC voting members to vote to add the Appendix to the IECC. AIA members are also asked to contact their state and local government energy, sustainability, and code officials to ask them to vote for approval of the Appendix.


Join Colleagues from Across the State at AIA|WA’s Annual Advocacy Summit
AIA Washington Council will hold its annual Advocacy Summit on Oct. 24th in Seattle from 1-5 pm. This is your chance to help shape architects’ agenda for the 2020 state legislative session and learn how to shape policy issues impacting your work. The Summit will kick off with a deep dive panel on homelessness policy, design strategies, and the legislative response.  Following this session, attendees will engage with one or more policy committees to review agendas for 2020 and specific policies AIA|WA will want to address. A reception will follow the event. CE credits are available for both sessions.


Pre-approved Plans for DADUs
Seattle has released its initial plan for pre-approved DADUs, one of Mayor Durkan’s top housing priorities. You may find the summary document here and SDCI’s blog about the program here. SDCI has launched a survey to help guide its effort to select designs for pre-approved plans; we encourage architects to offer input via the survey or via email directly to SDCI at Here is SDCI’s overview of its process:

To simplify and streamline permitting, the city is developing pre-approved DADU construction plans that offer a faster, easier, and more predictable design and permitting process. Here’s how it works:

      • Our public survey informs design principles and criteria we will use to select plans.
      • We invite designers and builders to submit DADU designs.
      • Permitting staff pre-approve 6-10 plans chosen based on selection criteria.
      • Plans become available for homeowners, who can connect with the designer to create a site plan.

Homeowners choosing a pre-approved DADU plan get a shorter permit review process and a reduced permit fee. Plans selected for pre-approval will be featured in an online gallery on the City’s ADU website.

AIA Seattle will be submitting a letter to the city with recommendations on how to improve this program based on its goals of generating more ADUs more affordably. If you have comments for us to consider, please contact Kirsten.

AIA Seattle Housing Policy Statement Under Review
AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force and its Public Policy Board are updating the chapter’s Housing Policy Statement to reflect new priorities now that MHA and ADU legislation have passed. We welcome member comments and suggestions. You may review the current draft here.

Imagine Greater Downtown Vision Released
Seattle issued its Vision Framework for Imagine Greater Downtown, a plan to develop active streets and inviting public spaces in downtown Seattle’s ten neighborhoods. The Vision Framework is the result of input from residents and staff across coordinating agencies. You may view the city’s summary here and the full report here. In 2018-19, AIA Seattle worked with OPCD staff to provide input on the plan.

Seattle Approves SEPA Changes
The Seattle City Council voted 8-0 to approve legislation to streamline the city’s State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) appeals process. Under the legislation, Seattle will until at least 2021 ban SEPA appeals of certain land-use policies, such as upzoning around transit stations and allowing duplexes and triplexes on blocks now reserved for single-family houses. These policies will still need to undergo environmental review. The mayor is expected to sign the legislation. The change was made possible by state legislation passed earlier this year aimed at increasing residential building capacity and housing affordability. AIA Seattle wrote a letter to Councilmembers in support.

Feedback Sought on Seattle’s 2020 Proposed Budget
Seattle’s City Council is currently engaged in reviewing Mayor Durkan’s proposed 2020 budget. Under state law, the Council must consider and adopt a budget by December 2 (30 days before the beginning of the fiscal year). More information about the budget and the Council’s considerations, including how to contact Councilmembers to share your feedback, may be found here.


Seattle Design Commission Seeks Urban Designer
The Seattle Design Commission is now recruiting for an urban designer to serve a two-year term beginning in March 2020. CV and letters of interest are due by December 2. Click here for more info on how to be considered. The Seattle Design Commission advises the Mayor, Council, and city officials on design excellence in city-funded capital improvement projects, projects in the right-of-way, and projects constructed with city funds.


AIA Seattle Committee Meetings
AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

  •  Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Nov. 12, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
  •  Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Nov. 14, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.

WSDOT Construction & Design Contractor Open House – Oct. 22, Seattle
WSDOT is hosting an open house for prime contractors, subcontractors and design consultants interested in learning more about the major transportation projects in the greater Seattle area.

Northwest Green Building Slam + Summit – Oct. 25-26, Seattle

Lid I-5 Open House & Panel Discussion – Oct. 28, Town Hall Seattle

Shift Zero Fall Meeting – Nov. 7, 9:00-12:00. Smart Buildings Center, Pacific Tower
All AIA members are welcome.

Build Small Live Large Summit – Nov. 7-8, Portland
Innovators share what’s working in their cities and promote the best strategies to regulate, design, build, and finance smaller homes and “missing middle” housing options.

Energy Leadership Summit – Nov 19, Seattle


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |


Posted in Public Policy Board

AHC Fall Seminar – Lessons Learned Call for Lightning Talks

White text on purple background: Architecture for Health Committee

**CALL IS NOW CLOSED. 2019 AHC Fall session registration available here.**

AIA Seattle Call for Lightning Talk Presentations
Nov 22, 2019, Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center, Seattle

This year’s Architecture for Health Committee Fall Event includes one day of interdisciplinary presentations, design case studies, and conversations around Lessons Learned in the Healthcare Design and Construction Industry. In our rapidly changing landscape of Healthcare Organizations how are design teams adapting to a constantly evolving landscape? What lessons from past project and complex renovations can be shared with our peers to make us all better? As our project delivery models shift how can we learn from the experience of other to better serve our clients? On November 22nd, we welcome architects, engineers, contractors and healthcare professionals to join us at this dynamic program that concludes with a tour of the Burien Northwest Kidney Center which recently completed construction.

The AHC Fall Event audience includes: Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Healthcare Practitioners and Policymakers, Facility Owners/Managers, Urban Designers and Planners, and Public Health Professionals. The planning task force welcomes emerging professionals to the program, as their future leadership is central to our mission.

Submission Deadline: Friday October 18, 2019
We seek to convene a series of short “lightning” talk presentations (think  PechaKucha format) that will educate the audience to recent lessons learned in the Healthcare AEC industry. We welcome a diversity of proposals from a variety of disciplines focused on design, construction and project delivery.

Proposals should specifically address lessons learned in the context of healthcare or healthcare environments. Possible subtopics are included below, but the list is not comprehensive, and should not limit submitters.

o  Planning or design strategies that improve patient care

o  Implementation of technologies in the design and construction industry

o  Complex Acute Care Renovations

o  Alternate Project Delivery Methods

o  Joint Venture Partnerships

o  Implementation of research to patient care

Lightning talk presentations are short, maximum of seven (7) minutes in length. Inspired by  PechaKucha’s concise format, presentations must limit their slides (number of slides may vary), and set them to advance automatically. Standard audio, visual, and digital media will be supported.

If selected, presenters must submit their final PowerPoint presentation files to AIA staff no later than 5:00pm on Monday, November 1, 2019.  A PowerPoint template will be provided in advance, and late presentations cannot be accepted.

We encourage presenters to use the following questions as a guide to preparing their short talks:

WHAT is the LESSON LEARNED that your lightning talk will focus on? Is it a process, a tool, a product, a space, an interaction, etc.?

WHY the lesson? Identify the problem or challenge that prompted the lesson learned.

HOW was the solution developed, tested, implemented in the context of healthcare?

WHO were the stakeholders involved.? Who was impacted? Who was required to embrace the change

and/or assume the risks?

Lightning talk proposals will be evaluated by the AHC Fall Event Planning Task Force with AIA staff. Successful proposals will:

o  Align with the forum theme and objectives

o  Deepen audience understanding of a particular design solutions

o  Offer fresh insight and relevant information through the combination of words and visuals

Speakers should be able to effectively communicate messages to a variety of audience members. While relevant examples of innovation projects can be used for presentation (and credit given to the appropriate individuals/teams), the lightning talk sessions are not a platform for marketing a person or firm’s portfolio, services, or, strategies.

Please complete this submission form by 5:00pm on October 18, 2019.

Schedule and Deadlines

  • Friday, October 18 5:00PM Proposals due
  • Wednesday, October 23: Acceptances issued
  • Friday, November 1: Final PowerPoint presentations due to AIA staff
  • Friday November 22 AHC Fall Event Presentations

Please address any questions and e‐mail all submissions to:

Chris Carlson
AIA Seattle Architecture for Health Committee Board Member
206 467‐6306


Posted in Uncategorized

Advocacy Update – September 2019

bike transportation


AIA Makes Big Move on Climate
This month AIA National launched an initiative to drive climate action within the architecture profession. As part of this effort, AIA called on architects around the world to support humanity’s collective call to climate action through a commitment to sustainable and resilient design. The Institute issued a statement, Where We Stand: Climate Action, detailing its initial path forward to support architects in making progress towards achieving net-zero emissions in the built environment by 2050.

AIA National’s immediate past president, Carl Elefante FAIA, testified on this topic at a Sept. 20 hearing of the U.S. House of Representative’s Energy & Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy. The hearing was on Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Solutions for the U.S. Building Sector. Carl spoke in support of achieving net-zero emissions in the built environment by 2050 and called for a “long-term commitment from every aspect of our society to incorporate these principles into the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the nation’s buildings.” You can watch the recorded hearing and/or read Carl’s testimony here.

AIA Washington Council and AIA Seattle both work on climate initiatives related to net-zero emissions in the built environment. If you’d like to get involved, please contact Kirsten.


AIA|WA Engages Clean Buildings Rulemaking
AIA Washington Council is participating in the Washington Dept. of Commerce’s rulemaking process for the Clean Buildings legislation (HB 1257) passed this spring by the State Legislature. The legislation directs Commerce to establish building performance standards categorized by building type for large commercial buildings (greater than 50,000 GSF). These building owners are required to undergo energy audits and, if below the standard, identify a path towards compliance or a set of cost-effective retrofit strategies. The legislation does not say how this will be done (although it does point to the ASHRAE 100 standard as a starting point for setting EUI targets); it asks the Department of Commerce to establish standard performance measures and determine a program of requiring building owners to meet it. To ease the burden on building owners, energy efficiency upgrades will not be required unless the investment will pay for itself in decreased utility spending. Additionally, the bill allocates $75 million in incentives to support up front financial investments for buildings that require major capital improvements. If you are interested in joining AIA’s efforts to help impact this process, or if you would like additional information, let Kirsten know.


AIA Seattle Homelessness Policy Statement
AIA’s Committee on Homelessness has developed a policy statement outlining the chapter’s advocacy goals, key messages, and proposed actions related to homelessness policy issues. Once finalized by the Board of Directors, a policy statement guides AIA’s ongoing policy efforts the issue. AIA’s Public Policy Board and Board of Directors have approved the homelessness policy statement and we are now seeking member input. Please review the statement here and send any comments to Kirsten.

MASS Transportation Package Supported by AIA
A coalition known as MASS – Move all Seattle Sustainably – submitted a package of transportation priorities to the City Council aimed at making “walking, rolling, biking, and using transit in Seattle safer and more accessible.” AIA’s Transportation Task Force and its Public Policy Board endorsed these priorities (although we’d like a greater focus on pedestrians and wayfinding) and, in particular, the three items considered by Council in August and September:

  • Bicycle Safety Ordinance: requires that SDOT, when doing major road work, make any improvements listed in the Bicycle Master Plan at the same time. If SDOT doesn’t follow the Bicycle Master Plan, it must explain to the City Council and the public why this isn’t possible.
  • Request More Funding for Bicycle Implementation Plan: a resolution requesting that unfunded projects in the Bicycle Implementation Plan be funded, including all South Seattle projects (currently only funded for study) and two-way bike lanes on 4th Ave. downtown.
  • Off-Sidewalk Bike and Scooter Parking: a resolution requesting that, in 2020, SDOT double the number of planned off-sidewalk bike and scooter parking spaces to ensure pedestrian access on sidewalks and continue to rebalance the allocation of street space for people, rather than just for cars.

All three were unanimously approved by the full Council on Sept. 3. Mary Wylie AIA, co-chair of the Transportation Task Force, spoke in favor of these proposals at the Council meeting.

Moving forward, the City Council’s Sustainability & Transportation Committee is currently reviewing additional MASS proposals, including:

  • A resolution requesting that SDOT develop policy options for the maintenance of existing sidewalks, create a public education program on snow and ice removal responsibilities, and develop a program to enforce snow and ice removal requirements by private property owners.
  • A resolution requesting that SDOT develop a traffic signals policy.
  • Free ORCA passes for all transit riders.

Climate Legislation Moves Through Council
The Seattle City Council acted on legislation related to climate change, including the tax on heating oil and the Seattle Green New Deal reported on last month. The full Council previously passed a resolution outlining goals for the Green New Deal and, on Sept. 16, passed an ordinance establishing an Oversight Board to recommend policies, projects, and programs based on the goals outlined in the resolution. The full City Council passed the legislation to tax heating oil and help low-income households convert to electricity on Sept. 23. In addition, the Council’s Sustainability and Transportation Committee has been holding hearings on legislation to prohibit new gas hook-ups in all new buildings permitted after July 1, 2020. AIA Seattle’s Public Policy Board approved support for all of these initiatives with clarification that we would like to see the Green New Deal goals prioritized according to how much each will reduce carbon emissions. Individuals interested in joining the Seattle for a Green New Deal effort can find more info here.

AIA Supports SEPA Reform
AIA joined environmental groups and housing activists to support City Council legislation that would amend the city’s State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) provisions to exempt certain appeals of completed environmental impact statements in accordance with new state law. The state legislation, aimed at promoting denser zoning in cities, allows municipalities to prohibit legal appeals under SEPA when they enact any of the bill’s optional major land-use changes, such as upzoning areas around transit stations and allowing duplexes, triplexes, and courtyard apartments on lots previously reserved for single-family houses. These changes would still need to undergo environmental review but the reviews would no longer be subject to appeal. The legislation would also limit the number of days allowed for remaining SEPA appeals. The full Council will vote on this legislation on Oct. 7. AIA Seattle sent a letter to Councilmembers in support of the legislation. In addition, Matt Hutchins AIA and Dylan Glosecki AIA testified in support of the legislation at Sustainability and Transportation Committee hearings.

Mayor Durkan Releases 2020 Proposed Budget
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has released her proposed budget for 2020, the second year of Seattle’s two-year budget biennium. Over the next two months, the City Council will review the Mayor’s proposed budget, with final adoption expected Nov. 25. More information about details in the budget can be found here. If you’d like to comment on any of the budget proposals, you may share your comments directly with Mayor Durkan, councilmembers, or AIA. Look for the city’s public input sessions over the next two months as well.


Housing Choices Survey
Seattle’s Housing Choices initiative aims to create more market-rate housing options, in more places, for more people. Read the Office of Planning and Community Development’s Background Report and take the city’s Housing Choices survey, which will help inform near-term actions and longer-term recommendations. One survey question specifically asks if you are an architect.

King County Strategic Climate Action Plan Workshops
King County is updating its 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan – the five-year blueprint for climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for climate change, and work with partners and communities on climate. The County is looking for public input at three workshops in October, where officials will share highlights of recent climate progress and challenges, initial ideas for what more the County might do, and get your input on priorities and solutions. Events include:

  • Wednesday, October 2nd, 6- 8 pm, Bellevue College (East King County)
  • Saturday, October 12th, 10 am – 12 pm, University of Washington (North & Central King County)
  • Wednesday, October 16th, 6-8 pm, Highline College (South King County)

To RSVP and for more information about the events and locations, click here.

Fall Quarter of Seattle’s People’s Academy for Community Engagement Accepting Applications
Learn civic leadership and navigating local government at the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ People’s Academy for Community Engagement (PACE). Developed for the next wave of community leaders, PACE is taking applications for its fall quarter classes (Oct. 12 to Nov. 9). Participants will learn hands-on strategies for community organizing, accessing government, and inclusive engagement from experts in the field. More info here.



AIA Seattle Committee Meetings

AIA Seattle members and others are invited to attend these policy-focused committee meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Oct. 8, 5:30-6:30. Pub planning session @ Fadó (1st & Columbia)
  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Oct. 10, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.

Taco-bout Justice + Tour the Justice BusOct. 10, Seattle
The Committee on Homelessness and the Benefits Law Center invite you to join a taco-fueled happy hour to learn about the Justice Bus, a mobile public benefits legal center that meets clients wherever they are at.

City of Seattle DADU Fair – Oct. 19, 2-5 pm, Southside Commons, Columbia City

Northwest Green Building Slam and Summit – Oct. 25-26, Seattle
Learn from leading thinkers and innovators in the ecobuilding community. A lineup of fantastic speakers will inspire you for the year ahead.

AIA Washington Council Advocacy Summit – Oct. 24, Seattle
AIA|WA’s Advocacy Summit is your chance to help shape architects’ agenda for the 2020 state legislative session. The Summit will kick off with a deep dive on homelessness policy, design strategies, and the legislative response. Following this session, attendees will engage with one or more policy committees to review agendas for 2020 and specific policies AIA|WA will want to address. A reception will follow the event. We expect to have CE credits available for this event.

Lid I-5 Open House & Panel Discussion – Oct. 28, Town Hall Seattle
The event will include presentations from a number of renowned public space and landscape experts from across the nation.

Energy Leadership Summit – Nov 19, Seattle
The Energy Leadership Summit is the region’s must-attend clean energy event. Presented jointly by the CleanTech Alliance and the Northwest Environmental Business Council, this unique event connects policy with practice and addresses the industry’s current challenges and future opportunities. This year’s summit will explore the nexus of energy, climate change, and the region’s economy with more than 400 industry leaders and policymakers from across the Northwest.


We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy & Advocacy
AIA Seattle & AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |


Posted in Climate, Housing, Public Policy Board, Transportation, Uncategorized Tagged with:

Big Moves on Climate from the 2019 State Legislature

Clearly a top priority for Democrats this session, legislation to address climate change performed very strongly.  The increase in the number of Senate seats held by Democrats after the 2018 election allowed Democrats to push these bills few with very few or no Republican votes.  In some cases, they were also able to lose the votes of one or more moderate Democrats from rural or industrial districts and still pass the legislation.  This year the Democrats adopted a different strategy to climate legislation, choosing a piecemeal approach that addressed climate issues on a sector-by-sector basis rather than pursuing the larger climate taxation schemes they attempted (unsuccessfully) in previous years.

Clean Buildings
Governor Inslee’s clean buildings bill was AIA|WA’s top priority and the version sponsored by Rep. Beth Doglio (D-Olympia) succeeded after a process involving many compromises to garner Democratic votes.  This included dropping a provision to allow local governments to develop voluntary residential “stretch codes” that go beyond existing code.  The core pieces of the final bill include building performance standards and incentives for large commercial buildings (> 50,000 sq. ft.); natural gas conservation standards; and requirements for electric vehicle infrastructure in new buildings.

Additional AIA|WA priority bills on climate included:

HFCsLegislation to establish deadlines for banning greenhouse gasses (largely hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs) in refrigerants passed and will be signed by the Governor.  This bill reinstates Obama-era EPA regulations designed to end the use of HFCs, although the Washington version does not go as far as California’s regulations, which passed last year.

Toxic Materials: legislation to further restrict the use of toxic materials in consumer and building products passed and will be signed by the Governor.  The bill instructs the Department of Ecology to identify classes of chemicals that may be restricted at a rate of five every five years.

PACER:  An AIA|WA-supported bill that would have authorized a commercial property assessed clean energy and resilience (PACER) program in Washington passed one committee but failed to move further.  This bill would have established an alternative source of funding to provide loans for energy efficiency improvements which would have been repaid through assessments on the property.  Under this program, loans remain with the property if sold.  This bill will be an AIA|WA priority next year.

AIA|WA monitored but did not actively support the following additional climate bills:

Fossil-Free Electricity: a bill to phase out use of natural gas and coal in power generation to reach a 100 percent clean energy standard by 2045 passed and will be signed by the Governor.  The legislation, the strictest clean energy law in the nation, also bans the sale of coal-powered electricity to retail electricity consumers by 2026.

Net Metering: legislation passed to require electric utilities to make conventional net metering available to eligible customer-generators.  It will be signed by the Governor.

Appliance Efficiency: a bill to develop stricter appliance efficiency standards passed and will be signed into law.

HEAL Act: the Healthy Environment for All Act received a lot of publicity.  It would have addressed environmental disparities that disproportionally impact low-income, Native American and minority communities.  Although passed by both houses, the House and Senate ultimately could not agree on a single version, and the bill failed to pass.

Clean Fuels Program: a bill to limit greenhouse gas emissions in transportation fuels passed the House but failed to pass the Senate.  It would have reduced consumption of traditional gasoline and diesel over time as alternative options like biogas and electricity become more common. This bill faced strong opposition from the oil industry and legislators who argued it would significantly raise the price of gas.

For more information, contact Kirsten Smith, manager of policy & advocacy.

Posted in Uncategorized

Climate Partner: Shift Zero

Its aim is to form a collective voice to advocate on behalf of zero net carbon buildings; inform policy solutions; and educate policymakers at all levels of government. Shift Zero’s diverse membership of local, regional and statewide organizations unites a powerful array of green building platforms, educational resources, and incentives that can be used to improve the sustainability of the built environment.

By working together and focusing on initiatives that are ambitious, scalable, equitable, and quantifiable, Shift Zero works to achieve a zero net carbon built environment that will transform Washington’s carbon footprint in communities across the state.

Shift Zero has a number of task forces working to support its policy goals.  AIAmembers are welcome to participate in these or other Shift Zero efforts. Task forces include:

  • Zero Net Carbon Policy Toolkit for local governments
  • Building Electrification
  • Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resilience (PACER) Financing
  • Energy Performance Disclosure at Point of Sale
  • 20 by 2020 Building Challenge

More info on these initiatives may be found here.

Posted in Climate, Public Policy Board

Seattle Proposes Speeding Up Oil to Electric Heating Conversions

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced a plan to speed up the conversion of homes that burn oil for heat to cleaner electric heating as part of the city’s 2018 Seattle Climate Strategy. The City Council with consider legislation that would impose a tax on heating oil and require heating oil tank owners to decommission or upgrade all existing underground oil tanks by 2028. Revenue from the tax will provide rebates and grants for Seattle homeowners to install energy efficient electric heat pumps.

Although AIA Seattle has not weighed in on this specific proposal, we have supported this concept as part of our work with Shift Zero to move Washington closer to a zero net carbon built environment. If you have comments on this proposal that you’d like us to consider, please send them to Kirsten.

August 2019

Posted in Climate, Public Policy Board

Seattle Passes Local Green New Deal Resolution

Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien introduced a resolution laying out the agenda for a Green New Deal for Seattle and an ordinance creating a Green New Deal Oversight Board. The resolution endorses the Federal Green New Deal and identifies five goals for a Seattle Green New Deal:

  • Make Seattle free of pollutants that have climate impacts by 2030;
  • Prioritize investments most harmed by economic, racial, and environmental injustices;
  • Advance an equitable transition from an extraction-based economy to one based on “regeneration and cooperation;”
  • Ensure that those with the least amount of power and wealth are positioned to lead during the transition;
  • Create stable, living-wage jobs that prioritize local hiring, and protect jobs with Project Labor Agreements and Labor Harmony Agreements.

Specific initiatives can be reviewed in the resolution text. The resolution was fast-tracked through the Council process and was approved by the full Council on Aug. 12. The ordinance was reviewed at the Aug. 6 Sustainability and Transportation Committee meeting and will be revisited by that committee at a future meeting. AIA Seattle has generally supported the Green New Deal at both the national and local scales.

August 2019

Posted in Climate, Uncategorized

Mayor Durkan Approves Electronic Vehicle Readiness Legislation

On May 8, Mayor Durkan signed Electric Vehicle Readiness legislation into law. The new rules went into effect on June 7. The legislation will require all new buildings with off-street parking to include electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The goals are to save substantial costs on future charging station installation; reduce barriers to owning electric vehicles; and help reshape the city’s transportation systems for a fossil fuel-free future.

The city has indicated that it is studying possible changes to the Land Use Code to require new development in Seattle that includes off-street parking to provide power outlets for EV charging. This ordinance is part of the city’s Drive Clean Seattle initiative and was included in the mayor’s 2018 Climate Action Strategy as one of her 12 priority climate actions.

June 2019

Posted in Climate, Transportation

Seattle’s Center City Streetcar Gets Green Light to Move Forward

After months in limbo, Seattle’s Central City Connector Streetcar line was approved by Mayor Durkan to move forward, albeit with higher cost estimates and a timeline five years later than initially planned. Some design and engineering for the project will have to be redone. The Center City Connector will link Seattle’s two existing streetcar lines through downtown. On Aug. 12, the City Council approved an ordinance to authorize $9 million for additional design work on the Center City Streetcar. AIA Seattle sent a letter to Mayor Durkan in Oct. 2018 supporting the project and asking her to formally approve the construction of this key connection to Seattle’s streetcar system.

August 2019

Posted in Transportation, Uncategorized

Seattle Enacts Mandatory Housing Affordability

The ordinance will implement MHA in Seattle’s 27 urban villages and all other commercial and multifamily residential areas. All urban villages and multifamily residential and commercial zones will see zoning changes, allowing slightly larger or taller buildings. Additional development capacity will be focused near transit centers.

With MHA, developers have two options when creating new buildings:

  • The performance option includes affordable housing in the development;
  • The payment option allows developers to contribute to the Seattle Office of Housing to support the development of affordable housing.

MHA requirements vary based on housing costs in each area of the city and the scale of the zoning change, with higher MHA requirements in areas with higher housing costs and larger zoning changes. With the performance option, between 5 percent and 11 percent of homes in new multifamily residential buildings are reserved for low-income households. With the payment option, development will contribute between $5.00 and $32.75 per square foot.

AIA Seattle engaged in this process from the beginning, with countless members attending meetings, offering comments, meeting with councilmembers and attending public hearings to testify in person.

Now the city ­– and AIA along with it – will pivot to other issues related to housing affordability and ways to address missing middle housing. These will include work around Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and efforts to allow for gentle density in single family zones (think duplexes and triplexes).

If you would like to offer comments on where AIA Seattle should go from here, please share them with Kirsten Smith. If you would like to be involved in these discussions, consider joining our Housing Task Force.

March 2019

Posted in Housing, Uncategorized

Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda Speaks to AIA on Housing

Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda spoke as part of AIA Seattle’s City Leaders Breakfast Series on June 12. She spoke about her housing priorities on the Council, including ADUs, allowing more duplexes and triplexes and more upzoning. She also talked about her efforts to engage the community on housing and her work with the business community on homelessness funding issues.

The ongoing Breakfast Series will provide opportunities to learn about key issues impacting our communities and the built environment and to hear the viewpoints of and interact with leaders who are shaping our future.

June 2019

Posted in Housing, Uncategorized

Fort Lawton Redevelopment Plan Approved

On June 10, the Seattle City Council voted to approve the city’s plan to turn the former military site at Fort Lawton into 237 affordable homes for low-income seniors and formerly homeless individuals alongside supportive services, workforce housing and affordable homeownership opportunities. AIA Seattle supported this effort.

The city must now submit its plan to the Department of Defense for final approval, which is expected to happen by the end of this year. After that, the city can take ownership of the land. Permitting and construction by non-profit housing partners is expected to begin in 2021, with renters and buyers getting their homes by 2026.

June 2019

Posted in Housing, Uncategorized

Seattle Enacts ADU Legislation

Two ADUs will now be allowed on each lot, either two attached ADUs or one attached ADU and one detached ADU. The maximum DADU size will increase from 800 to 1,000 square feet and the minimum lot size for DADUs will be reduced from 4,000 to 3,200 square feet. The legislation will also cap the size of any newly constructed house, whether it has an ADU or not, to 2,500 square feet or a floor-area-ratio (FAR) of 0.5, whichever is greater. The square footage of any ADUs are not counted in the FAR limit.

In addition, the legislation eliminates the city’s requirement to provide off-street parking spaces.

Two amendments were approved prior to final passage: one grants an additional 35 square feet of floor space for bicycle storage and the second directs the city to study the use of ADUs as short-term rentals and states the Council’s intent to restrict such use if it is “excessive.” An amendment by Councilmember Lisa Herbold to require one year of property ownership before a second ADU could be built was defeated 7-1.

Mayor Durkan signed the legislation on July 9, and it will take effect on August 8 – with the exception of the FAR limits for single family homes, which will not go into effect until March 1, 2020.

AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force supported this legislation with technical comments, meetings with legislators and staff, an ADU tour and more. Special thank yous to Matt Hutchins AIA, Sheri Newbold AIA and Karen DeLucas AIA for your advocacy.

July 2019

Posted in Housing, Public Policy Board, Uncategorized

2019 Northwest Washington Design Awards

AIA Northwest Washington’s Steering Committee invites you to share your most dynamic, new work!

Join us as we celebrate the best architectural designs available from the AIA members in Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and San Juan Counties for the Northwest Washington Design Awards. These projects represent the finest standards in sustainability, innovation, building performance, and overall integration with client and surrounding community. The awards presentation will follow the keynote speaker presentation: “Making Room: Housing for a Changing America” by Chrysanthe Broikos, a Curator of the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. She will also provide complimentary booklets about the Making Room exhibition.


Call for Submissions opens: August 12, 2019
Submission Deadline: September 16, 2019 at 5pm PDT

We invite you to submit to AIA Northwest Washington’s 2019 Design Awards. The intent of the Design Awards is to encourage excellence in architectural design and planning and to provide an avenue through which architects may gain recognition by their peers and the public. The ultimate goal is to raise the standards of architectural design excellence by both the architectural community and the public. We encourage you to join the conversation and tell your design story.

Submission deadline: September 16 at 5:00pm PDT. Finalize and complete payment before this deadline.

**At the discretion of the AIA NWW Design Awards Committee, late submissions may be accepted after 5:00pm PDT on September 16, and a late submission fee will be applied. No fees will be refunded for submissions that are disqualified or incomplete.

Please submit for the following categories:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Unbuilt Project

Submission Fee: $150 for first project submitted, $100 for each additional project. (If submitting multiple projects, submit each project separately.)

Complete this application and upload the four (4) described documents to the below link.
**This application sheet details all submission requirements, and includes a form that you will submit to the below link.

Click here to submit

At the discretion of the AIA NWW Design Awards Committee, late submissions may be accepted after 5:00pm PDT on September 16, and a late submission fee will be applied. No fees will be refunded for submissions that are disqualified or incomplete.


The Northwest Washington Design Awards is a marquee program, drawing over 100 attendees and featuring an awards presentation and panel discussion, featuring the awards jury. Full details on the program can be found here. This program provides an essential occasion for the San Juan, Skagit, Island, and Whatcom county architecture community to celebrate its progress and growth within itself, and in conversation with the community at-large.

Click here to register


Questions about Submitting? Contact AIA Northwest Washington Coordinator, Karen Bacon.

Questions about attending the Live Event? Contact AIA Seattle Membership and Volunteer Manager, Connor Descheemaker.

Sponsorship Questions? Contact AIA Northwest Washington Steering Committee chair, Dave Christensen.


Names and logos forthcoming.

Posted in Uncategorized

Advocacy Update – August 2019


Residential Energy Code Update
Washington’s State Building Code Council (SBCC) is in the process of reviewing proposed amendments to the 2018 residential energy codes as approved by the SBCC’s Energy Code Technical Advisory Group. The proposed residential energy code amendments are open for public comment through Sept. 27. The SBCC will take public comments in person at hearings in Spokane (Sept. 13) and Olympia (Sept. 27). More info, including information about each proposal, is available here.

Residential Architect Sought for State Building Code Council’s Building Code TAG
AIA Washington Council is seeking an architect willing to serve on the SBCC’s Building Code Technical Advisory Group (TAG), which makes recommendations to the Council on the International Building Code and the International Existing Building Code. The TAG has an open seat in the category of Home Designer, so we are looking for someone who primarily does residential work. The TAG reviews new model codes against the previous version, assesses statewide amendment proposals and makes recommendations for the SBCC’s consideration. Members of a TAG are generally asked to serve for a full code cycle, but they may serve longer if desired. Please contact Kirsten if you are interested.


Seattle Passes Local Green New Deal
Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien introduced a resolution laying out the agenda for a Green New Deal for Seattle and an ordinance creating a Green New Deal Oversight Board. The resolution endorses the Federal Green New Deal and identifies five goals for a Seattle Green New Deal:

  • Make Seattle free of pollutants that have climate impacts by 2030;
  • Prioritize investments most harmed by economic, racial and environmental injustices;
  • Advance an equitable transition from an extraction-based economy to one based on “regeneration and cooperation;”
  • Ensure that those with the least amount of power and wealth are positioned to lead during the transition; and
  • Create stable, living-wage jobs that prioritize local hiring, and protect jobs with Project Labor Agreements and Labor Harmony Agreements.

Specific initiatives can be reviewed in the resolution text. The resolution was fast-tracked through the Council process and was approved by the full Council on Aug. 12. The ordinance, which would provide measures to implement the resolution, was reviewed at the Aug. 6 Sustainability and Transportation Committee meeting and will be revisited by that committee at a future meeting. AIA Seattle has generally supported the Green New Deal at both the national and local scales. If you have comments as AIA Seattle looks to address the implementation phase, please contact Kirsten.

Seattle Proposes Speeding Up Oil to Electric Heating Conversions
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced a plan to speed up the conversion of homes that burn oil for heat to cleaner electric heating as part of the city’s 2018 Seattle Climate Strategy. The Mayor is expected to send the City Council legislation this month that would impose a tax on heating oil and require heating oil tank owners to decommission or upgrade all existing underground oil tanks by 2028. Revenue from the tax will provide rebates and grants for Seattle homeowners to install energy efficient electric heat pumps. Although AIA Seattle has not weighed in on this specific proposal, we have supported this concept as part of our work with Shift Zero to move Washington closer to a zero net carbon built environment. If you have comments on this proposal that you’d like us to consider, please send them to Kirsten.

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) has released its draft of VISION 2050, a long-range growth management, transportation and economic development strategy for the region. PSRC is seeking public comments on multi-county planning policies, implementation actions and the plan as a whole. Public comment is being accepted through Sept. 16. Comments may be submitted here.

Housing Seattle Now
In July, Mayor Durkan announced her Housing Seattle Now initiative outlining various strategies and policies to address housing and homelessness. This initiative rebrands the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, which AIA Seattle previously endorsed. Durkan’s plan outlines four priorities for Housing Seattle Now:

  • Build true educational and economic opportunity;
  • Address displacement and help residents stay in their current housing;
  • Build more housing for our neighbors experiencing homelessness, for low-income earners and for middle-income earners like teachers, nurses, and construction workers; and
  • Secure new tools and resources the City can use to address the housing crisis.

Initial steps include proposed legislation to: 1) invest $50 million in housing for people experiencing homelessness through a state mechanism that allows local jurisdictions to retain their sales tax revenue for affordable housing; and 2) renew and improve the city’s Multi-Family Tax Exemption program.

Seattle’s Center City Streetcar Gets Green Light to Move Forward
After months in limbo, Seattle’s Central City Connector Streetcar line was approved by Mayor Durkan to move forward, albeit with higher cost estimates and a timeline five years later than initially planned. Some design and engineering for the project will have to be redone. The Center City Connector will link Seattle’s two existing streetcar lines through downtown. On Aug. 12, the City Council passed an ordinance to authorize $9 million for additional design work on the Center City Streetcar. AIA Seattle sent a letter to Mayor Durkan in Oct. 2018 supporting the project and asking her to formally approve the construction of this key connection to Seattle’s streetcar system.


AIA Seattle Seeks Members Interested in Issues Related to Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
AIA Seattle is creating a Task Force to work on Seattle’s response to the danger presented by unreinforced masonry buildings. A city advisory committee issued recommendations in 2017, but further action has stalled. The Task Force will advocate for action by the city and identify key recommendations from or external to the 2017 report. Contact Kirsten if you are interested in participating.

King County Mobility Coalition’s Connect 2020 Field Trip – Sept. 6
The King County Mobility Coalition’s Education and Outreach Committee provides deep dives into new or improved transportation options. Members of the public are invited to participate in the Coalition’s next Education and Outreach Field Trip, which will focus on Connect2020, Sound Transit’s plan to “single-track” trains in the first ten weeks of 2020 to align the new East King County Link light rail tracks with the downtown Seattle Central Link tunnel. The field trip will include representatives from Sound Transit as well as a visit to Pioneer Square to see where the changes are being made. Sept. 6, 10:00 am – noon, at Union Station’s Ruth Fisher Boardroom (401 S Jackson St, Seattle — 1st floor). RSVP by Aug. 30.


AIA Seattle Task Force Meetings

AIA Seattle members are invited to attend these policy-focused meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Sept. 10, 5:30-6:30 @ CFAD
  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Sept. 12, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.

Other Events

Built Green Conference – Sept. 12, Lynnwood
Cutting-edge information on green building and sustainability through an array of immersive topics related to green building. More info here.

Getting to Zero Forum – Oct. 10-11, Oakland
A solutions-focused event dedicated to zero energy and zero carbon buildings. Through AIA’s membership in Shift Zero, AIA members can receive a 10% discount on the Full Forum pass using the code GTZ19SZ10.

We’d love to hear from you! To comment or for more information on these or any other topics, or to join a task force, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy and Advocacy
AIA Seattle + AIA Washington Council
206-957-1926 |

Posted in Public Policy Board, Uncategorized

2019 Northwest Washington Section Scholarship

AIA Northwest Washington Section is proud to offer its annual scholarship fund, designed to encourage and assist local residents pursuing a degree in architecture. The scholarship is open to students from Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and San Juan counties currently enrolled in an accredited school of architecture, regardless of location. The scholarship is awarded to 2-3 applicants per year, in increments of at least $1000 courtesy of a grant from the AIA Component Scholarship Program and funds raised by the annual AIA Northwest Washington/Associated General Contractors of Washington Scholarship Golf Tournament.

Applications for the scholarship are due at 5pm 0n Monday, September 30 to the Section’s staff contact, Connor Descheemaker. Complete application and submission details here.

Learn more about the AIA Northwest Washington section and get engaged here.

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Mayor Durkan Announces Housing Seattle Now

Mayor Durkan announced her Housing Seattle Now initiative outlining various strategies and policies to address housing and homelessness. This initiative rebrands the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, which AIA Seattle previously endorsed. Durkan outlined four priorities for Housing Seattle Now:

  • Build true educational and economic opportunity
  • Address displacement and help residents stay in their current housing
  • Build more housing for our neighbors experiencing homelessness, for low-income earners, and middle-income earners like teachers, nurses, and construction workers
  • Secure new tools and resources the City can use to address the housing crisis

Initial steps include proposed legislation to: 1) invest $50 million in housing for people experiencing homelessness through a state mechanism that allows local jurisdictions to retain their sales tax revenue for affordable housing; and 2) renew and improve the city’s Multi-Family Tax Exemption program

Posted in Public Policy Board Tagged with:

Advocacy Update – July 2019

ADU Mayor Durkan signing


AIA National Issues Report on Building Codes and Climate Change

AIA National’s Blue Ribbon Panel for Codes and Standards issued a report outlining AIA’s vision for the adoption and application of building codes as design tools in a resource-constrained future. The publication, Disruption, Evolution and Change: AIA’s Vision for the Future of Design and Construction, details an aspirational path forward for the profession’s commitment to meeting 2030 climate objectives. The four focus areas of the report – energy, health/safety, welfare and transparency – help to frame discussions and partnerships to advance environmentally responsible design and construction. As part of the report, AIA National issued the following statement of values related to building codes and climate change:

We stand for protecting communities from the impact of climate change. Global warming and man-made hazards pose an increasing threat to the safety of the public and the vitality of our nation. Rising sea levels and devastating natural disasters result in unacceptable losses of life and property. Resilient and adaptable buildings are a community’s first line of defense against disasters and changing conditions of life and property. That is why we advocate for robust building codes and policies that make our communities more resilient.


Architect Named as New Member of the State House

Senator Guy Palumbo (D) resigned last month from his State Senate seat representing the 1st legislative district (Bothell, Maltby). After Rep. Derek Stanford (D) from the same district was appointed to the open senate seat by the King and Snohomish County Councils, Stanford’s House seat was allotted to Bothell Deputy Mayor Davina Duerr. She will hold the seat through the 2020 elections (and will likely run for reelection then). Duerr has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Syracuse University and is a senior interior architect at Ware Malcomb in Bellevue. She is the first architect member of the state legislature in recent years. The publication Washington State Wire published a Q&A with Rep. Duerr here. In it, she talks about the value architects bring to public policy:

Well, I am an architect by education and career… And I would say that definitely plays into my qualifications because architects are problem-solvers. Every design project is a puzzle to solve and I think that is very similar to the role of a legislator. You see problems and you try to fix them.

Energy Code Updates

Washington’s State Building Code Council (SBCC) is in the process of reviewing proposed amendments to the 2018 commercial and residential codes as approved by the Council’s Energy Code Technical Advisory Group.

Twenty-four proposals have been accepted by both the SBCC’s Energy Code Technical Advisory Group and the full Council to be moved forward to public comment. The proposed residential energy code amendments are open for public comment through Sept. 27, 2019. The SBCC will  take public comments in person at hearings in Spokane (Sept. 13) and Olympia (Sept. 27). More info, and information about each proposal, is available here.

The SBCC will vote on the proposed changes to the 2018 commercial energy code on July 26. Comments on the proposed changes will be accepted through July 26. More info, including how to comment, is available here.

The anticipated effective date for the 2018 commercial and residential code updates is July 1, 2020.

Residential Architect Sought to Serve on State Building Code Council’s Building Code Technical Advisory Group

AIA Washington Council is seeking an architect willing to serve on the SBCC’s Building Code Technical Advisory Group (TAG), which makes recommendations to the Council on the International Building Code and the International Existing Building Code. The TAG has an open seat in the category of Home Designer, so we are looking for someone who primarily does residential work. The TAG reviews new model codes against the previous version, assesses statewide amendment proposals and makes recommendations for the SBCC’s consideration. Members of a TAG are generally asked to serve for a full code cycle, but they may serve longer if desired. For more information, contact Kirsten.


Seattle Enacts ADU Legislation

The Seattle City Council voted unanimously to allow the construction of more and larger accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in all neighborhoods while removing requirements that property owners live on site and provide off-street parking. Two ADUs will now be allowed on each lot, either two attached ADUs or one attached ADU and one detached ADU. The legislation will also cap the size of any newly constructed house, whether it has an ADU or not, to 2,500 square feet or a floor-area-ratio (FAR) of 0.5, whichever is greater. The square footage of any ADUs are not counted in the FAR limit. Two amendments were approved prior to final passage: one grants an additional 35 square feet of floor space for bicycle storage and the second directs the city to study the use of ADUs as short-term rentals and states the Council’s intent to restrict such use if it is “excessive.” An amendment by Councilmember Lisa Herbold to require one year of property ownership before a second ADU could be built was defeated 7-1. Mayor Durkan signed the legislation on July 9, and it will take effect on August 8 with the exception of the FAR limits for single family homes, which will not go into effect until March 1, 2020. AIA Seattle’s Housing Task Force supported this legislation with technical comments, meetings with legislators and staff, an ADU tour and more. Special thank yous to Matt Hutchins AIA, Sheri Newbold AIA and Karen DeLucas AIA for your advocacy.

Join Seattle’s Transit Advisory Board

Seattle’s Transit Advisory Board is accepting applications for new members to help advise Seattle on challenges and opportunities related to transit and public transportation. The Board advises the Mayor and City Council on planning, project development and policies and makes recommendations to all city departments. Applications are due by August 5. More info here.

Join Seattle’s Bicycle Advisory Board

The City of Seattle’s Bicycle Advisory Board is seeking members for 2-year appointed terms. Board members meet monthly to advise the Mayor and the City Council, participate in planning and project development, evaluate policies and make recommendations to city departments, including the Seattle Department of Transportation. More details here. To apply, send a resume and cover letter via email to

The 20 by 2020 Building Challenge

AIA Seattle partner organizations working on climate issues, including Shift Zero, have established the 20 by 2020 Building Challenge to provide “proof of concept” evidence that ambitious energy targets and science-based design and modeling can propel our shift to a carbon-sustainable future. Buildings that are certified as zero energy by Passive House, Built Green or ILFI are eligible to participate in the Challenge. More info here, including the deeply energy efficient projects already signed up and designed by firms including Nicholson Kovalchick (NK) Architects, Perkins + Will, First Lamp Architecture, Weber Thompson and Mithun.

Seattle City Council Elections

Washington’s Primary Election ballots must be postmarked by August 6, 2019. In Seattle, seven of the nine city council seats are up for election, and five of those seats have retiring incumbents.

The following sites offer information on the council candidates and some offer endorsements. Some sites do not include all candidates for each seat.

Seattle Channel video voters’ guide
The Urbanist endorsements
Seattle Times candidate info
Seattle Times endorsements
Seattle Transit Blog endorsements
Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce endorsements
Sierra Club Seattle endorsements
Downtown Seattle Association Candidate Scorecard
MLK Labor Council endorsements
Seattle Transit Riders’ Union endorsements
The Stranger endorsements

If you have additional resources to add to this list, please let Kirsten know.

Still have your Democracy Vouchers? Information on how to use them may be found here.


Vanguard Conference for Rising Urban Leaders  Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, Sacramento
The Vanguard Conference is a free event for rising urban leaders run by Next City. Potential attendees must apply for one of 40 slots. The conference welcomes entrepreneurs, community developers, activists, artists, designers, urban planners and sustainability experts – anyone committed to improving cities – and offers an opportunity to meet rising urban leaders working to improve cities across sectors. AIA Seattle will pay the travel costs for any member who applies and is accepted. Note that the application deadline date is very soon – July 22 – and there is a $35 fee for applying.

Young Professionals in Transportation – Seattle
YPT Seattle connects transportation professionals working in sectors across the city with an emphasis on bringing new transportation professionals to the table. YPT has grown into a national organization that supports the next generation of transportation professionals through regular leadership seminars, networking happy hours and business meetings. YPT Seattle welcomes transportation engineers, urban planners, transportation energy/infrastructure professionals, port/maritime/ferry professions and civil engineering professionals in the Greater Seattle area. More info here.


AIA Seattle Task Force Meetings

AIA Seattle members are invited to attend these policy-focused meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: Aug. 13, 5:30-6:30 pm @ CFAD
  •  Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: Aug. 8, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Let Kirsten know if you’d like to be added to the email list for either task force.

Other Events

Getting to Zero Forum  Oct. 10-11, Oakland
A solutions-focused event dedicated to zero energy and zero carbon buildings. Through AIA’s membership in Shift Zero, AIA members can receive a 10% discount on the Full Forum pass using the code GTZ19SZ10.

Built Green Conference  Sept. 12, Lynnwood
Cutting-edge information on green building and sustainability through an array of immersive topics related to green building. Info here.

For more information on these or any other topics, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy and Advocacy
AIA Washington Council & AIA Seattle

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Resilient Infrastructure Could Save $4.2 Trillion

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Call for Submissions: Home of Distinction

Home of Distinction

Through our partnership with Seattle magazine, AIA Seattle shares our members’ work with a discerning audience and provides connections to local clients who are interested in working with an architect. Projects selected through the Home of Distinction program are showcased to Seattle magazine’s 270,000 readers and 175,000+ monthly online visitors.

Join us in communicating the value of working with a licensed architect by submitting to the Home of Distinction program! Apply by January 28, 2022.

Click here to apply


AIA Seattle members, Member Firms, and Non-members are invited to submit innovative residential design solutions from across the Puget Sound Region to be highlighted in Shelter, a bi-monthly section in Seattle magazine.

To reflect the homes within the Puget Sound Region that AIA Seattle member firms and architects serve, the Home of Distinction program seeks submissions of projects for homes of all scales and types. Projects that were completed in the last five years will be considered for publication, including designs for new or renovated homes of all architectural styles, single rooms, outdoor spaces, and even furniture, hardware, or design objects.

Based on the significant lead time required for print publication, AIA Seattle is seeking submissions by January 28, 2022, for publication in the September–December 2022 issues of Seattle magazine.

Why Submit?

  • Each selected residential design will be presented as a “Home of Distinction” in Shelter, as well as in an article and image gallery on
  • Seattle magazine will publish resources to connect its readers and website visitors with the architects behind the designs.
  • Each Home of Distinction will be featured on the AIA Seattle website and social media platforms.
  • Even homes that aren’t selected as Homes of Distinction are of interest to the magazine for other articles and potential for publication as well.

Download the Home of Distinction Application today. Submit by January 28, 2022.

Important Dates

January 28, 2022
Submission Deadline

February – March, 2022
Site visits to select projects

By March 31, 2021
Notification to all submitters

April – August 2022
Selected projects will need to be available for photography and interviews between late October 2021 and the end of April 2022.*

*Due to the current health advisories, the magazine is working with winning firms to produce images and will conduct virtual interviews with the design team and owners. In-person interviews or photoshoots may become an option if advisories are lifted during the years and all parties are comfortable with proceeding.

Would you like to be a part of the group that decides the winning submissions? Then get involved with our NW Residential Press Committee! 



Posted in For the Profession

Advocacy Update – June 2019

Member ADUs


State Legislative Session

We are reposting AIA Washington Council’s final report on this year’s legislative session, which can be found here. AIA|WA encourages members to attend their state legislators’ in-district open-houses over the summer and fall. These are a great opportunity to meet your legislators in a relaxed setting and discuss any issues you are interested in.


Seattle Housing Activity

Fort Lawton: On June 10, the Seattle City Council voted to approve the city’s plan to turn the former military site at Fort Lawton into 237 affordable homes for low-income seniors and formerly homeless individuals alongside supportive services, workforce housing and affordable homeownership opportunities. AIA Seattle supported this effort. The city must now submit its plan to the Department of Defense for final approval, which is expected to happen by the end of this year. After that, the city can take ownership of the land. Permitting and construction by non-profit housing partners is expected to begin in 2021, with renters and buyers getting their homes by 2026.

ADUs: ADU legislation continues to move through the City Council and was heard by the Sustainability and Transportation Committee this month. At a June 11 public hearing before the committee, AIA Seattle members and other testified in support of the legislation. Views expressed at the hearing ran roughly 4 to 1 in support. On June 18, the council’s Sustainability and Transportation Committee voted unanimously to move the proposal forward to review by the full council – the first hearing before the full council will be July 1. A controversial amendment by Counilmember Lisa Herbold (West Seattle) to prohibit short-term rentals in ADUs was tabled until the full council considers the legislation.

The proposal would:

  • Increase the per lot allowance from one ADU to two, with the option of one attached ADU as part of the main house and one detached ADU as a separate structure, or two AADUs.
  • Eliminate the requirement to provide off-street parking spaces.
  • Increase the maximum DADU size from 800 to 1,000 square feet.
  • Reduce the minimum lot size for DADUs from 4,000 to 3,200 square feet.
  • Raise allowed DADU height one to three feet depending on lot width or green building features.
  • Increase the rear yard lot coverage limit from 40 to 60 percent for DADUs no taller than 15 feet.
  • Cap the size of any newly constructed house—whether it has an ADU or not—to whichever is greater: 2,500 square feet or a floor-area-ratio (FAR) of 0.5 (half the square footage of the lot).
  • Allow ADU entries on any façade as long as it’s 10 feet from property lines.
  • Raise the limit on unrelated occupants on a lot from eight to twelve.
    Summary from Sightline

AIA welcomes member feedback on this proposal as Councilmembers move to the amendment phase of reviewing the legislation. We are particularly interested in member feedback on the 0.5 FAR limit. Please email Kirsten with any comments that you’d like us to consider.

AIA encourages members to contact their councilmembers on the ADU proposal; you can do so via email at any time. There will also be an additional public comment period before the full council sometime in July.

ADU Tour
AIA Seattle held our first citywide ADU Tour on June 15. Thanks to all of you who participated, and particularly to our presenting architects. We plan to make this an annual event. Those interested in including an ADU on next summer’s tour (date tbd) may contact Kirsten at any time.

Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda speaks to AIA on Housing
Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda spoke as part of AIA Seattle’s City Leaders Breakfast Series on June 12. She spoke about her housing priorities on the Council, including ADUs, allowing more duplexes and triplexes and more upzoning. She also talked about her efforts to engage the community on housing and her work with the business community on homelessness funding issues.


AIA Seattle Task Force Meetings

AIA Seattle members are invited to attend these policy-focused meetings, which occur monthly:

  • Transportation Task Force Monthly Meeting: July 9, 5:30-6:30 pm @CFAD
  • Housing Task Force Monthly Meeting: July 11, noon-1:15 pm @ CFAD

Other Events

Lid I-5 Community Open House: July 17, 5:30-8:00 pm, program at 6:00.  Register here.

For more information on these or any other topics, or to join a task force, please contact:

Kirsten Smith
Manager of Policy and Advocacy
AIA Washington Council & AIA Seattle
206-448-4938 x401 |

Posted in For the Profession, For the Public, Home Page, Public Policy Board, Uncategorized