Committee Meeting: Architecture is Labor Committee

We recently discussed developing a list of action items that firms can choose to implement immediately. The action items would serve to elevate working conditions and improve productive communication particularly between staff and leadership within organizations.
The action items broadly revolved around the topics of communication and transparency. These are the specific areas we outlined:
To be better informed on market worth and potential at the organization. To ensure workers are compensated fairly relative to their role, skill and experience.
To understand how workers are evaluated and ensure fair opportunity to all.
To understand the health of the organization and its prospects. To be better equipped to handle layoffs and ensure fair treatment.
To continue learning and developing skills in a competitive and changing market.
Collective Action
To guarantee and promote workers’ right to collective action and unionization.
What’s next? Let’s continue the discussion.
Spread the word! We know that the topics we are discussing matter to many in our industry, but few know about this new forum. If you enjoyed our meetings and find them useful, let your coworkers know about them.
The Architecture is Labor Committee meets on the first Monday of every month at 5:30pm. AIA Seattle members, allied members and sponsors are encouraged to join as well as other professionals in the design community.
Click for more information about Architecture is Labor and to sign up for their email updates.
Meeting ID: 871 3729 6828
Passcode: 718295